
  • 网络topographical factor;topographic factor;terrain factor
  1. 介绍了新一代图像处理系统ERMapper及其应用,分析了不同空间尺度下影响水土流失的地形因子。

    The most advanced geographic image processing software ER Mapper and its application , topographical factor affecting soil erosion on multiple spatial scale are discussed .

  2. 坡度坡长因子是影响土壤侵蚀的主要地形因子。

    Gradient slope and slope length factor ( LS Factor ) is a mainly topographical factor which influences soil erosion .

  3. 基于栅格GIS土壤侵蚀地形因子的提取算法

    Algorithm of Topographic Factors for Soil Erosion Based on Grid GIS

  4. 基于GIS非点源污染模型的地形因子分析

    GIS-based nonpoint source pollution model and terrain analysis on the topographic factor

  5. 基于GIS的植被空间格局特征与地形因子的相关关系&以陕西省耀县为例

    Relationship Between Vegetation Spatial Pattern and Terrain Using GIS Techniques & A Case Study in Yaoxian County of Shaanxi Province

  6. 基于DEM的1:50000区域尺度水土流失地形因子研究

    A Research on 1:50000 Regional Soil and Water Loss Topographic Factors Based on DEM

  7. DEM与区域土壤侵蚀地形因子研究

    Application of DEMs in Regional Soil Erosion Modeling

  8. 基于GIS空间分析方法,实现了对旅游地域地形因子的自动提取、地形分析和旅游地适宜性评价。

    Secondly , applying the spatial analysis method , the terrain factors are deprived and the tourism destination suitability for tourism is evaluated .

  9. 基于小波变换的NDVI与地形因子多尺度空间相关分析

    Multi-scale spatial analysis on NDVI and topographical factors using wavelet transform

  10. 基于DEM的地形因子提取是进行地形特征分析,地形可视化的基础。

    Terrain factors extraction based on the DEM is the foundation of terrain analysis and terrain visualization .

  11. 地形因子与DEM分辨率关系的初步研究&以蒙阴县为例

    Research for the Influences of DEM Resolution on Topographical Factors & A Case Study of Mengyin County

  12. 不同空间插值、等高线及分辨率下微地貌DEM地形因子对比研究

    Comparing Terrain Factors Extracted by DEM Which are Created by Different Spatial Interpolation , Contour Line and Resolution

  13. 基于DEM的广东省赤红壤全磷与地形因子相关分析

    Correlation Analysis on Soil Total Phosphorus Contents and Terrain Indices of Lateritic Red Soil in Guangdong Province Based on DEM

  14. 基于DEM的陕北黄土高原多地形因子空间关联特征研究

    The Correlation and Its Variance Principle among Multiple Terrain Factors Derived from DEM in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi

  15. 通过DEM与坡度、坡向图的叠置分析,以确定徂徕山地形因子与侵蚀类型及侵蚀过程的关系。

    Through overlapping the DEM , slope and aspect , relationship among divisor , erosion type and erosion course was determined .

  16. 最后研究了小波多尺度综合DEM对地形因子的影响及其随空间尺度的变化规律。

    At last , the thesis illustrates the impact of wavelet multi-scale generalization of DEM on terrain factor and its changing rule .

  17. 利用GIS技术,综合考虑农业气候指标、土壤因素和地形因子,制作林果特色农业气候区划;

    The agroclimatic zoning of some fruits ( e.g. strawberry , chestnut and apple ) was made by GIS , and agroclimatic indexes , soil conditions and landform were considered comprehensively .

  18. 因此DEM网格尺寸对地形因子精度的影响以及选择适宜的网格尺寸在实际应用中就至关重要了。

    Therefore , the influences from DEM girds size on the precision of topographical factors and choosing suitable grids size are of great importance in practical application .

  19. 利用DEM可以提取地形因子,如坡度、坡向、高程信息、地表粗糙度、曲面面积、体积、水系、河网密度等。

    Terrain factors such as slope , aspect , elevation , surface roughness , and so on , can be extracted by utilizing DEM based on GIS .

  20. 本文基于GIS技术,利用DEM获取地形因子,在GIS中建立了晴空太阳直接辐射模型。

    This paper presents a model for estimating daily direct solar radiation . The model is based on technology and theory of GIS , using DEM to caculate slope , aspect and shading .

  21. 系统总结了DEM基本地形因子的提取算法,并重点对坡长、曲率、地形的起伏度、切割深度和沟壑密度因子提取的原理与算法作了深入的分析;

    The author paid more attention also to analyze the principle and algorithm of flow length , curvature , relief , the earth 's surface incision and gully density .

  22. 研究结果如下:1.利用DEM与GIS的空间分析功能,根据提取地形因子的原理,对DEM数据进行不同地形因子的提取。

    The results are as follows : 1.Using DEM and GIS spatial analysis function , according to the principle of extraction of topographic factors on the DEM data extraction of different topography .

  23. 海拔高度等地形因子是影响历山森林植被分布的主要因素,土壤有机质、N、P、Cu、Mn、Zn等对植被也有明显影响。

    The elevation and slope are main environmental variables controlling vegetation distribution , the soil organic matter , N , P , Cu , Mn , Zn etc. are also important to plant communities in the study area .

  24. 由DEM提取地形因子时一般采取3×3窗口分析运算,导致得到的地形因子矩阵在边缘上存在明显边缘误差。

    Neighborhood analysis calculation with 3 × 3 window is usually adopted to derive slope from Grid DEM . This method produces errors on the edge of terrain factors matrix .

  25. 并选定坡度、坡向、曲率、沟壑等地形因子为指标,对DEM地形分析的精度与应用适宜性特征进行了较为全面的分析。

    Taking slope gradient , aspect , curvature and stream channel networks as examples , an overall analysis was made to explore the accuracy and application feasibility in this paper .

  26. 实验结果表明:应用DEM模型能形象地表达区域的地形因子及流域特征,在低山丘陵区的综合治理中有广泛的应用前景。

    The research results illuminate that DEM model can describe the landform and character of the watershed , which can play an important role in the comprehensive harnessing in the hills and mountainous area .

  27. 通过广义线性模型(generalizedlinearmodels,GLM)拟合了草本层物种丰富度与地形因子、土壤因子以及地形相对湿度指数(TRMI)之间的关系。

    The species richness of herb layer was fitted in the topographic and soil feature factors , as well as the topographic relative moisture index ( TRMI ) by the generalized linear models ( GLM ) .

  28. DEM数据在模型估算中提供了精细化的各项地形因子,GIS软件为地形因子和气象因子的栅格化耦合解算提供了高效的工作平台,并为模拟结果的可视化制图提供了有力的工具。

    In the model , DEM data provided the intensification terrain factors . GIS software provided an efficient work platform for the grid coupling of terrain factors and meteorological factors . It also provided a powerful tool for the visual mapping of simulated results .

  29. 主要研究结果如下:(1)以AsterDEM为基本数据,结合地质资料,利用GIS空间分析技术,通过提取宏观与微观地形因子进行研究区地貌形态的定量分析。

    The results show that : 1 , Based on the database of Aster DEM and geological data as well as GIS techniques , we make quantitative analysis of the topography of the study area through the extraction of macro-and micro-topographical factors .

  30. 随后,阐述了DEM的理论和技术范畴,包括DEM数据的采集、模型的构建、内插算法,坡度、坡向等地形因子的提取。

    Afterwards , we set forth the theory and technology of DEM , including the theory and technology of the DEM , the technique and means of gathering data , making model , arithmetic of interpolation , the extract of the landform factor of slope and aspect .