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xǐ jiǔ
  • wine drunk at a wedding feast;wedding feast;wine drunk at wedding feast
喜酒 [xǐ jiǔ]
  • (1) [wedding feast]∶结婚的酒席

  • (2) [wine drunk at wedding feast]∶结婚时招待亲友的酒

喜酒[xǐ jiǔ]
  1. 什么时候喝你们的喜酒啊?

    When 's your wedding ? or when do I wish you joy ?

  2. 好了,老婆,倒喜酒。

    All right , my wife , pour out the nuptial wine .

  3. 我们要喝什么样的喜酒?

    What kind of spirit we should drink on a happy occasion ?

  4. 吃的什么蛋糕(或什么风格的喜酒)?

    What kind of cake ( or other food ) did you serve ?

  5. 玛丽:祝贺你!期待吃你们的喜酒哟!

    Mary : Good for you ! Looking forward to attending your wedding !

  6. 在某人的结婚典礼上喝喜酒。

    We may drink wine at sb 's wedding .

  7. 什么时候请我喝喜酒啊!应该很快了吧!

    When asked me to drink wedding ah ! Should soon be a bar !

  8. 大家都在等着喝我们的喜酒。

    All people are waiting for our wedding .

  9. 他去吃喜酒了。

    He went to a wedding feast .

  10. 菜式更是大量的。在中国的喜酒上,八道菜是必须的-不包括甜品。

    At a Chinese wedding banquet , eight dishes are usually served - not including the dessert .

  11. 很高兴见到你,明天来喝杯喜酒好吗?

    It 's so nice to meet you . I would love for you to come tomorrow .

  12. (二)不得拜堂告祖,及请人吃喜酒。

    She must not be allowed to perform the ritual of ancestor worship , and no wedding dinner .

  13. 就是说,把他那圣化的。而现在正在做圣事的手指浸到那只还未对客人巡酒的喜酒壶里。

    that is , dipping his consecrated and consecrating fingers into the bowl before the blessed beverage circulates .

  14. 三月初我就能回来,回来后,第二天我就请大家喝喜酒。

    I shall be back here by the first of March , and on the second I give my real marriage feast .

  15. 喜酒一般来说,由新郎父母或新娘父母举办的喜酒会单独分离出来答谢他们的亲朋好友。

    The Wedding Banquets Generally , separate wedding feasts were given by the parents of the bride and the groom for their respective friends and famities .

  16. 在中国社会,中式婚宴即喜酒,(字面上说是高兴的酒),比婚礼本身更重要,因为这相当于小型的民间仪式。

    In Chinese society , the wedding reception is known as xi-jiu , ( literally joyful wine ) , and is far more important than the wedding itself which tends to be a brief civil ceremony .