- soil moisture

Only ERA-Interim can well represent the interannual variations of observed soil moisture .
Effects of Soil Moisture on CO_2 Emissions in Subalpine Meadow Soil
The researchers figured out water stress with a computer model that calculated how much water trees were getting in comparison with how much they needed , taking into account such things as rainfall , air temperature , dampness of soil , and the timing of snowmelt .
Impact of soil humidity on N_2O production and emission from a rice-wheat rotation ecosystem
Soil moisture positively affected the RS only in the sludge-amended treatment .
A Study of Soil Moisture Retrieving Based on TM Remotely-sensed Data
The experimental result proves that the reflected GPS signal is sensitive to the surface soil moisture characteristic .
Forest Soil Humidity Gathering System Based on 3G and Wireless Sensor Network
Soil humidity was 27.6 % higher and soil pH was 11.7 % higher within the rows than in the inter-rows .
Impacts of CO_2 Concentration and Radiant Intensity on C. intermedia Photosynthetic Rate Under Different Soil Moisture with a Simulation Condition
Principal Component Analysis Method Acquiring Soil Moisture Information from MODIS Data
CO_2 emission of Soil-rice ecosystem and soil respiration of soil-maize ecosystem had obviously seasonal variation , They were affected by environmental factor and factitious factor .
Study of monitoring soil humidity method with NOAA satellite data
Estimating farmland soil moisture in Eastern Gansu Province Using NOAA satellite data
Monitoring soil moisture content with MODIS data
Under different soil moisture conditions , the content of SAC is highest when soil moisture is between 45 % ~ 60 % of soil water holding capacity ;
Applying the SURFER Software on Drawing Topographic Map of Soil Temperature Time
Nitrogen use efficiency of plants would be improved in a higher soil moisture condition , but P and Ca use efficiency had no clear response to the increase of soil moisture .
Denoting the polarization difference , a polarization index ( PI ) of microwave radiance from the terrain surface is derived from the radiative transfer model .
So we need do more research on the relationship between the Ts / NDVI slope and soil moisture using MODIS data .
The model was calibrated and soil moisture change is consistent with time domain reflectrometry ( TDR ) data .
On the basis of the GIS technique , a distributed two parameters monthly water balance model is developed and applied to the Hangsui and Ganjiang Rivers in the Changjiang ( Yangtze ) River Basins .
The precision of soil moisture can be improved by using priori knowledge in the ANN inversion . The method is introduced and the effect is showed in this thesis .
The results showed that the P_n , T_r and WUE had evident threshold responses to the variations of soil moisture and light intensity .
Under CO_2 concentration enrichment , the C / N ratio in Stipa baicalensis leaf decreases along with soil moisture increment . But , this tendency is not shown under ambient CO_2 concentration .
The real experimental data and WKB theory provide scientific basis for the microwave remote sensing of soil moisture .
Precipitation and soil saturation to early , edge by a nuclear density distribution depict , dependency structure using AIC criterion selection .
The radiometric distortions not only bring on difficulties to precise radiometric calibration , but also affect the SAR imagery application , including image classification , soil moisture information and forest biomass information extraction from SAR backscatter coefficients .
CH 4 flux was significantly correlated with soil temperature at 5 cm depth , especially during dry season when the soil moisture was rather stable .
The principles and methods of partial interactive products such as tropical cycle monitoring , fog monitoring , soil moisture , fire monitoring , flood monitoring , snow cover monitoring and sea ice monitoring were introduced .