
  • 网络national invention patent
  1. 并拥有TD、SECOND两个具有自主知识产权的安防品牌和一项国家发明专利。

    And a TD , SECOND two security with our own brands and intellectual property rights of a national invention patent .

  2. 并以此申请国家发明专利(专利号:201110414297.2)。

    And thus declared a national invention patent ( patent number : 201110414297.2 )

  3. 这一用于PTC金属化的膜系结构及其制备方法在国际上尚属首次,已经申请了国家发明专利,专利申请号为201110322220.2。

    This film structure applied in PTC metallization is of the first time and a national patent has been applied on it . 4 .

  4. 具体内容如下:1.采用具有国家发明专利的中药材提取装置&气化爆鸣装置,对皂角刺药材进行了提取,所得提取物粒径为50-100nm。

    The concrete job are as follows : 1 . A patented gasification and fulmination equipment was used to prepare the extracts of Spina Gleditsiae , whose diameter is from 50 nm to 100 nm .

  5. 作为一个具有现实商业意义的新产品,0.15%苦皮藤素微乳剂已申请国家发明专利(申请号:99109275.9)。

    As a competitive new product , the patent has been applied .

  6. 贵州大学的国家发明专利一种钾钙肥的生产方法是一种利用不溶性含钾岩石生产钾钙肥的新方法。

    " A producing potassium-Calcium fertilizer method " is an inventive patent .

  7. 本文部分研究成果已申请国家发明专利。

    Some content of this paper have applied for the country invention patent .

  8. 本方法已获得国家发明专利。

    The fabrication method is patent protected now .

  9. 工厂拥有一项国家发明专利、三项国家适用新型专利。

    Our company has one national invention patent and three national new practical patents .

  10. 该产品已申报国家发明专利,具有自主知识产权。

    The product has been granted with a patent and holds exclusive intellectual property rights .

  11. 产品获得国家发明专利!

    National invention patent product !

  12. 实际应用表明采用这一技术改造设备后,取得了很好的效果,该技术己申请国家发明专利。

    Its actual application obtained good result so that technique has already applied for the national invention patent .

  13. 目前已申请了三项国家发明专利,一项实用新型专利。

    At present the three countries have applied for patents for inventions , utility models of a patent .

  14. 植物杀虫剂苦皮藤油及其制造方法获得国家发明专利。

    The Celastrus angulatus oil that is insecticide extracted from plant and its manufacturing method have obtained national patent .

  15. 2005年参与研发稀土燃料增益剂,并申报了国家发明专利。

    And in2005 , research and development , and rare earth fuel gain agent declared the state invention patent .

  16. 论文主要针对后处理芯片中的关键技术&去隔行,进行了深入的研究:提出了自有的运动补偿去隔行算法,该算法已经申报4项国家发明专利;

    This dissertation mainly focuses on the key technology in the Digital video post - processing IC - de - interlacing .

  17. 设计中采用了获得国家发明专利的新型透空堤,能兼顾消浪和过水两方面要求。

    A new-type perforated breakwater , which is a national invention patent , is adopted to absorb waves and filter water .

  18. 文章提出的方法已获国家发明专利权,并将在未来的采气工程中发挥作用。

    The method proposed in the article has obtained the state patent and will play big role for gas recovering in the future .

  19. 所研发的流量自调式射流真空发生器已申请了国家发明专利(专利申请号200610040832.1)。

    The researched and developed jet vacuum ejector with flow self-regulation has applied for China Creative Patent ( Patent applied number is 200610040832.1 ) .

  20. 方法采取本室获得正式授权的国家发明专利对鹤山市出土的明代古墓骨骸和陪葬品木梳、发簪及馆藏的民族服装进行塑化保存。

    Methods The national invent patent special for preserving the biological relics was carried out to manage the specimens of bones from ancient tomb of Ming Dynasty and housed dress in Heshan museum .

  21. 首次提出了一种基于奇异值分解和扩频技术的数字水印算法,并申请了国家发明专利。

    In the thesis , a novel digital watermark algorithm based on SVD ( singular value decomposition ) is proposed , according to this research work one of national invention patent has been applied successfully .

  22. 本技术已获得国家发明专利。我们发明了换热管内微型液轮机用以实现换热设备在线除垢、防垢并强化传热,己获中国专利。

    In order to realize the foul removing / preventing on line and enhance heat transfer , we have invented the Miniature Hydraulic Turbine in the Heat Exchanger Tube granted by the Patent Office of China .

  23. 已申请一项国家发明专利,申请号2005102003946。

    At the mean time The DAS-ELISA detection kit is the necessary foundation of the study of golden colloid kit , and one inventive patent was applied based on this study and the patents acceptance number is 2005102003946 .

  24. 为我国传统药食兼用果品&枣的科学开发利用提供了新的思路,此项加工工艺已申请国家发明专利(申请号02130757.1)。

    This technology provide a new thought of developing and using Chinese Jujube-the Chinese traditional fruit with edible and remedy function concurrently . This technology had apply the national invention patent ( application number was 02130757 . 1 ) .

  25. 珍珠共混再生纤维素纤维(简称珍珠纤维)是由东华大学和上海新型纺纱技术开发中心合作共同研发的一种新型功能性纤维,并已于2004年申报了国家发明专利。

    Pearl fiber which is short for Pearl Mixed Regenerated fiber is co-researched by Donghua University and Shanghai New Spinning Technical Center and it has applied to National Invention patent in 2004 as a new type of functional fiber .

  26. 在国内外还未见此研究的报道,本成果已经申请国家发明专利,为科学工作者进一步开发先进的生物活性玻璃陶瓷材料奠定了坚实的基础。

    No research reports as the same have been seen at home and abroad . The achievement in this work has been applied for the national patent of invention , which has laid a solid foundation for further development of bioactive macor material .

  27. 就国家发明专利《地铁站构筑方法》的基本理念、地下空间开发方式、核心和关键技术、主要工序进行了阐释,并与传统地铁站施工方法进行了比较。

    This paper makes an explanation about the basic concept of Construction Technique of Subway Station , the development solutions of underground space , the key techniques and the major working procedures , and makes a comparison with the traditional construction technique of subway station .

  28. 在一些国家,发明专利的保护期限是20年。

    In some countries , the patent right duration for invention is 20 years .

  29. 公司拥有国家级发明专利3项,实用新型专利9项,外观专利2项。

    The company has3 state grade patents , 9 new practical patents and2 design patents .

  30. 本公司在此技术领域已申请两项国家实用发明专利,并已在工商局注册。

    Shantou Friend of Bottle Swing-top Cap Industry CO. , LTD has applied two national patents of this technology and has CIB registration .