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  • 网络feudal landlord economy
  1. 中国古代地主制经济研究与评价

    Research and Assessment of Landlord Economy System in Ancient China

  2. 中国地主制经济研究

    Study on Landlord - based Economy in China

  3. 自从17世纪以来,云南内地傣族地区经过清朝的改土归流以后,封建地主制经济不断兴起。

    Since 17th century , the economic formation of feudal landlord of Yunnan inland Dai had held a leading role after the reform of formal officers replacing national headmen of the Qing Dynasty .

  4. 同时指出明末清初生产发展下出现的土地私有是湘西土家族地区封建领主制经济向封建地主制经济转化的重要原因。

    And one of the major reasons for the transformation of the economy of feudal suzerain system to the economy of feudal landlord system during late Ming and early Qing dynasties in this area is private owing of land rendered by the development of agriculture .

  5. 商法保证商业朝地主制经济轨道发展,土地买卖的合法有利于地主制经济的发展,地主、农民合法商业活动促进了地主制经济的发展。

    The commercial law made sure that business adhered to the path of feudal economy . The legalization of buying and selling of land was helpful to the development of the feudal economy , the legal business activities of the land-owners and peasants promoted the development of the feudal economy .

  6. 其主要内容包括六大部分:(一)地主制下自然经济和商品经济的关系;

    The first one emphatically discusses the relationship of naturalistic economy and commodity economy .