
Treasury is responsible for the receipt and disbursement of funds for the state 's financial operations .
Fund resources of international credit : traditional fund resources , national finance capital , Eurocurrency , Petrodollar .
The construction model with non financial in national public infrastructure construction made the government have great power to develop economic .
Due to the limitation of the national foundation , the development of urban public transport industry has been fallen behind .
However , due to the limitations of state funds , as well as rapid economic development needs , the field of infrastructure funding is clearly insufficient .
The main sources of funds in urban operation are : national finance fund , bank fund , non-bank financial organization fund , enterprise fund , other unit fund , personnel fund , foreign fund .
Agricultural investment comprises many channels as national fiscal capital , bank loans , market raising capital , self-investment by agricultural production organization and farmers , etc and farmers ' own investment should become the main channel .
The paper raised public ownership and welfare forestry investment and financing channels : national financial capital , social relational department capital , foreign governments ' and international financial organizations ' capital , other community organizations ' and members ' capital ;
Since The reform and the opening up , the construction of infrastructure in China has procured huge development , but the lack of capital has bottlenecked the further development of it , owing to the restriction of national fiscal capital .
But the countryside have big population proportion , extensive countryside distribution and limited financial capital , how to realize struggle goal of the building of a new socialist countryside under this limited participation is an important and serious problem faced to the party and government .
Financial funds in the field of education includes budgetary funds and extra-budgetary funds in china .
However , there are some hard constraints to the public financial funds by the government .
Currently , the higher education of China is developing rapidly , but with the problems of deficiency of financial input and lack of money .
State authorities and other institutions financed by fiscal funds shall give priority to the purchase and use of energy-efficient , water-saving , materials-saving products , equipment and facilities that support environmental protection .
The Price of land value after land expropriation action is the fund that should turn in to national finance , may put out the partial proportions to pay the fund as the government .
Because in the duty expense system exists all sorts of questions , along with society 's vicissitude and the economical development , the country are more and more big for this disbursement financial fund , also creates the public wealth enormous waste .
Many countries in the world generally adopt the policy of using national finance fund to construct infrastructure in their development stage .