
dì fɑnɡ lì fǎ
  • local legislation
  1. WTO与中国地方立法的回应及创新

    WTO and Response and Innovation of China 's Local Legislation

  2. 一些州政府例如RioGrandedoSul和Paraná州也出于意识形态而反对转基因作物,甚至用地方立法禁止了转基因作物。

    Some state governments too , for example in Rio Grande do Sul and Paran á, ideologically opposed GM crops and even implemented local legislation to prohibit them .

  3. 加入WTO对民族区域自治地方立法的影响

    Influence on Making Law of Nationality Area after the Entry into the WTO

  4. 当前各省、自治区、直辖市的地方立法机构应根据WTO理念与原则重新构筑地方法律体系,以适应新的形势。

    Now , the legislatures in province , autonomous regions and municipalities should construct a new legal system according the new thoughts and new principle to fit the new situation .

  5. 第一节,对地方立法质量表现的问题进行了详细的描述。

    Finally , introduces the stand of the local legislation quality .

  6. 第四章主要论述我国电子签名立法,包括电子签名立法基础、立法必要性、中央和地方立法现状,我国《电子签名法》主要内容、立法原则、特点、作用及意义。

    The chapter four mainly introduces the E-Signature legislation of China .

  7. 关于完善我国民族区域自治地方立法体制的思考

    On Perfecting Local Legislation System of Regional Autonomy of Ethnic Groups

  8. 行政执法责任制地方立法问题初探

    Legislative Issues at the Local Level in Administrative Enforcement Responsibility System

  9. 保护区的地方立法应具有鲜明的地方性。

    Local legislation of nature reserve should be local . 3 .

  10. 关于地方立法程序,由于各地立法情况极为复杂,未能一一予以考察。

    Local legislative procedures are quite complex and are not examined .

  11. 基本上涵盖了各种具有地方立法权的城市的类型。

    This city basically covers various types of local legislative city .

  12. 传统知识地方立法保护初探

    A Preliminary Discussion of Protection of Conventional Knowledge by Local Legislation

  13. 加强和完善土地储备制度地方立法的思考

    Thinking of How to Strengthen and Perfect Local Legislation of Land Bank

  14. 浅议我国地方立法的完善

    On the Perfection of the Local Legislative Power in China

  15. 地方立法是我国立法体系的一个组成部分。

    Local legislation is a component of our legal system .

  16. 《行政许可法》对地方立法的影响

    The Imp act of Administrative License Act upon Local Laws

  17. 地方立法计划由主任会议决定可以进行调整。

    The plan can also be adjusted by chief meeting .

  18. 地方立法与政策扶持在开创民营经济的发展条件方面作用巨大。

    The local lawmaking and policy could progress Private economic .

  19. 浅议矿产资源开发利用的地方立法问题

    Discussion on Local Legislation for the Development and Utilization of Mineral Resources

  20. 地方立法,质量第一。

    In respect to local legislation , quality ranks first .

  21. 地方立法中的部门利益倾向及其控制对策研究

    Study on Sector Interest Bias in Local Legislation and Its Control Strategy

  22. 地方立法准备阶段应坚持的基本原则

    The basic principles in the preparatory stage of local legislation

  23. 中美地方立法机关预算监督比较研究

    Comparative Study of the Budget Supervision of Chinese and American Local Legislatures

  24. 地方立法计划属于工作安排。

    Of course , this legislative plan belongs to arrangement .

  25. 我国地方立法质量问题及对策研究

    Study on the Problem and Strategy of Local Legislation Quality

  26. 论省级图书馆为地方立法决策的咨询服务

    On the Reference Service of the Provincial Libraries for the Local Legislation Decision

  27. 地方立法的质量问题严重影响其在现实生活中的可操作性。

    Serious problem of local legislation affecting the quality in the real operational .

  28. 地方立法立项机制的历史考察及其启示

    Historical Inspection and Its Enlightenment of the Project Determination Mechanism of Local Legislation

  29. 我国公共图书馆地方立法成果述评

    Commentaries on the Regional Public Library Legislation in China

  30. 小议当代中国地方立法权限的划分及完善

    On the Improvement of Local Legislation Power in China