
  • 网络main building
  1. 简述浙江省舟山市行政中心主体建筑的智能化系统方案设计。

    The paper briefly introduces intelligent system scheme design for main building of Zhoushan municipal administration center .

  2. 随理而生&北京经济技术开发区2号供热厂主体建筑

    Emerging from Rationality & Main Building in No.2 Heat Supply Factory in Beijing Economic and Technical Development Zone

  3. 钢框架主体建筑中ALC板墙体施工技术

    Construction technology of ALC board wall for steel frame structure building

  4. 位于同一主体建筑的另一座高楼天玺(Cullinan)是一个豪华住宅项目,那里的两套豪华公寓分别售价3亿港元。

    In another tower in the same complex is the Cullinan , a luxury residential development where two penthouses are for sale for HK $ 300m each .

  5. 大教堂的主体建筑总是挤满了游客。

    The body of the cathedral is always crowded with tourists .

  6. 舟山市行政中心主体建筑智能化系统方案设计

    Intelligent System Scheme Design for Main Buildings of Zhoushan Municipal Administration Center

  7. 主体建筑为制粉车间,建设规模为年处理小麦60万吨。

    The main body building is milling workshop , where 600,000 tons / year wheat will be handled .

  8. 其中,该工程陆上部分的主体建筑及景观方案也于今日正式向全球征集。

    The collection of body building and landscape plan of land part in this works starts today to the whole world .

  9. 建筑物配建的停车场应当与主体建筑同时设计、同时施工、同时使用。

    The building 's equipped parking-lot shall be designed , constructed and put into use simultaneously with the building 's main body .

  10. 两座神社的主体建筑都是日本古式的茅顶屋,用不上彩的日本柏木建成。

    At Both shrines the main Building is a thatched hut Built in the ancient Japanese style of unpainted Japanese cypress ( hinoki ) .

  11. 京晶:还有,400多名消防员参与了营救工作,这也是一件好事,因为主体建筑部分给救下来了。

    Well , 400 firefighters came to the rescue . And it 's a good thing , too , because the edifice was saved .

  12. 佛寺的主体建筑从佛塔向佛殿变化,布局则从分离式向庭院式发展。

    The main building of the Buddhist temples changed pagoda into the palace hall of temples , the arrangement developed from discrete into courtyard .

  13. 社稷坛,是中山公园内的主体建筑,在全园轴线的中心。

    The major architectural item in Zhongshan Park , the Altar to the God of Land and Grain , is located on the central axle .

  14. “岱宗宝殿”为东岳庙的主体建筑,朱墙碧瓦,富丽堂皇。

    The Hall of Taishan Mountain is the main construction in the Dongyue Temple , its red walls and green tiles having an air of magnificence .

  15. 人类能否获得诗意栖居的建筑空间,取决于建筑行为的主体建筑人才是否具有诗意情怀和人文精神。

    Whether the human being can get the living space rife with poetic charm depends on whether the architecture personnel has the poetic qualities and humanism .

  16. 在建筑设计层面,以图书馆、教学楼、宿舍、食堂这几个校园主体建筑为例加以阐述。

    On the architecture design aspect , take library , teaching building , dormitory , dining rooms and a campus subject building as example to explain .

  17. 主要结论是:⑴在北京地区气候和建造条件下,对于适应性建筑,不同的中庭类型,以及同一类型不同中庭朝向间,主体建筑室内热环境相差很大;

    Results show that the type and the orientation of atriums have a great significance for the thermal environment of the rooms surrounding atriums in selective mode buildings .

  18. 围绕宫殿主体建筑,还广建楼堂厅院,亭阁轩室,构成一个金碧辉煌、规模宏大的建筑群。

    Around the main palace building , there are also numerous towers , halls , courtyards , pavilions and mansions , which constitute a splendid and large-scale complex .

  19. 介绍了漳州体育中心总体平面.绿化布置、道路交通的规划思路,以及主体建筑体育场的设计特色。

    This paper introduces general layout , afforestation and street transportation in the planning of Zhangzhou Sports Center , as well as the characteristics of the major stadium .

  20. 揭露出东周楚宫殿基址的一、二、三层台主体建筑及其附属建筑遗迹。出土了一大批建筑遗物和铜、陶质生活器皿。

    Besides the main and annex buildings of a three-floor Chu palace dated to the Eastern Zhou Dynasty , constructing fittings and bronze and pottery vessels were found .

  21. 主体建筑周围的所有建筑已经全部毁坏,整个街道上都散落着破碎的玻璃,有很多人混乱地躺在那里,流血不止。

    All the buildings surrounding the main building were totally ruined , and glasses were all over streets , and there were people lying there , bleeding and chaos .

  22. 因此当连廊的刚度与主体建筑刚度相比较弱时,连廊的风振分析与抗风设计往往成为设计中的关键问题之一。

    When the skybridge rigidity is weak comparing with that of the buildings , the wind vibration analysis and wind resistant analysis become very important in the design of skybridge .

  23. 国家馆为中国馆的主体建筑,居中升起,层叠出挑,是凝聚中国元素,象征中国精神的雕塑感造型主体;

    The national pavilion , main structure of China Pavilion rising up in the center with dive e tie , presents a sculptural look integrating a variety of Chinese elements ;

  24. 因此雪城建筑相对布达拉宫主体建筑等级较低,在建筑装饰上更体现了藏式民间做法与官式做法的结合。

    The buildings In the village of Shol are inferior to the main buildings of the Potala Palace , and they show the formal mode and folk mode in architectural decoration .

  25. 旋转餐厅一般布置在建筑物的顶部,多数突出于主体建筑的屋面之上,成为高级旅游宾馆的标志,它对建筑物的建筑体型和艺术风格有重要影响。

    Generally , the revolving restaurants are layout at the top of the building , most of which are high above the roof of the main building and become signs of the advanced junketing hotels .

  26. 通过研究笔者发现校园规划运用了中国传统建筑群设计中的主体建筑居中,轴线组织和模数控制等手法。

    During the study , I found out that the concrete planning tactics , which were used for example : main building in Chinese traditional buildings designed between two parties , organization and modulus control axis , etc.

  27. 博物馆的景观空间是指博物馆基地内除去主体建筑外的外部空间场所,作为整个博物馆的外露部分,是参观者感受博物馆主题氛围的第一印象。

    The landscape space of museum is external space place other than main building inside the museum base , as the outside part of whole museum , is the first impression that visitors feeling topic atmosphere of museum .

  28. 通过北京经济技术开发区2号供热厂主体建筑的创作,对工业建筑的布局、体量、尺度、色彩与细部处理方法作了新的尝试,探讨了工业建筑创作的另一种途径。

    Through the design of main building in no. 2 heat supply factory in Beijing economic and technical development zone , this article explored site , mass , scale , color and detail , discussed another method in industrial architecture design .

  29. 而《民用建筑隔声设计标准》规则:条件答应时,易将噪声源设置在公开,但不宜比邻主题建筑或设在主体建筑下。

    The " civil sound insulation design standards " rule : the conditions agreed to , it is easy to set the noise sources in the open , but not next to the theme in the main building construction or under .

  30. 再次,分析了地下车库剖面设计,主要包括车库车辆出入口的坡道设计,车库层高的确定,车库与地面主体建筑之间高差的调节等。

    Then again , analyze the profile design of the underground garage , including the garage vehicle entrance ramp design , the determination of the garage floors , height adjustment of the underground garage and the main building , and so on .