
xǐ yáng yáng
  • radiant;beaming with joy;beam with joy;filled with gayety
喜洋洋 [xǐ yáng yáng]
  • [radiant;beam with joy;filled with gayety] 形容非常得意或异常欢乐的样子

喜洋洋[xǐ yáng yáng]
  1. 微笑、点头和喜洋洋的脸庞使喜庆的气氛变得更浓了。

    Smiles , nods , and cheerful faces added to the general gaiety .

  2. “噢,”他叫道,一面喜洋洋的朝她走去。

    Ah , he cried , coming toward her joyfully .

  3. 北京喜洋洋乐器包装有限公司是专业制造乐器箱包的公司。

    Xiyangyang Co. , Ltd has specialized in making instrument cases and bags .

  4. 周六打喷嚏,明日喜洋洋。

    Sneeze on a Saturday , joy for tomorrow .

  5. 只要您呀笑一笑,全家喜洋洋。

    If only you smile , the whole family would be full of happiness .

  6. 在乡村过的周末假日.周六打喷嚏,明日喜洋洋。

    A weekend break in the country Sneeze on a Saturday , joy for tomorrow .

  7. 他回来叫,喜洋洋地盆戴着帽子,脸上带着微笑。

    When he came back his hat was at a jaunty angle and he was smiling .

  8. 那么,我怎么能够喜洋洋归来,既然得不着片刻身心的安息?

    How can I then return in happy plight That am debarred the benefit of rest ?

  9. 过新年,喜洋洋,家庭大团圆,每个人都春风满面,每个人都嘴角流油

    New Year 's day , merchant , family happy spring breeze , everyone faces , everyone mouth cape flow oil

  10. 他心里喜洋洋的滋生一股大孩子的好奇心,用一把煤铲的角把木板撬起。

    Seized with the joyful curiosity of an overgrown boy , he pried off the board with the corner of his fire-shovel .

  11. 在洗手间照镜子的时候,我发现我的脸红红的,喜洋洋的笑挂在正中,鼻子都笑没了。

    In the bathroom mirror , I found that my face was red , merchant smile hang at center , nose all smile is gone .

  12. 四对喜洋洋的情侣,嬉游在日光、田野、花丛、树林中,显得光艳照人。试论曹禺早期作品中对革命新生力量的观照&从《雷雨》到《日出》

    The four merry couples , mingled with the sun , the fields , the flowers , the trees , were resplendent . Perspective of the Revolutionary Forces nouvelles In Cao Yu s Early Works ;

  13. 我没见过第二个女人象她那样,喝醉了还照样那么光艳照人。四对喜洋洋的情侣,嬉游在日光、田野、花丛、树林中,显得光艳照人。

    She is the only lady I have ever known who was as charming when she was drunk as when she was sober . The four merry couples , mingled with the sun , the fields , the flowers , the trees , were resplendent .