
  • 网络judicial justice;judicial impartiality;access to justice;Criminal Justice
  1. 在本章中,笔者首先从提高知识产权诉讼效率、实现知识产权诉讼司法公正、降低知识产权诉讼成本以及实施国家知识产权战略等方面论述了我国知识产权诉讼制度改革的必要性。

    The first section elaborates on the necessity of the reform of the IP litigation system from the aspects of improving efficiency in IP litigations , realizing judicial justice , reducing IP litigation costs and implementing the national IP strategy .

  2. 从维护司法公正和WTO协议司法独立精神的角度出发,应进一步加强和完善民事检察监督工作。

    To promote judicial justice and to stick up for the principle of judicial independence of WTO , we should strengthen the procuratorial work on civil procedure and do it better .

  3. 他们因企图妨碍司法公正而被控。

    They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice .

  4. 他们被控企图妨碍司法公正。

    They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice .

  5. 他被控谋划妨碍司法公正。

    He was charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice .

  6. 我希望我走了以后他们能继续为司法公正而战。

    I hope they continue to fight for equal justice after I 'm gone

  7. 享有司法公正是一项最基本的权利。

    Access to justice is a basic right .

  8. 这是对司法公正明目张胆的践踏。

    This is in blatant disregard of judicial fairness .

  9. 司法公正的主体是以法官为主的司法人员

    Judicial personnel , primarily composed by judges are the implementer of judicatory justness .

  10. 区议员因选举种票及妨碍司法公正被判监三个月

    District Councillor was jailed for three months for vote-planting and perverting the course of justice .

  11. 前工党政府大臣托马斯沃森(thomaswatson)已指控詹姆斯默多克与布鲁克斯犯有妨碍司法公正罪。

    Tom Watson , a former Labour minister , has accused James Murdoch and MS brooks of perverting the course of justice .

  12. 传媒大亨康拉德布莱克(conradblack)上周被判诈骗罪和妨碍司法公正罪成立,从而面临10年以上监禁。

    Conrad Black , the Canada-born British peer and former owner of the daily telegraph , was last night facing more than a decade in jail after being convicted of fraud and obstruction of justice .

  13. 在克拉伦斯•厄尔•吉迪恩(ClarenceEarlGideon)把他那封信寄往美国最高法院之前,毫无迹象显示,他将作为司法公正的象征载入美国司法史册。

    Until Clarence Earl Gideon mailed his envelope to the United Sates Supreme Court , there was nothing about him to suggest that he would become a celebrated symbol of fairness in American justice .

  14. 效率与公正是现代社会追求的两大目标,简易程序的设立不会影响到行政诉讼的司法公正。

    Efficiency and justice are the two objectives of modern society .

  15. 实现法官独立维护司法公正

    Realizing the Independence of Judges , Protecting the Justice of Judicature

  16. 裁判文书是司法公正的最终载体。

    The judicative paper is the last carrier of judicial justice .

  17. 论辩诉交易与司法公正

    On Plea Bargaining and Judicial Justice A New Theory of Justice

  18. 司法公正需要高素质的法官队伍。

    Justice of judicature demands a contingent of high-quality judges .

  19. “妨碍司法公正”这一严重和特定的指控。

    The serious and specific charge of'obstruction of justice ' .

  20. 通过规制法官的自由裁量权来实现司法公正

    Realizing the Justice of Judicature by Restricting Judges ' Right to Sentence

  21. 监督与司法公正国际研讨会综述

    Summary of the International Seminar on the Supervision and Fairness of Justice

  22. 媒体报道与司法公正关系的反思与再构

    Reflection on the relation between media coverage and judicial impartiality

  23. 程序公正是司法公正的运行机制;

    The justice of legal procedures is the working mechanism of judicial justice ;

  24. 司法公正与民事诉讼审前程序的完善

    Judicial Justice and the Perfection of Pre - hearing Procedure in Civil Lawsuit

  25. 法律则是司法公正的唯一评价标准。

    Laws is the only touchstone of judical justice .

  26. 简论实现司法公正和效率的决定性因素

    A Brief Commentary on the Crucial Factors to Realize Judicial Justice and Efficiency

  27. 法律监督和司法公正是法律实施中不可分割的两个方面。

    Legal supervision and judicial impartiality are two indivisible aspects of law enforcement .

  28. 对司法公正若干问题的观察和思考

    Observation and Reflection of Several Problems on Judicature justice

  29. 试述律师在保障司法公正方面的作用

    On the Lawyers ' Role in Safeguarding Judicial Justice

  30. 司法公正和效率是现代司法的灵魂和生命,是人们不倦追求的司法基本价值。

    Judicial justice and efficiency are of vital importance .