
  1. 蒙古族民间多声部音乐中的复调技法

    The Polyphony Technique in Mongolian Folk Multi-Voice Part Music

  2. 论线性对位&现代音乐复调技法研究

    On the Linear Counterpoint : Research on Technique of Counterpoint in Modern Music

  3. 尤其是在复调技法方面,最集中的体现是在赋格的应用上。

    Especially in Fugue , the concentrated expression is the application of the Fugue .

  4. 文章是对20世纪复调技法的不同倾向及多样化形式进行的系列研究之一。

    The article was one of serial researches on technique of counterpoint in 20th century .

  5. 其所创作的大量器乐作品尤以西方传统复调技法和西北地域风格相结合为显著特色。

    In his instrumental music , perfect combining of various Polyphony technique and full-bodied northwest geographical characteristics represents his distinctive music style .

  6. 中篇,也由四个章节组成,分别从曲式结构、音高组织、复调技法和管弦乐法四个方面对管弦乐创作技法的特点进行了深入分析。

    Respectively , it analyzed deeply the characteristics of orchestral techniques from formal structure , pitch organization , polyphony technique and orchestration so on .

  7. 复调技法主要剖析了其多重节奏形成的节奏对位,模仿复调,线性对位,以及它们与简约主义音乐风格相结合的特点。

    Polyphony technique analyzed mostly its rhythm counterpoint that polyrhythm constituted , imitation , linear counterpoint and characteristics that its combine with minimalism music style .

  8. 音乐家们通过复调技法,将不同旋律糅合在一起构成美妙曲调,令音乐为更多民众所喜爱。

    Now that musicians have truly begun to explore the effects of polyphony , where different melodies combine to wonderful effect , music is becoming progressively more popular .

  9. 本论文的题目是《复调技法在中国钢琴作品中的运用》,它涉及到三个关键词,即复调技法、中国与钢琴作品。

    This essay is entitled , " The application of polyphonic technique within Chinese piano works ", which encompasses three main ideas , polyphonic technique , China and piano works .

  10. 作品中大量使用四度叠置和声和增三和弦的反传统和声语汇,采用线性对位的复调技法,旋律织体半音化、全音化,速度力度对比反差极端鲜明。

    The work applied a great many nontraditional harmonies & fourth chord and augmented triad , polyphonic techniques of linear counterpoint , melodic texture presented as semitones and full tone series , with distinct contrast of dynamics and speed .

  11. 复调写作技法与音乐审美心理

    Polyphonic Techniques and Aesthetic Psychology of Music Talking about " Writing "

  12. 西方基督教教会自复调音乐产生以来,对复调技法的发展一直抱以十分关注的态度。

    The Christian Church had been concerned the development of counterpoint technique since counterpoint music come into being .

  13. 本课题从复调发展的视角,通过对雷格尔的变奏曲和赋格曲的分析、考察和研究,探索他的复调技法,并给予历史评价,从中得到创作上的启示。

    The research subject explores his polyphony techniques from the angle of polyphony development and through analysis , exploration and research of Reger 's variations and fugues with historic evaluation given from which inspiration can be withdrawn in composition .

  14. 文章通过对有代表性的现代作曲家及其作品中单声复调的思维规律、技术来源和构成方法加以分析、比较和探讨,以期对我国当代音乐创作及其复调技法的应用有所助益。

    Through analyses and discussed the representative modern composers with their monophonic counterpoint works , the paper discussed their rule of thinking , sources of technique and method of composing , try to help the Chinese musician using the sill of counterpoint in their modern music composition .