
  • 网络Koba;Cobar
  1. 此外还有科巴(Koba),他一开始是凯撒的副官,最终与凯撒成为死敌,托比·科贝尔(TobyKebbell)的表演格外精彩。

    and especially Toby Kebbell as Koba , Caesar 's lieutenant and eventual nemesis .

  2. 科巴反对凯撒,同样,克拉克饰演的角色马尔科姆(Malcolm)也觉得自己和奥德曼饰演的德里弗斯(Dreyfus)意见愈来愈不一致,德里弗斯认为猿类是致命的威胁,要用极度的残忍手段来对付它们。

    As Koba opposes Caesar , so does Malcolm ( Mr. Clarke 's character ) find himself increasingly at odds with Dreyfus ( Mr. Oldman ) , who sees the apes as a mortal threat to be confronted with maximum brutality .

  3. 英雄,科巴,采取四个“凤凰剑在”黑暗时代“刺杀名为Scaren,李一军阀”之称。

    The hero , Koba , took four " Phoenix swords " in the " Dark Age " to assassinate a warlord named Scaren , Li said .

  4. 科巴是科学实验的幸存者,人类的残酷行为给他的身体与心灵都留下了伤痕。

    Koba , a survivor of scientific experiments , bears the physical and moral scars of human cruelty .

  5. 科巴警告说,人类是一个极度暴力、两面三刀、掠夺成性的物种,如果无法避免,就要和他们展开战争。

    Koba warns that people are a violent , duplicitous , predatory species that should be fought if it can 't be avoided .

  6. 最美丽的除夕夜庆典之一,在巴西里约热内卢一个名叫科巴卡巴娜的海滩举行。

    One of the most beautiful New Year 's Eve celebrations takes place on Copacabana , a beach in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil .

  7. 波阿于上周在安达曼尼科巴群岛的首府布莱尔港去世。该岛于2004年遭受了海啸的毁灭性袭击。

    She died last week in Port Blair , the capital of Andaman and Nicobar Islands , which were hit by a devastating tsunami in2004 .

  8. 片中猩猩们遇到一个人类城市来的探险队(由杰森·克拉克[JasonClarke]和凯丽·拉塞尔[KeriRussell]率领),科巴马上发出了警报。

    When the apes encounter a scouting party from the city ( led by Jason Clarke and Keri Russell ), Koba is quick to sound the alarm .

  9. 片中猩猩们遇到一个人类城市来的探险队(由杰森·克拉克[JasonClarke]和凯丽·拉塞尔[KeriRussell]率领),科巴马上发出了警报。

    When the apes encounter a scouting party from the city ( led by Jason Clarke and Keri Russell ) , Koba is quick to sound the alarm .

  10. 有很多证据——电影内外都有——都支持科巴的观点,但电影还是径直走向了宽容与合作,也许有点过于多愁善感了。

    There is plenty of evidence - both in the movie and beyond it - to support Koba 's view , but the film comes down squarely , and maybe a little too squishily , on the side of tolerance and cooperation .