
The Polyphony Technique in Mongolian Folk Multi-Voice Part Music
On the Linear Counterpoint : Research on Technique of Counterpoint in Modern Music
Especially in Fugue , the concentrated expression is the application of the Fugue .
The article was one of serial researches on technique of counterpoint in 20th century .
In his instrumental music , perfect combining of various Polyphony technique and full-bodied northwest geographical characteristics represents his distinctive music style .
Respectively , it analyzed deeply the characteristics of orchestral techniques from formal structure , pitch organization , polyphony technique and orchestration so on .
Polyphony technique analyzed mostly its rhythm counterpoint that polyrhythm constituted , imitation , linear counterpoint and characteristics that its combine with minimalism music style .
Now that musicians have truly begun to explore the effects of polyphony , where different melodies combine to wonderful effect , music is becoming progressively more popular .
This essay is entitled , " The application of polyphonic technique within Chinese piano works ", which encompasses three main ideas , polyphonic technique , China and piano works .
The work applied a great many nontraditional harmonies & fourth chord and augmented triad , polyphonic techniques of linear counterpoint , melodic texture presented as semitones and full tone series , with distinct contrast of dynamics and speed .
Polyphonic Techniques and Aesthetic Psychology of Music Talking about " Writing "
The Christian Church had been concerned the development of counterpoint technique since counterpoint music come into being .
The research subject explores his polyphony techniques from the angle of polyphony development and through analysis , exploration and research of Reger 's variations and fugues with historic evaluation given from which inspiration can be withdrawn in composition .
Through analyses and discussed the representative modern composers with their monophonic counterpoint works , the paper discussed their rule of thinking , sources of technique and method of composing , try to help the Chinese musician using the sill of counterpoint in their modern music composition .