
yǒu xiàn zhǔ quán
  • limited sovereignty;restricted sovereignty;restrictive sovereignty
  1. 驳有限主权论及民族国家的终结

    From Limited Sovereignty to Termination of National State

  2. 社会主义大家庭论和有限主权论。

    Socialism Family and Limited Sovereignty .

  3. 无害原则以有限领土主权理论为基础,无害原则中的损害既指对水质的损害,也指对现行和潜在用水国用水量的剥夺。

    No - harm principle is based on the theory of restricted territory sovereignty . The harm means not only the harm to water quality , but also depriving each watercourse state of utilizing water quantity .

  4. 此次会晤被视为阿巴斯团结国内外力量反对特朗普的和平计划的部分举措,该计划被特朗普称之为“世纪协议”。特朗普的和平计划设想,拟将位于耶路撒冷郊区的阿布迪斯作为巴勒斯坦首都,并向巴勒斯坦人民提供有限的主权。

    The meeting is seen as part of Abbas ' efforts to rally local and international support against Trump 's peace plan , which Trump calls the " Deal of the Century . " Trump 's peace plan envisages Abu Dis , a neighborhood on the outskirts of Jerusalem , as the proposed Palestinian capital and offers Palestinians limited sovereignty .