
Tǔ ěr qí rén
  • Ottoman;Turk
  1. 英勇的奥瑟罗,我们必须立刻派你去向我们的公敌土耳其人作战。

    Valiant Othello , we must straight employ you / Against the general enemy Ottoman .

  2. 只有22%的美国八年级学生给出了正确回答B,落后于巴勒斯坦人、土耳其人和亚美尼亚人。

    Only 22 percent of American eighth-graders correctly answered B , below Palestinians , Turks and Armenians .

  3. 瓦罗莎(Varosha)位于塞浦路斯的法马古斯塔(Famagusta),被土耳其人占领。

    Wa Luosha ( Varosha ) is located in Famagusta , Cyprus , occupied by Turks .

  4. 在非土耳其人中人口最多的是库尔德人(Kurds),一个集中在东部的独特的民族,占总人口的10-25%。

    The largest Turkish people of non-Turkic ethnicity are Kurds , a distinct ethnic group concentrated in the east , consisting of 10-25 % of the total population .

  5. 当俄罗斯和波兰分裂乌克兰在第聂伯河,哥萨克呼吁土耳其人,谁利用这一机会捕捉Kaminiec在1672年和事先向利沃夫在波兰。

    When Russia and Poland divided the Ukraine at the Dnieper River , the Cossacks appealed to the Turks , who used the opportunity to capture Kaminiec in1672 and advance to Lvov in Poland .

  6. 他们将这种新糕点命名为“Kipfel”,这是“新月”德语的叫法,之后许多年,它一直被用来庆祝1683年奥地利对土耳其人的胜利。

    They called this new pastry the " Kipfel " which is the German word for " crescent " and continued baking if for many years to commemorate the Austrian victory over the Turks in1683 .

  7. 那个土耳其人的脸和现在这个一样惨。

    The turk 's face was as battered as this one .

  8. 但一些土耳其人不赞同埃尔多安的控制领导风格。

    but some Turks disagree with Erdogan 's controlling leadership style .

  9. 但是,有的土耳其人还是赶赴灾区。

    But other Turks have reached out to the quake-stricken area .

  10. 这样看来,我们不得不同意‘土耳其人’提出的交易。

    That we 'll have to give the Turk his deal .

  11. 你要我们夺走土耳其人的权利。

    All you want is someone holding down the Turkish right .

  12. 她随身带来一堆土耳其人?

    And she brings a pack of Turks with her ?

  13. 在袭击中,8名土耳其人,1名土耳其美国人遇难。

    Eight Turks and a Turkish-American died in the raid .

  14. 你知道我们在破坏土耳其人的铁路。

    You know that we are destroying the Turkish railways .

  15. 和美国人相比,土耳其人更喜欢一张经典的笑脸。

    Turkey , by comparison , favours a more classic smiley face .

  16. 他们请求土耳其人援助,但没有得到。

    They sought the aid of Turks but did not receive it .

  17. 土耳其人成为亚洲从中国到里海范围的统治者。

    The Turks became masters of Asia from China to the Caspian .

  18. 奥斯曼土耳其人也是猎首者,但攻击时没那么恶毒。

    The Ottoman Turks were also headhunters but less vicious when attacking .

  19. 那些从西伯利亚穿越到北美的游牧民族就是土耳其人的祖先。

    The nomads who crossed from Siberia to North America were Turkish origin .

  20. 过去土耳其人和波斯人用短弯刀。

    Scimitars were used in the past by the Turks and the persians .

  21. 亲爱的朋友们,不管你是土耳其人,波斯人或阿拉伯人。

    Dear friends , regardless you folks are turk , Persia nor arabic .

  22. 土耳其人已经卷土重来,夺回了他们的战壕。

    The Turks had returned and recaptured their trench .

  23. 亚美尼亚语和土耳其语在少数亚美尼亚人和土耳其人中使用。

    Armenian and Turkic are spoken among the small Armenian and Turkoman populations .

  24. 随后它相继受到土耳其人和意大利人的统治。

    It subsequently came under Turkish and Italian rule .

  25. 不过这里面没有圣?乔治,他是一个住在巴勒斯坦的土耳其人。

    But not St George : he was a Turk living in Palestine .

  26. 巴尔干土耳其人联合会和移徙者协会;

    Federation of Balkan Turks and Association for emigrees ;

  27. 看来在你失忆以前,你是个土耳其人。

    In a previous life , you were turkish .

  28. 希腊军队与土耳其人在山上相遇并交战。

    Greek forces clashed with Turks in the hills .

  29. 土耳其人,他们给了我一堆财宝

    Turks -- they paid me a golden treasure !

  30. 土耳其人已封锁了陆路。

    The Turks had blocked the land routes .