
Bái máo nǚ
  • White-Haired Girl
白毛女 [bái máo nǚ]
  • (1) [peroxide blonde]

  • (2) 头发全白的女人

  • (3) 特指1945年首次在延安公演的歌剧《白毛女》。描写佃户杨白劳之女喜儿被逼逃往深山多年,头发全白,后被八路军救出的故事

  1. 在第一部分文章历史背景论述中,首先简明介绍了《十里风雪》唱段在歌剧《白毛女》中的重要地位,以及歌剧《白毛女》的故事梗概。

    In the first part of an article on the historical background , first introduced concise " Wind and snow all over the way " aria in the opera " White-Haired Girl ," the important status and opera " White-Haired Girl ," the story outline .