
  • 网络mission;Organizational mission;Organization Mission
  1. 由于NGO组织使命和活动目标的合伦理性,NGO承担着相当重的社会公共责任。

    NGO organizations because of the mission and goals of Events All ethical , NGO bear the very heavy social and public responsibility .

  2. 对职业安全卫生的关注,历来是国际劳工组织使命的核心部分。

    Concern for occupational safety and health ( OSH ) is the central part of ILO mission .

  3. 第二,我们具有科学方法。世界卫生组织使命内的问题受到科学的审查,而我们具备有力的方法获得证据。

    Second , we have the scientific method on our side .

  4. 把组织使命分解成任务后,就提供了建立组织元素之间关联的基础。

    After the mission of C2 organization was decomposed into task , the base between organization elements was set up .

  5. 2010年开始,组织使命行动系列战役层次跨区机动演习演练。

    Since 2010 , a series of campaign-level exercises and drills code-named Mission Action for trans-MAC maneuvers have been carried out .

  6. 组织使命到任务分解,包括域分解、目标分解、过程分解和行为分解等。

    From organizational mission to task decomposition , the whole process includes domain decomposition , goal decomposition , process decomposition and action decomposition .

  7. 同学将会学到如何确立组织使命、分析组织内、外部环境及组织的优势与劣势。

    During this course , the student will learn how to develop mission statements , assess both the external and internal environments to determine organizational strengths and weaknesses .

  8. 他是帕格沃什科学和世界事务会议(PugwashConferencesonScienceandWorldAffairs)的成员,这个组织创始使命是销毁核武器。

    He was a member of the Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs , whose founding mission was to eliminate nuclear weapons .

  9. ALS协会的斯劳特表示,协会之前没有任何捐赠基金,然而,虽然“我们不排除任何可能”,但将“冰桶挑战”的捐款存起来以备不时之需并不符合组织的使命,主要是因为“这种疾病刻不容缓”。

    ALSA 's Slaughter says the organization has never had an endowment , and while " nothing 's off the table , " saving the ice bucket money for a rainy day doesn 't necessarily fit with the organization 's mission , mainly because " this is a disease that requires urgency , " Slaughter says .

  10. 它们必须能够为北约组织的使命贡献力量。

    they must be able to contribute to the Alliance 's mission .

  11. 确定您们组织的使命、愿景和价值观是什么。

    Define your mission , vision , and values in your organization .

  12. 粮农组织的使命是处理粮食安全和减少贫困。

    The mandate of FAO is to address food security and poverty alleviation .

  13. 企业组织的使命归根结底在于创造优秀的业绩和效益。

    Ultimately enterprise organizations ' mission is to create outstanding performance and efficiency .

  14. 财务组织的使命就是帮助企业实现这个目标。

    Thus , to help the enterprise realize the objective is the mission of the finance organization .

  15. 一旦这种脊髓组织的使命完成了,它们就不再被需要,因而也就减少或消失了。

    Once their mission is achieved , the spines are no longer needed and so shrink or disappear .

  16. 第十部分将非营利组织战略使命和绩效评价联系起来,设计出非营利组织的绩效评价体系框架。

    Part 10 combines NPO strategic mission with performance evaluation and designs the framework of NPO performance evaluation system .

  17. 每个成员都必须理解组织的使命,以及如何组织起来完成这些使命。

    Everyone must understand what the organization does and how it 's structured to do the things it does .

  18. 他坚定地致力于世界卫生组织的使命,帮助所有人获得“最高可获致的健康标准。”

    He was unfalteringly committed to WHO 's mission , to help all people to attain " the highest possible level of health . "

  19. icgn是一个全球性会员组织,其使命在于提升公司治理水准,主要会员是合计代表着约18万亿美元管理资金的机构投资者。

    ICGN is a global membership organisation with a mission to raise standards of corporate governance and consists largely of institutional investors who collectively represent funds under management of about $ 18tn .

  20. 政府组织的政治使命与伦理内涵

    Political Mission and Ethic Connotation of Government Organization

  21. 在高校学生自治组织中实施使命管理的探索

    Probes into the Implementation of " Mission Management " in Student Self-government Associations in Colleges

  22. 组织战略以及使命、任务、目标、计划的制定与人力资源战略紧密相关。

    Organizational strategy and mission , goals , plans are closely related to human resource strategy .

  23. 答:应强调的是,世卫组织在其使命和责任范围内作出了快速反应。

    A : It is important to stress that WHO reacted promptly within the remits of its mandate and responsibilities .

  24. 这种合作背后的驱动力是组织的共同使命,推进预防乳腺癌的进展情况。

    The driving force behind this collaboration is the shared mission of the organizations to advance progress against breast cancer .

  25. 在当前高校共青团工作处于高位徘徊的特殊时期,该如何担负起团组织的历史使命,积极有效地开展团工作?

    How should we shoulder the historical mission of Youth League construction and carry out the League activities effectively in the special period of " high position hesitation "?

  26. 数学及其应用联盟,是一个屡获殊荣的非盈利性组织,其使命是改善所有年龄段学生的数学教育。

    COMAP , the Consortium for Mathematics and Its Applications , is an award-winning non-profit organization whose mission is to improve mathematics education for students of all ages .

  27. 亚太经合组织的唯一使命是促进经济合作,不宜把讨论的范畴扩展到社会,政治安全等非经济领域。

    The sole mission of APEC is to promote economic cooperation . It should refrain from extending the scope of its discussions to social , political security and other economic fields .

  28. 自1945年成立以来,教科文组织忠实履行使命,在增进世界人民相互了解和信任、推动不同文明交流互鉴方面进行了不懈努力。

    Since its inception in 1945 , UNESCO has faithfully lived up to its mandate and worked untiringly to enhance trust and understanding among the worlds peoples and promote exchanges and mutual learning among the various civilizations .

  29. 战略规定的是组织总体的使命、长远的目标以及基本行动方针、重大措施和基本步骤,其原则性、概括性强,具有行动纲领的意义。

    What strategy stipulate is organization 's general mission , long-term goals , developing direction , key points and basic action policy , significant measures and fundamental steps , it is principled , has strong generality , can be adopted as guideline .

  30. 定义了C2组织为有效完成使命所提供的决策能力和资源能力,并提出了相应的测度参数,分别给出了它们的定义和描述。

    The decision capabilities and resource capabilities provided by C2 organization to complete mission effectively are defined , the corresponding measurement parameters of which are proposed respectively , and then the definition and description of measurement parameters are given .