
  • 网络Taif
  1. 他的母亲赫萨・萨勒姆・阿尔-布加米(HessaSalemal-Bugami)说,她努力改善孩子的饮食,但在来Alqahtani医生诊所前没有得到过很好的指导。从塔伊夫到利雅得有近500英里的路程。

    His mother , Hessa Salem al-Bugami , says she tried to improve his diet but didn 't have good guidance until she came to Dr. Alqahtani 's clinic , a trip of nearly 500 miles from Ta'if . '

  2. 他说,叙利亚已经决定遵守早就存在的塔伊夫协议以及联合国安理会的1559号决议。

    He said Syria has decided to comply with the long-standing Taif Accord and U.N.

  3. 对来自塔伊夫(Ta'if)的德伊法伊拉家庭来说,这个决定非常折磨人。

    The decision has been excruciating for the family of Daifailluh , the toddler from Ta'if .