
  • 网络Tower
  1. 楼梯刚度对震区塔式建筑抗震设计的影响分析

    Analysis on how the Staircase Stiffness Influences the Tower Building 's Antiseismic Design

  2. 塔式建筑对大气扩散影响研究

    A Research of Tower Block Impact on Atmospheric Dispersion

  3. 英国伯克郡独立学校威灵顿学院(WellingtonCollege)去年斥资50万英镑,在一座配有中式水榭的塔式建筑中开设了一家汉语言中心。

    Wellington College , an independent school in Berkshire , last year opened a & # 163 ; 500,000 Mandarin language centre housed in a pagoda complete with Chinese water garden .

  4. 境内文物古迹有著名的应县木塔,建于辽代,高67米,是国内最古老的木结构塔式建筑。

    The territory of cultural relics are well-known Yingxian Wooden Tower , built in the Liao Dynasty , 67 meters high , is the oldest wooden structure of the tower construction .

  5. 塔式高层建筑楼梯间设计探讨

    Study of the Design on the Tower Building with Dog - Leg Staircases

  6. 本文探讨了矩形塔式高层建筑满足人舒适要求的三维抗风设计方法。

    This paper presents a 3-D wind resistant design method satisfying comfort requirements of residents of tower buildings with rectangular cross-section .

  7. 近年来,塔式高层建筑以其独特的适应性在高层建筑中占据着相当的比例。

    Recently , the high-rise building like tower takes a more important role in high-rise buildings due to its unique adaptability .

  8. 复杂高层塔式结构建筑外型独特,结构灵活多变,适应当代城市发展需要,近年来受到工程界的格外青睐。

    High-rise tower complex structure , with unique architectural appearance , It is flexible to arrange the structures and it meets the needs of contemporary urban development , particularly popular in recent years by the engineering sector .

  9. 塔式起重机是建筑行业中的主要施工设备。

    The tower crane is the key equipments in architecture industry .

  10. 塔式起重机是建筑施工中发生重、特大事故最多的起重机械。

    Tower crane is the hoisting machinery which major and extraordinarily serious accidents take place the most during the process of construction .

  11. 随着建筑行业的高速发展,塔式起重机在建筑行业中的作用越来越重要。

    With the rapid development of the construction industry , the role of Tower cranes in building industry becomes more and more important .

  12. 塔式起重机是建筑施工领域中最为常见和重要的施工机械之一,到处都可以见到它的身影。

    The tower crane is one of the most common and important machinery in the field of construction , and can be seen everywhere in its presence .

  13. 平头塔式起重机在建筑施工、安装工程、水利水电建设、造船、电站施工等领域应用广泛,是一种重要的起重运输机械设备。

    Flat-top tower crane is an important hoisting and conveying machinery which is widely applied in construction , installation engineering , water conservancy and hydropower engineering construction , shipbuilding , hydropower station construction and any other fields .

  14. 塔式起重机作为建筑行业中不可或缺的施工设备,在这一过程中起到了举足轻重的作用,我国已经迈入了塔机大国这一行列。

    Tower Crane being an indispensible part of construction equipment in the construction industry , has played a pivotal role in the process . Our county has been the ranks of the major powers of the tower crane .

  15. 塔式起重机是建筑工程中不可缺少的装卸设备,巨大的推动了基础设施的建设,推动了社会的发展,但塔式起重机事故的时有发生给社会带来了很多负面影响。

    As an indispensable equipment for loading and unloading in construction works , tower crane plays an important role in infrastructure construction and social development . However , tower crane accidents have brought many negative effects because of their frequent occurrence .

  16. 塔式起重机是建筑施工过程中不可或缺的机械设备之一,随着建筑面积大幅上升利施工规模的不断扩大,塔式起重机的使用数量逐渐增加。

    Tower crane is one of the indispensable mechanical equipment in the process of building construction , along with the significant increase in floor space and expanding in the scale of the construction , using a gradual increase in the number of tower crane .

  17. CCTV主楼悬臂部位大型塔式起重机安装技术建筑安装用浮式起重机

    Installation of Tower Crane Used in Cantilever of CCTV Main Building floating crane for erection work

  18. 自升塔式起重机是高层建筑施工过程中常用的起重设备。

    The self-raising tower crane is common hoisting equipment for high-level construction .

  19. 近年来,大型动臂塔式起重机在超高层建筑以及火电建设中得到了广泛的应用。

    In recent years , large luffing jib tower crane is widely available in superhigh-rise building and thermal power construction .

  20. 分析了塔式起重机与一般建筑结构的不同之处,详细分析了风对其作用,并以一些较典型的风致起重机事故,具体分析了设计和使用过程存在的抗风问题。

    Tower crane structure is quite different from other building structures . This paper discusses effect of wind on tower crane operation and some tower crane accidents caused by wind are presented to expound anti-wind problems in tower crane design and operation .