
  • 网络Postern of Fate;Primer;chaos;The Gate of Destiny
  1. 打开命运之门,走出一条属于他自己的道路。

    Open the door of destiny and walk out his own way .

  2. 无论命运之门多么狭窄。

    It matters not how strait the gate .

  3. 威廉.麦金莱认为,当美国保护我们的员工和产业,我们“就为人们打开了更高更好的命运之门。”

    William McKinley believed that when America protects our workers and industries , we " open up a higher and better destiny for our people . "

  4. 铁凝在带有自传性的叙事手法中,以她别具匠心的叙事艺术,在对叙事时间、叙事空间、叙事角色的巧妙安排中,打开了女性沉重的命运之门。

    With the autobiographical narrative technique and the ingenuity of narrative art about the arrangement of time , room and characters , Tie Ning opened the heavy door on the fate of female .