
  • 网络special plan
  1. 我国近年来高度重视数字农业研究,在多年来相关研究的基础上,国家863计划于2003年开展了数字农业专项计划。

    Based on the relative researches for many years , the national 863 program carried out the digital agriculture special plan in 2003 .

  2. 国土资源调查项目是由中央财政财政资金安排的国家专项计划项目,按照财政部的有关规定,属于中央经济建设部门项目绩效考评的对象。

    According to the relevant regulations of Ministry of Finance , Land resource survey project , which is the national special plan project arranged by central budgetary , belongs to the object of project performance examination and appraisal of central economic development department .

  3. 此次展览是由佛罗里达蓝十字会(FloridaBlue)和安盛蓝十字蓝盾公司(AnthemBlueCrossBlueShield)赞助的专项计划,主要针对儿童肥胖问题。

    The exhibit , which was specifically oriented towards fighting childhood obesity , was a project sponsored by Florida blue and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield .

  4. 我们这一组所作的专项计划是评估公司新产品的规模。

    Our team has worked on a special project to estimate the market size of our new product .

  5. 目前,诸如因纺织厂占用而移民的中老年妇女等弱势群体,正通过其它专项计划得到支持。

    Vulnerable groups , such as older women displaced from textile occupations , are being supported through other targeted initiatives .

  6. 汪啸风称,政府最近出台了“7+1”专项计划来治理三峡库区污染和监控滑坡事故,如果今后扩大推广,还需要投入更多的资金。

    A newly launched seven-point project to alleviate pollution and monitor landslides will require even more money as it expands , he said .

  7. 重点介绍国土资源部长江三峡地质灾害监测与预报2000年科技专项计划中雨水及库水作用下滑坡模型试验研究成果。

    The landslide model test results under the conditions of rainfall and reservoir water fluctuation from the ′ 2000 scientific specified plan of Monitoring and prediction of Geological Hazards of Three Gorges Region are introduced .

  8. 芝加哥大学通过合作项目、专项计划和工程等多种管道,开发大学在专业教育、应用型人才培养上的社会价值。

    The University of Chicago established a university service system , which aims to help the university develop its social value in professional education and personnel training through various channels such as cooperation projects , and special programs and projects .

  9. 制定年度培训计划和专项培训计划,建立并不断完善公司培训体系和各项培训流程;

    To establish annual training plan and professional training plan , build and perfect training system and procedure .

  10. 本论文所研究的内容是国土资源部专项研究计划中国岩石圈三维结构数据库项目(200010101)的组成部分,是在中国岩石圈三维结构数据库桌面系统的基础上实现的。

    Work presented is one part of the preject " Chinese Lithosphere Three-Dimensional Structure Database ", sponsored by the Ministry of Land and Natural Resources ( 200010101 ) .

  11. 然后本文对基础资产的选择和SPV的设立进行分析,并在对现有专项资产管理计划进行研究的基础上,提出企业资产证券化的可行模式。

    And then , it analyzes the selection of based assets and the establishment of SPV , and put forward the feasible mode of ABS under the analysis of Special-Asset Management Plan .

  12. 证券公司专项资产管理计划的制度缺失&中国联通租赁费收益计划方案评析

    On System Defects About Specific Asset Administration Plan Of Securities Company

  13. 以层次分析法建立的数学模型为主要依据,制定大学生篮球专项课教学计划。

    Teaching plan of college basketball classes was set up on the basis of mathematical model established with AHP .

  14. 应充分考虑这些影响因素,结合体能测试的结果,有针对性的制定专项体能训练计划。

    Should take full account of these factors , combined with physical test results , targeted to develop specific physical training program .

  15. 上海,曾经是中国电影产业的摇篮,发起了为新电影制作人专项资金的计划。

    Shanghai , once the cradle of China 's movie industry , has launched a program providing special funding for new movie makers .

  16. 这个概念已经在实验室里进行可行性实验了,得到了美国宇航局谷歌公司专项可持续能源计划40万美元的部分支持。

    The concept already has been demonstrated in laboratories , in part supported by $ 400,000 from Google earmarked for NASA sustainable energy projects .

  17. 2011-2012年,军队院校、科研单位和专业技术部队共承担国家重大专项、科技支撑计划等课题研究200多项,参与科技攻关220项,转让科技成果180项。

    From 2011 to 2012 , military academies , research institutions and specialized technical units undertook more than 200 research subjects , including national major projects and key technology R & D programs ; participated in 220 projects tackling key scientific and technological problems ; and transferred 180 technologies .