
  • 网络recombination center;Recombination centre;J-BUG
  1. 电解液-Si3N4绝缘体界面表面基/复合中心模型的研究

    A Study of Surface-Site / Recombination Center Model for Electrolyte-Insulator ( Si_3N_4 ) Interface

  2. 荧光光谱研究表明TiO2的表面态起着两种不同作用,一为表面复合中心,二为光催化反应活性中心。

    The surface states play two different roles for the photoinduced carriers , one is surface recombination center , the other is surface active centers .

  3. 电子辐照N型LPE-GaAs层中复合中心能级的研究

    Study of Recombination Centre Levels In N-Type LPE GaAs Layers Irradiated by Electrons

  4. InSb中复合中心本性的推测

    A speculation about the nature of recombination centers in InSb

  5. 提高硅PIN结构二极管开关速度的方法是在硅中引入复合中心,减小器件少子寿命。

    The switch speed of diode is determined by the minority-carrier lifetime in silicon and recombination centers in silicon may shorten the minority-carrier lifetime .

  6. 根据过渡杂质Mo和Pd在GaAs中的光电行为,推测这些杂质在GaAs中不起有效复合中心的作用。

    Based on the optical-electric behavior of transition impurities Mo and Pd in GaAs , it is suggested that these impurities do not act as effective recombination centers in GaAs .

  7. 此外,实验揭示E2能级的相对隙态密度与PL谱的发光强度成反比,表明深能级E2具有复合中心性质。

    Moreover , the intensity of the PL spectra decreases while the relative density of E_2 increases , showing that E_2 has the properties of a nonradiative center .

  8. 以及减少Si≡Si-复合中心,从而有可能提高非平衡自由或流子密度和增强电荷被陷的速率,而间接地增强光电导衰减。

    It can also reduce the density of the recombination centers of Si ≡ Si - dangling bonds , which would increase the excess carrier density and the rate of charge trapping . Boh of them speed the photoconductivity degradation .

  9. 荧光光谱行为与有效质量理论计算研究表明,Al原子在异质结界面的扩散在离子注入过程中已基本完成,而热退火作用主要是去除无辐射复合中心。

    The results of the PL spectra and the calculation based on effective mass approximation theory show that the proton implantation is the dominate process for Al diffusion across the heterointerfaces . The main effect of rapid thermal annealing is to remove the non-radiative centre .

  10. 掺硫和掺铁的寿命最短约1ps。掺硫、铁和锌的InP中载流子寿命下降,是由于掺杂引入了复合中心。

    Doped InP carrier lifetime is shorter than undoped InP , because S , Fe and Zn serve as recombination and trapping centers .

  11. 实验结果表明:经PVB包覆后,PVB不仅减少了ZnO纳米粒子表面的悬键和非饱和键,而且也从空间上阻断了被表面俘获的空穴遂穿回粒子内部形成VO复合中心。

    When the ZnO nanoparticles are capped with PVB , PVB molecules do not only improve the surface of ZnO nanoparticles by compensating dangling bonds and unsaturated bonds , but also spatially block the process of surface-trapped hole tunneling back into the particles to form VO recombination center .

  12. 硅基氧化锌薄膜中的发光和复合中心

    Luminescence and Recombination Centers in ZnO / Si Films

  13. 浅析陷阱和复合中心与能级位置的关系

    A simple analysis of the dependence of trap and recombination center on the level position

  14. 复合中心对称设计法制备喜树碱非离子表面活性剂囊泡

    Camptothecin Niosomes Prepared by Central Composite Design

  15. 马萨诸塞州的新英格兰复合中心分发了药物,之后药物又被收回。

    The New England Compound Center in Massachusetts distributed the medications before they were recalled .

  16. 器件老化主要是器件焊接、封装和非辐射复合中心的增加造成的。

    We attribute the degradation to the chip packaging , soldering and increasing of nonradiative centers .

  17. 高于550℃时,光致发光强度减弱,热缺陷增加了非辐射复合中心。

    The PL intensity decreases beyond 550 ℃ and the thermally-induced defects increase the nonradiative carrier-recombination centers .

  18. 不带护套复合中心钻

    Compound center drill without jacket

  19. 用电子束幅照半导体器件使器件内产生复合中心,从而达到控制器件的某些参数。

    The electron beam irradiation produces recombined centers in semiconductor , which may control some parameters of the device .

  20. 采用直拉单晶硅片代替成本较高的外延硅片,采取铂扩散的方法引入复合中心,从而控制少子寿命以减少快恢复二极管的反向恢复时间。

    Spin-on platinum diffusion was used to introduce recombination center in order to reduce the reverse recovery time TRR of fast recovery diode .

  21. 而深电子陷阱由于对光电子形成强束缚或作为复合中心加速了光电子的衰减。

    The deep electron traps accelerated the electron decay because of the strong bonding or deep elec - tron trap as recombination center .

  22. 但由于单一元素掺杂往往在能带中引入隙态成为光生电子空穴对的复合中心,使得光催化效率降低。

    However , the gap states introduced by single element doping always act as combination centers of photogenerated carrier which would reduce the catalytic rate .

  23. 复合中心圆结构对欧亚大陆自西向东构成三种压力:力量压力、制度压力和文化压力。

    The two circular security structures pose three fold pressure to Eurasia from the east and west-the pressure from power , from system and from culture .

  24. 探讨了快恢复二极管制造过程中,选择适当的复合中心能级去调整快恢复二极管软度因子和软度的可行性。

    In this paper , the probability for adjusting silicon fast recovery diode soft factors and softness by selecting proper recombination center in process is analyzed .

  25. 利用单一能级复合中心理论,分析了杂质和缺陷作为陷阱和复合中心与能级位置的依赖关系。

    According to the theory of one-level recombination center , a simple analysis of the relations between the trap recombination center and the level position is given .

  26. Al3+掺杂量增加,过多的晶格缺陷会成为电子&空穴复合中心,光催化活性下降。

    With an increase of Al3 + doping ration , an excessive lattice imperfection can become an electronic-hole deathnium center , so that photochemical catalysis activeness drops .

  27. 在快恢复二极管的制造中,减小器件少子寿命,提高器件开关速度的方法是在器件内部引入复合中心。

    In fast recovery diode production , the method to reduce minority carrier lifetime and to shorten switching speed is to introduce recombination centre into the device .

  28. 本文首先在表面基模型的基础上,阐述了两种清晰的物理模型(表面基吸附模型和表表面复合中心模型)。

    Base on the site-binding model , two kinds of clear physical models ( surface site adsorption model and surface site recombination center model ) have been presented firstly .

  29. 我们认为很可能是多孔硅内表面的氧化作用使光致发光峰位蓝移,由氧化作用产生的非辐射复合中心导致光致发光效率的下降。

    The blue shift of the PL peak is a result of oxidation of inner surfaces of PS and the decrease of PL efficiency is attributed to the produce of nonradiative recombination centers during oxidation .

  30. 本文报道了铜-多孔硅的稳态光致发光,瞬态光致发光和傅里叶变换红外光谱的研究,讨论了铜在多孔硅表面吸附产生的表面电子态所起的非辐射复合中心的作用。

    In this paper , the steady-stale photoluminescence , transient photoluminescence and Fourier-transform infrared spectra on Cu-porous silicon are reported . The role of nonradiative recombination centre played by Cu induced surface electronic states is discussed .