
ɡuó jì zī běn liú dònɡ
  • international capital movement
  1. 论国际资本流动的货币冲击效应

    On the Monetary Impact Effect of International Capital Movement

  2. 国际资本流动可通过利率和汇率影响股票市场。

    International capital movement can influence the stock market through interest rate and exchange rate .

  3. 论国际资本流动与金融危机的关系&兼析加入WTO后不断加剧的国际资本流动给我国带来的风险

    Research on the Relation Between International Capital Flow and Financial Crises

  4. 我国加入WTO以后,面对国际资本流动,特别是短期游资的监管更为迫切。

    After WTO entry , it is necessary to monitor international flowing capital , especially short-term flowing capital .

  5. 从20世纪80年代以来,FDI已经成为国际资本流动的主要形式。

    Since the 1980s , the FDI has become a main way of international capital movements .

  6. 如何通过进一步吸引外资,尤其是国际资本流动的主要形式&外商直接投资(FDI)来促进中国经济的发展,是特别需要关注的问题。

    How to absorb foreign capital especially Foreign Direct Investment ( abbreviated FDI ) is need especially attention for us .

  7. 外国直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment,FDI)已成为国际资本流动的主要方式,对东道国经济发展产生愈来愈重要的影响。

    The foreign direct investment has already become the international capital circulation main way , has had a more and more important impact on economic development of host country .

  8. 对于加入WTO体系后的中国,随着改革开放的不断深入,推动国际资本流动的自由化已成为必然趋势。

    After attending WTO , with the development of Open and Reform , there is a high necessary for China to further the liberalization of international capital flows .

  9. 文章结合反映国际资本流动的“FH之谜”,着重考察了金本位制下不可能三角的组合情况。

    In the light of FH puzzle , the paper emphasizes on the gold standard regime particularly .

  10. 总体而言,美国财政部最新的国际资本流动报告(tic)显示,在2011年最后一个月,投资者对美国长期资产的需求大幅下降。

    Overall , the latest Treasury international capital report showed a big drop in demand for long-term US assets in the final month of 2011 .

  11. 美国财政部国际资本流动(tic)数据显示,自6月底以来,外国购买美国长期证券净额大幅度下降。

    The US Treasury International Capital System ( TIC ) data show a massive drop in net foreign purchases of us long-term securities since the end of June .

  12. 包括短期证券在内的财政部国际资本流动总额,即所谓Tic流动,3月份净购买量上升1160亿美元,高于2月份的965亿美元。

    Total Treasury International Capital , or Tic flows , which includes short-term securities , rose a net $ 116bn in March , up from $ 96.5bn in February .

  13. 由此,国内外很多学者开始关注新兴市场国家(EMC)国际资本流动的波动问题,并对此进行了大量的理论与实证研究。

    Thus , volatility of Emerging Countries ( EMC )' capital flows has attracted more and more researchers ' attention , and these researchers have founded a lot of theoretical and empirical analysis .

  14. 通过建立开放经济条件下的CGE模型来分析国际资本流动的经济增长效应,具有重要意义。

    It is of great significance to analyze the economic growth effects of international capital circulation by forming the CGE Pattern under the condition of opened-up CGE Method economy .

  15. 在当前世界经济周期剧烈波动下,国际资本流动进一步加快,由于FDI属于国际资本的主要表现形式之一,其快速流动使得我国利用FDI进入新的发展阶段。

    With the global economic cycle fluctuates dramatically , international capital flows accelerated . FDI is one of the main manifestations of international capital , which it flows rapidly , making the use of FDI in China into a new stage of development .

  16. 作为国际资本流动的主要方式,外国直接投资(FDI)在世界经济中扮演着越来越重要的角色,对东道国特别是发展中国家东道国的经济发展产生了日益显著和深远的影响。

    As the main form of international capital flows , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has been playing an increasingly important role in the world economy ; especially in the economy of host developing countries . It had increasingly significant and far-reaching impact .

  17. 对于我国银行稳定性影响因素,本文选取了宏观经济指标、金融指标、国际资本流动指标通过Granger因果检验、协整检验进行实证分析,得出国际资本流动对我国银行体系稳定性产生了影响。

    This part has been selected macroeconomic indicators , financial indicators , international capital flows indicators through empirical analysis on the Granger causality test , cointegration test , we found international capital flows on the stability of banking system had a negative affected .

  18. 本文结合了国际资本流动新特征在金融资产中引入股票资产对Kouri和Porter(1974)抵消系数模型进行扩展,并对美国等10国国际资本流动与货币政策有效性作了经验分析。

    This paper will expand the Kouri & Porter 's Offset Coefficient model ( 1974 ), introducing equity investment with the new character of international investment , and estimate 10 sample countries ' offset coefficient s empirically .

  19. 以台湾为例,去年年底,央行总裁彭淮南(fai-nanperng)明确表达了他对于“毫无约束的”国际资本流动的厌恶,并对海外证券投资者进行压制。

    Take Taiwan . Late last year , Fai-nan Perng , the central bank governor , making clear his distaste for " unbridled " international capital flows , clamped down on foreign portfolio investors .

  20. 国际资本流动新趋势与中国的应对策略

    The New Trend of International Capital Flow and China 's Strategy

  21. 当前,国际资本流动的规模越来越大、速度越来越快。

    At present , the flow of international capital is accelerating .

  22. 结构性衍生工具与新兴市场国际资本流动中的集体非理性

    Structured Derivatives and Collective Irrationality in International Capital Flows to Emerging Markets

  23. 而如今,它们正体味到国际资本流动是何等地薄情寡义。

    Now it is experiencing how fickle international capital flows can be .

  24. “资本流动怪圈”折射出国际资本流动的一种新趋势。

    Capital Doubtful Recycling reflects the new trends in international capital flow .

  25. 国际资本流动、增长因素结构变迁与经济增长

    International capital flows , structure changes of growth factor and economic growth

  26. 国际资本流动对湖南经济发展的效应分析

    On Effect of International Capital Flow for Hunan Economy Development

  27. 本文提出资本外逃属于国际资本流动范畴,广义上讲它是指资本由穷国向富国流动;

    The capital flight helongs to the category of international capital flowing .

  28. 论国际资本流动理论研究的发展历程

    On Development of Theoretical Studies on the International Capital Flow

  29. 国际资本流动的自由化发展既有有利的一面,又有不利的一面。

    Liberalization of the international capital flows has both advantages and disadvantages .

  30. 国际资本流动的管理问题,其内涵十分博大精深。

    The meaning of managing international capital flow is encyclopedical and profound .