
  • 网络international system;international regime
  1. 所有血液和临床化学测量应报告在国际体系中的单位(SI)的条款公制。

    All hematological and clinical chemistry measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the International System Units ( SI ) .

  2. 西方学者认为,当前的世界是一个由民族-国家(nation-state)构成的国际体系。

    Western scholars think that the current world is an international system constituted by nation-state .

  3. 5年前,时任美国副国务卿罗伯特佐立克(robertzoellick)敦促中国成为国际体系中一个“负责任的利益相关方”。

    Five years ago , the then US Deputy Secretary of State Robert Zoellick urged China to become a " responsible stakeholder " in the international system .

  4. 中国加入近代国际体系的历程

    The Process of China 's Accession to the Modern International System

  5. 日本与近代东北亚国际体系的转型

    Japan in the Transition of Modern Northeast Asian International System

  6. 第二次世界大战与国际体系的变迁

    World War II and the Changes in the International System

  7. 现代国际体系史的一大理解范式和根本主题

    A Paradigm and Major Theme for the History of the Modern International System

  8. 国际体系转换中的结构性因素探析

    Analysis on the Structural Factor of International System Transition

  9. 而崛起中的国家对于其在未来国际体系中的定位就是这个国家崛起的含义。

    Future international position of a rising country is the rising implication of it .

  10. 中国与古代东亚国际体系

    International System between China and Ancient Northeast Asian

  11. 信息化进程中国际体系与秩序特征探析

    An Analysis of Characteristics of International System and Order in the Process of Informationization

  12. 换言之,源于这个世界及其国际体系的运作方式。

    In other words , from the way this world and its international systems work .

  13. 从反体系外交转向积极、主动地融入国际体系;

    The transform from anti-system diplomacy to entering the international system of its own accord ;

  14. 和谐世界的历史基础:国际体系转型与理论反思

    The Historical Foundation of a Harmonious World : on the Transformation of International System and Theory Critics

  15. 建构主义从国际体系的观念分配入手,把国家和国际体系的互动结合起来,用国际和国内体系的规范和认同概念来考察国家的对外政策。

    Constructivism explores foreign policy by linking norms and identity changes at both the national and international levels .

  16. 国际体系结构对大国关系有重大影响,半个世纪以来一直制约着中美关系的发展。

    International system structure affects the relationship among powers and has been restricting the development of Sino American relation .

  17. 欧洲近代国际体系是世界历史上唯一向全球国际体系转变的区域性国际体系。

    The European modern international system was the only regional system that was evolved into the global international system .

  18. 民族国家是当下人类主要的国家形式,也是国际体系的主要参与者。

    The nation-state is present main form of the state , is also the main participants of international system .

  19. 对构建新国际体系的讨论无法平息失去房屋和工作的人的愤怒。

    Talk of a new architecture for the international system does not quell the anger of the dispossessed and unemployed .

  20. 其实,在国际体系中,大国发展不平衡是普遍的规律,因而权力转移也是一个客观的现象。

    In fact , the imbalance between powers is unavoidable , so the transfer of power is an objective social phenomenon .

  21. 如果中国在国际体系内拥有更多的发言权,将有助于推动中国朝着成为一个负责任的利益相关方的方向迈进。

    Nudging China in the direction of becoming a responsible stakeholder will gain momentum if Beijing has more say in the system .

  22. 从长远来看,一个不包括中国、印度和其它新兴国家的国际体系显然不会管用。

    An international system that does not accommodate China , India and other new risers clearly cannot work in the long run .

  23. 沃尔兹的国际体系思想在理论建构、大国体系和体系的进程方面也存在一些局限。

    The thoughts of international system of Kenneth Waltz have some limitations including theory construction , power system and progress of system .

  24. 本文以为,还原理论无法从整体上把握国际体系的特征,也就无法提出一个核心变量。

    Since Reductionist theory could not catch the whole feature of the international system , it is impossible to provide a core variable .

  25. 东南亚区域体系不只是被动受制于国际体系,它对国际体系也有一定的反弹。

    The regional system of Southeast Asia is not only controled by world structure simply , but it is also reacting to world structure .

  26. 这项战略再次确定,美国将坚持通过所有的国家都有某些权利与责任的国际体系维护我国的利益。

    And it reaffirms America 's commitment to pursue our interests through an international system in which all nations have certain rights and responsibilities .

  27. 具体说来,中国改变了自我身份,逐渐认同现存国际体系,从国际体系的挑战者转变为参与者;

    China has been changing its self-identity and identifying itself with the current international system , turning itself from a challenger to a participator ;

  28. 这个理论体系把阐述国际体系的霍布斯现实主义与强调国际秩序的格劳秀斯主义结合了起来,为与主流国际关系理论的对话提供了可能性。

    By integrating Hobbes ' emphasis on the international system with Grotius ' international order , this school provides opportunities for dialogues on mainstream IR theories .

  29. 这些疾病的显著增长展示出其他部门和国际体系的政策给卫生带来的巨大连带损害。

    The striking rise of these diseases illustrates the vast collateral damage to health caused by policies made in other sectors and in the international systems .

  30. 然而,随着冷战结束,国际体系发生重大嬗变,整个世界从两极世界演变为了单极世界。

    However , with the end of the cold war , the international system is greatly restructured and the whole world evolves from the bipolar to a unipolar one .