
ɡuó jì tiáo yuē
  • international treaty
  1. TRIPS协定的实施机制及对国际条约法的发展

    Implementation Mechanism of TRIPS Agreement and Development of International Treaty Law

  2. 从国际条约法的一般理论和WTO的实践看,WTO规则是国际法的有效组成部分。

    In the common theory of international treaty law and the practice of WTO , the WTO rules is a legal part of international law .

  3. 第二百六十三条请求和提供司法协助,应当依照中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的国际条约所规定的途径进行;

    Article 263 The request for the providing of judicial assistance shall be effected through channels provided in the international treaties concluded or acceded to by the People 's Republic of China ;

  4. 人民法院请求外国法院提供司法协助的请求书及其所附文件,应当附有该国文字译本或者国际条约规定的其他文字文本。

    The letter of request and its annexes sent to a foreign court by a people 's court for judicial assistance shall be appended with a translation in the language of that country or a text in any other language or languages specified in the relevant international treaties .

  5. WTO条约群与国际条约文献的检索利用

    On the WTO Treaties and International Treaties Resources and Their Retrieval

  6. 一些非WTO协定的国际条约因WTO协定的规定而成为并入条约。

    Some non-WTO treaties become incorporative treaties because the provisions of some WTO agreements .

  7. 文章通过对WTO规则在国际条约中的个性进行剖析,结合我国的法律环境,对WTO规则在我国境内的适用方式进行了探讨。

    By analyzing the WTO rules with Chinese legal-system , the paper presents views on the application of WTO rules to China .

  8. 论WTO规则的法律解释方法&兼谈国际条约法的解释理论在WTO争端解决机制中的运用

    Means of Legal Interpretation on WTO Rules & In Addition on the Application of the Interpretation Theory of International Treaty Law in the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism

  9. WTO争端解决的条约解释提供了迄今为止国际条约法领域最丰富、最具研究价值的实践。

    The treaty interpretation of WTO dispute settlement is regarded as the most dynamic practice in the field of international treaty laws and as the most valuable materials for academic research .

  10. 对于国际条约在我国审判工作中的适用应当从广义上进行解释,其本质就是我国履行条约及WTO相关规则下的义务和责任;

    Application of international treaty in the country shall be explained in a broad sense and its nature is implementation of the treaty and the obligation and responsibility under the rules of WTO .

  11. 许多国际条约都涉及地理标志保护,直到地理标志被纳入TRIPS协定,使得地理标志成为WTO最为热门的议题之一。

    Many international treaties are concerning with protection of GIs . Since GIs was included in the TRIPS Agreement , it becomes one of the most popular topics in WTO .

  12. WTO作为一种特殊的国际条约,它必须具有高度的概括性以适应全球经贸发展的形势,但在具体的争端中,则必须将其条文具体化,以确定争议各方的权利和义务。

    WTO , as a special international treaty , must have high generality to promote the development of global trade . But the rights and responsibility in the treaty must be clear in the trade struggle .

  13. 本文首先明确指出,WTO规则是国际条约而不是契约,然后论述了WTO规则的法律属性应当是国际贸易法。

    In this article the author first points out that the rules are international treaties instead of contracts , and then , discusses that the legal characters of WTO rules are international trade law . [ WT5HZ ]

  14. WTO协定是一种调整WTO成员政府间宏观经贸关系的条约,是在GAIT近半个世纪的多轮多边贸易谈判基础上形成的综合性国际条约。

    WTO Agreement is the treaty which regulates macro-economical relationships among the governments of the WTO member nations and the comprehensive international treaty which is formed based on multi-negotiations lasting nearly half a century concerning GATT .

  15. CEPA的性质不能简单地归类为国内法或国际条约,应该将其定性为具有特殊性的一国治下的区际经济合作规范,而不再套用传统的分类。

    The character of CEPA is special regulation of regions economic cooperate in one country . which is neither domestic law nor international treaty .

  16. 在WTO成立之前,已经有许多国际条约都选择将道德例外作为国际条约的一项豁免理由,这可以说是WTO公共道德例外条款的出台背景。

    Before the establishment of the WTO , there are many international treaties have chosen the moral exception as one reason for exemption of the international treaty , it can be said this is the background of the WTO public morals exception .

  17. 欧盟国家则倾向签署新国际条约,并希望G20有朝一日能够发展成为萨科齐所说的全球政府。

    The countries of the European Union , however , adore new international treaties and were hoping that the G20 might one day develop into the planetary government that Mr Sarkozy spoke of .

  18. 应明确的是,两岸四地之间签订的自由贸易区临时协定既是符合GATT第24条的成员之间的协定,也是受国际条约规范和调整的一国国内的法律安排。

    It has to be made clear that the provisional agreements on free trade zone to be signed shall comply with Article 24 of GATT , and also with the domestic laws which are regulated and adjusted by the international treaty .

  19. 国际条约句子层次英译中研究

    A Study on Translation of International Treaties from English into Chinese

  20. 在大气层中进行核试验现在已被一项国际条约所禁止。

    Atmospheric nuclear tests are now banned by an international treaty .

  21. 第二,其他相关国际条约保障措施的完善;

    Secondly , perfect safeguard regulations in other relevant international agreements .

  22. 国际条约在国内的适用问题研究

    The Research on the Problem of Applying the International Treaties Domestically

  23. 国际条约在涉外民事审判中的适用

    On the Applications of International Treaties to Foreign Civil Trial

  24. 论武装冲突中文化财产保护的国际条约体系

    The International Treaty System of Protection of Cultural Property during Armed Conflict

  25. 在有关国内法及国际条约中严格公共秩序措辞;

    Strict public order wording in relevant local method and international treaties ;

  26. 国际条约在日本国内法体系中的地位&兼对砂川事件的透视

    On the Status of International Treaties in the Japanese National Legal System

  27. 中国从来没有违背过国际条约。

    The Chinese have never reneged on an international treaty .

  28. 最后提出,采取合理措施进一步加强国际条约的约束范围和效力。

    Adopt the reasonable measure to further enhance restraints of the international treaty .

  29. 论国际条约在中国的适用

    Preliminary Discussion on Application of International Treaties in China

  30. 从立法层面上看,我国知识产权立法水平已经达到了依据国际条约应当承担的义务标准。

    Chinese had reached the standard which the international treaty imposed on China .