
guó jì shōu zhī
  • balance of payments;international balance of payment
国际收支[guó jì shōu zhī]
  1. 在资本帐户开放,资本自由流动的条件下,利率和汇率的联系更加密切,这些联系可以从开放经济下的IS-LM-BP模型、利率评价理论和国际收支角度反映出来;

    In the opening economy , the relation of interest rate and exchange rate can be reflecting from IS-LM-BP model , the theory of interest rate parity , and international balance of payment .

  2. 这样中国就会处于国际收支更加平衡的状态。

    Only in this way can China assume international balance of payment .

  3. 去年国际收支有盈余。

    The balance of payments was in surplus last year .

  4. 英国的国际收支逆差已略有改善。

    Britain 's balance of payments deficit has improved slightly .

  5. 美国的国际收支逆差使这些因素没有得到关注。

    The deficit in the US balance of payments put these considerations out of focus

  6. 不过迫近的国际收支平衡危机也许是对总统的报应。

    Yet the imminent crisis in its balance of payments may be the President 's nemesis .

  7. 进出口促稳提质,国际收支基本平衡

    More stable and higher-quality imports and exports , and a basic equilibrium in the balance of payments .

  8. 资料来源:IMF《国际收支统计年鉴》,2003年。

    Sources : IMF " Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook ", 2003 .

  9. 第三部分对加入WTO后我国国际收支状况进行了展望。

    In the last part , some forecasts are made about the BOP of China after its accession to WTO .

  10. E.与GATT1994和GATS国际收支条款的关系

    E. Relationship with the balance-of-payments provisions of GATT 1994 and GATS

  11. 本文旨在研究外商直接投资(FDI)对中国国际收支平衡产生的影响。

    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of FDI on China 's balance of international payments .

  12. 印度国际收支平衡案专家组将与IMF磋商看作可以自由裁量的内容值得商榷。

    It is open to discussion that Indian experts consider the negotiation with IMF free to interpret .

  13. 国际收支平衡是IMF与WTO法律关系的联结点,二者关系的密切性决定其合作的必要性。

    The balance of international income and pay is the joint of IMF and WTO law . The close relation decides the necessity of their cooperation .

  14. FDI进入对东道国资本形成,提高就业率,国际收支调整和促进国际竞争,提高引资国的国民经济综合实力和国际竞争力,都具有重要作用和积极贡献。

    FDI into the host country is good for its capital formation , raising the employment rate , adjust the balance of payments and promote international competition .

  15. 从银行体系、房地产、国际收支、同业竞争和政府宏观调控等角度来进一步分析FDI对广东省金融稳定性的影响。

    The analysis of FDI influences to financial stability is from aspects of banking system , real estate , balance of payment , competition , and government regulation etc.

  16. 巨灾对受灾国家的就业、债务、国际收支平衡、汇率等宏观经济指标造成巨大的负面影响,这种负面影响集中体现在受灾国家的GDP下降。

    Catastrophes have huge negative impacts on a country 's employment , debts , balance-of payments and exchange rate , etc , and the negative impacts can be seen as loss in terms of GDP change .

  17. 该机构预计,由于油价下跌,明年俄罗斯的经常账户赤字将占到其国内生产总值(gdp)的2.6%,给国际收支平衡带来进一步的压力。

    The agency expects Russia to run a current account deficit next year of 2.6 per cent of gross domestic product due to the oil price fall , putting further pressure on the balance of payments .

  18. 由于外汇措施和贸易措施具有交叉性质,IMF与WTO在实践中形成了以技术方法来确定IMF在国际收支平衡问题上管辖权的传统。

    Due to the intersection character of measures concerning foreign currency and trade , IMF and WTO have formed in practice the tradition that jurisdiction of IMF in international balanced budget is determined with technical methods .

  19. IMF有一个重要的操作职能&向由于无法获得某种可兑换货币的外部融资而发生国际收支危机的赤字国提供融资。

    The IMF has an important operational function – to provide financing to deficit countries that experience a crisis in their balance of payments because of unavailability of external finance in a convertible currency .

  20. 其中,GNP较快增长和国际收支平衡是基本的因素,政府的积极干预则是最直接的力量。

    Of the factors , the GNP increase and the balance of international income and outgo are basic ones , while the government 's active intervention is the direct force .

  21. 最后本文基于上述理论分析框架,结合我国国际收支的政策目标,提出FDI调节国际收支的相关对策及建议,包括加工贸易、我国走出去战略及外汇储备的利用等方面的政策调整。

    At last , the paper put forward some advice on how to adjust the international balance of payments by FDI based on the above analytical framework , including policies to processing trade , " going out " strategy and the using of foreign exchange reserves .

  22. 20国集团(G20)财长们在峰会前举行的庆州会议,暂时缓解了杞人忧天者对于汇率战争即将来临的担忧。G20财长们一致同意,力争对经常账户赤字和国际收支盈余设限。

    Alarmist concerns about impending currency wars were temporarily moderated by the G20 finance ministers ' pre-summit meeting in Gyeongju , where they agreed to work towards limits on the current account deficits and surpluses of their balance of payments .

  23. 西方传统的汇率理论中影响最为广泛的主要有:购买力平价理论(ppp)、利率平价理论、国际收支理论和资产货币理论。

    The Western tradition influence the exchange rate theory , the most widely used are : purchasing power parity theory , interest rate parity theory , the theory of international balance of payments and assets of the monetary theory .

  24. 本文将“国际收支约束下的经济增长理论”(BPCG模型)引入区域经济转型的分析框架。

    This paper introduces " balance of payments constraint growth theory "( BPCG model ) to the analytical framework of regional economic transition .

  25. 此后,本文利用PVAR方法实证检验了汇率波动通过国际收支、资本流动以及资产价格波动渠道对金融稳定的影响。

    Thereafter we use panel-VAR method to test that exchange rate fluctuation affects financial stability by means of international trade , capital flow and asset price .

  26. 我国国际收支统计数据在指标范围、公布数据质量、公布数据完整性等方面与GDDS(数据公布通用系统)存在一定差距,应从多方面努力改进。

    There is a gap between statistics data of Chinese expenses and receipts in the aspects of characteristics , quality and completion and acquirement of data and the general system of GDDS ( General Data Dissemination System ) , which should be improved in many aspects .

  27. 三是对台湾国际收支产生的影响。

    The third is how it affects Taiwan balance of payments .

  28. 货币贬值对森工产品国际收支影响浅析

    The impacts of monetary devaluation on international income of forest products

  29. 国际收支的逆差必须进行融通资金。

    Deficits on the balance of payments have to be financed .

  30. 有些人担心埃及将陷入国际收支危机。

    Some fear that Egypt is heading for a balance-of-payments crisis .