
  1. 她在《白毛女》里饰喜儿。

    She played Xi'er in The White-Haired Girl .

  2. 他们替她化装以扮演喜儿。

    They dressed her up for the part of xi-er .

  3. 喜儿有时候还向人诉说她的丈夫待她如何不好。

    Sometimes Hsi-erh told of the brutality of her husband .

  4. 有时候婉儿、倩儿或喜儿来找她谈些话。

    Once in a while , Hsi-erh or chien-erh came to see her .

  5. 那个白毛女叫喜儿。

    The white-haired girl was named Xi'er .

  6. 她扮演了喜儿这一角色。

    She played the part of xier .

  7. 影片以革命现实主义的创作方法,成功地塑造了喜儿的形象。

    The film 's creative method of revolutionary realism , Xi'er successfully created the image .

  8. “我早就晓得我总有一天免不掉走喜儿的路。不过为什么来得这样早?”

    " I 've always known that , sooner or later , I 'd go the road of hsi-erh , but why must it be so soon ?"

  9. 第二部分重点介绍四代喜儿扮演者艺术教育和艺术表演的经历,以及她们是如何走上扮演喜儿之路的。

    The second part emphasises on the education , art plays and art performance experience of the four generations Xi ' er roles , and how they were on the road to play the Xi ' er roles .

  10. 结语,通过对四代喜儿扮演者的演唱风格进行梳理和分析,从而探寻出中国民族声乐发展的脉络,以此来指导我们的艺术实践。

    Epilogue , through the review and analysis of the four generations playing and singing style of Xi ' er , the article explores the development ways of Chinese national vocal music , so as to guide our artistic practice .

  11. 曾多次饰演大型歌剧的女主角,如《江姐》中饰演主角江姐,《白毛女》中饰演喜儿,《洪湖赤卫队》中饰演韩英,《原野》中饰演女主角金子。

    Once many times as large opera heroine , such as " Jiang Jie " plays the character Jiang Jie ," the White-Haired Girl " as Xi Er ," Honghu Lake " plays Han Ying ," in the wilderness " as the female lead .