
  1. 今年22岁的纳达尔也应邀前往马略卡观测台亲眼观测这颗以他名字命名的小行星。“纳达尔”小行星位于火星和木星之间。

    Star gazers can find Nadal 's asteroid between Mars and Jupiter and the22-year-old has himself been invited to the Majorcan observatory to view it himself .

  2. 在香港,很多人都知道陈易希,他被当地媒体称为“星之子”,因为天上有一颗以他名字命名的小行星,这颗小行星使他的名气越来越大。

    In Hong Kong , many people know about Chen Yik Hei , he was called " Son of the star " by the local media , because there is a planet named after him , and became increasingly famous and popular .

  3. 划艇现在在她的荣誉中命名一个小行星。

    K.Rowling now has an asteroid named in her honor .

  4. 此外,国际天文联合会已批准以“嫦娥”探月计划总设计师吴伟仁的名字命名一颗小行星。

    Also , the International Astronomical Union has approved the naming of an asteroid after Wu Weiren , chief designer of the Chang'e lunar program .

  5. 2004年9月16日,经国际天文学联合会小天体提名委员会批准,一颗小行星被命名为“落下闳小行星”,以此纪念这位伟大的天文学家。

    On September 16 , 2004 , with the approval from the International Astronomical Union , an asteroid was named after Luo Xiahong in commemoration of the great Chinese astronomer .