
  • 网络Consort He
  1. 本文在可溶性还原染料对锦纶的染色工艺试验的基础上,着重对防光脆化问题进行了研讨。试验表明:印地素金黄IRK和妃红IR是促使锦纶纤维光化降解的光敏染料。

    On the Basis of an experiment on the dyeing technology of solubilized vat dyes on chinlon , the light-degradation of the fibre is emphatically discussed .

  2. 帝亚吉欧(DiageoPLC)周二说,其已经与贝克汉姆联手推出HaigClub,这是一款“呈现出奶油糖果和太妃糖风味”的新品威士忌。此举是这家英国饮料巨头吸引新饮酒者尝试增长迅速的威士忌酒类的最新尝试。

    Diageo PLC said Tuesday it has teamed up with Mr. Beckham to launch Haig Club -- a newly created Scotch that ' showcases butterscotch and toffee . ' It is the British drinks giant 's latest attempt to attract new drinkers into the fast-growing whiskey category .

  3. 向法国的太子和太子妃致敬。

    To the Dauphin and Dauphine of france .

  4. 巧克力制造商开始在巧克力棒中加入坚果、水果和太妃糖,喜爱吃巧克力的人更多了。

    When manufacturers started adding nuts , fruit , and toffee to their chocolate bars , chocolate found an even wider audience .

  5. 赢者的微笑:活跃,还拥有套真正的牙齿的祖母寻觅一位热忱的拉牙线者一起享用美味的牛排,烤玉米棒和太妃糖。

    Winning smile : active grandmother with original teeth seeking a dedicated flosser to share rare steaks , corn on the cob and caramel candy .

  6. 毫无疑问,日本内务部明显几年前就作出了决定,一切和太子妃相关的其他活动都不如生个儿子重要。

    Out of concern , the Imperial Household Agency apparently decided years ago that all other activities related to Princess Masako must be secondary to the issue of having a son .

  7. 我听说中方已通过外交渠道表示希望日本皇太子和太子妃来中国访问。

    According to my information , through diplomatic channels , the Chinese side expressed the hope that the Crown Prince and Crown Princess of Japan can come to China for a visit .

  8. 糖果分成硬糖(结晶糖),焦糖和太妃糖、牛轧糖、软糖、果汁软糖、棉花糖、杏仁软糖、甘草软糖和口香糖。

    Common varieties include hard candies ( crystallized sugar ), caramels and toffees , nougats , jellies , fondants , marshmallows , marzipans , truffles , cotton candies , licorices , and chewing gums .

  9. 你和你的妃耦是一种同居关系,你和你的妃耦有血缘、收养关系吗?

    If you are in an interdependent or de facto relationship , are you related to your by blood or adoption ?

  10. 偶们在韩妃村的小店里稍事休息,便来到韩妃庙参观和拜谒韩妃娘娘。

    We took a rest at one village shop in Village of Princess Han , and then went to visit Princess Han in her temple .

  11. 在东京,工作人员在皇宫以及德仁太子和雅子太子妃&这对准父母居住的宫殿前向人们分发小册子,以便让普通百姓们在上面写下祝福的话语。

    In Tokyo , books will be set out in front of the Imperial Palace and the separate palace where the parents-to-be reside so ordinary citizens can leave congratulatory messages .

  12. 配合鲜奶油和/或太妃酱一起食用的话,味道最佳。

    This is best served with whipped cream and / or toffee sauce .

  13. 为达到最佳效果,建议配合使用玫瑰精油面霜。配合鲜奶油和/或太妃酱一起食用的话,味道最佳。

    It is recommended to apply with rose essence oil facial cream to get best effect . This is best served with whipped cream and / or toffee sauce .

  14. 还要记住,沾太多的芥末酱会把鱼肉的鲜味盖掉。配合鲜奶油和/或太妃酱一起食用的话,味道最佳。

    Also , remember that too much wasabi will mask the delicate flavors of the fish . This is best served with whipped cream and / or toffee sauce .

  15. 我在欧联杯和欧冠上分别有对阵过枪手和太妃糖的经验。

    I have experience of playing against English teams in the UEFA Cup and Champions League , against Arsenal and Everton .

  16. 充盈着黑莓和熟透的水果的香甜,回味中有明显的橡木烟熏和太妃糖的味道。

    The palate abounds with blackberry and stewed rhubarb fruit flavours with a soft , fine-grained tannic structure , and finishes with a subtle , lingering smoky and toffee oak complexity .