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  • And meeting;peace conference
和会 [hé huì]
  • [peace conference] 交战双方暂时休战,举行和平谈判会议,以谋求终止战争

和会[hé huì]
  1. 竞争与妥协:巴黎和会上的美英关系

    Struggle and Compromise : the United States and Britain at the Paris Peace Conference

  2. 1919年的今天,第一次世界大战:巴黎和会在法国的凡尔赛召开。

    1919-World War I : The Paris Peace Conference opens in Versailles , France .

  3. 出席巴黎和会的中国代表,基本上是留学生;

    Secondly , the Chinese delegates at the Paris Peace Conference were mostly returned students .

  4. 一个如此努力会花费一些时间和会可能忍受主要的问题关联到协同、指挥和控制。

    Such an effort would take some time and would be likely to suffer from major problems relating to interoperability and command and control .

  5. 德国问题是巴黎和会上的重要议题,也是美国和会政策中的一个重要组成部分。

    How to deal with the defeated Germany was a key issue in the agenda at Paris Peace Conference and an important component of American policies toward the Conference .

  6. 因巴黎和会上中国代表拒绝和约签字,山东问题成为“悬案”。

    For the reason that the Chinese delegates had refused to sign the peace treaty at the Paris Peace Conference , the matter d Shandong become an " unsettled question " .

  7. 很多坐飞机出行的旅客在长途飞行中脚踝和脚会浮肿。

    Many air travellers suffer puffy ankles and feet during long flights .

  8. 他从来没想过自己和苏珊会和解。

    He never believed he and Susan would be reconciled

  9. 报纸和电视会使你成功,也会将你毁掉。

    The newspapers and television can make or break you

  10. 碰撞时,汽车的前部和后部会被撞瘪。

    The front and rear of the car will crumple during a collision .

  11. 要看好婴儿和刚会走路的孩子。

    Keep a watchful eye on babies and toddlers .

  12. 男孩和女孩会喜欢摆弄各种机械装置。

    Boys and girls will enjoy messing about with any kind of machine .

  13. 有时挫折和愤怒会以直接的暴力形式爆发出来。

    Sometimes frustration and anger can boil over into direct and violent action .

  14. 疲劳和压力会很快导致肤色暗淡无光、额头出现皱纹。

    Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and a furrowed brow .

  15. 谚语和习语会由于使用过多而变得俗套。

    Proverbs and idioms may become worn with overuse

  16. 下一批经理人包括副总经理和董事会董事。

    The next tranche of managers consists of assistant general managers and board directors .

  17. 节食和锻炼会改变你的体形。

    Diet and exercise will alter your shape

  18. 这将是近一个月来约翰逊首次和董事会碰面。

    It was to be Johnson 's first meeting with the board in nearly a month

  19. 法律、合约和公众会保护你。真的会吗?怎么保护?

    The law , your contracts , your public protect you , do they ? How ?

  20. 过量接触阳光、海水、沙粒和氯气会使浅色头发略呈绿色。

    An overdose of sun , sea , sand and chlorine can give lighter hair a green tinge .

  21. 经理在解雇那名新员工之前和董事会商议过。

    The manager consulted with the board before firing the new employee .

  22. 我相信约翰和汤姆会言归于好。

    I 'm sure that John and Tom can be brought together .

  23. 温度和水分会使种子发芽。

    Heat and moisture will germinate the seeds .

  24. 发言人说,澳大利亚、加拿大和新西兰会联合反对英国加入共同市场。

    The spokesman said that australia , canada and New Zealand would gang up against britain 's joining the common market .

  25. 大多数家长、老师和医生会对青少年溢用药品或酗酒有所反应,而却很容易忽视这些深陷此类难以察觉的行为的青少年。

    While most parents , teachers and clinicians would react to an adolescent using drugs or getting drunk , they may easily overlook teenagers who are engaging in inconspicuous behaviors .

  26. 他说:“我们会这样鼓励学生:‘你会从耶鲁毕业。你会做得很好。’”这指的是导师、工作人员和教授会鼓励那些在这样一个顶尖学府学习时缺乏"归属感"和自信心的学生。

    " Our support structure was more like : ‘ You are going to get through Yale ; you are going to do well , ' " he said , hinting at mentors , staff , and professors who all provided significant support for students who lacked confidence about " belonging " at such a top institution .

  27. 双手、食物和器皿会携带个别生存在保护性薄膜下的细菌。

    Hands , foods and utensilscan carry individual bacteria living in communities contained within a protective film .

  28. 冷冻的橘子和苹果会便宜一点儿,而且水果对大脑真的有好处。

    " The frozen oranges and apples are a little cheaper , and fruits are really good for the brain . "

  29. 但是,知道我们可以获得更多东西又会导致一个问题,因为当我们去改变做事情的方式时,旧模式和陷阱会首先跳出来阻止我们追求最想要的东西。

    Yet knowing we can have more can also create a problem , because when we go to change the way we do things , up come the old patterns and pitfalls that stopped us from seeking what we wanted in the first place .

  30. 他非常担心土地和水会被污染。

    He was very worried that the land ans water would be polluted .