
  • 网络Judicial organs supervision
  1. 完善人大对司法机关监督之管见

    On the Perfection of Supervision of People 's Congress to the Justice Department

  2. 我国现行政治体制的制度设计,决定了人大对司法机关监督的必然性。

    The system designed by present political system decides the supervision 's inevitability of people 's congress to the justice department .

  3. 要完善相关的制度设计,切实提高人大对司法机关监督的法律效果。

    We should perfect correlative system design , advance legal effect of the supervision of people 's congress to the justice department .

  4. 在立法体例上,宪法监督制度有最高国家权力机关或立法机关监督制、司法机关监督制和专门机关监督制三种模式。

    There are three kinds of constitution supervision models in the world , namely , supervision from parliament or from supreme organ of state power , supervision from common court and supervision from a special one .

  5. 概括来说,目前世界范围内存在三种基本违宪审查模式,即立法机关监督模式、司法机关监督模式、专职机构监督模式。

    In Summary , there are three basic kinds of mode of The examine violation of the constitution in the whole world at present , the mode of the legislative body supervising , the mode of judicial organization supervising , the mode of full-time organization supervising .

  6. 关键的问题在于人大对司法机关的监督应当坚持合法原则,并有利于保证司法独立,维护司法公正。

    The key question is that people 's congress supervises the justice department should insist on the legal principle , assure justice independency , stick up for judicial justice .

  7. 以不起诉救济途径的主体为标准,可以将刑事不起诉的制约机制分为两类:一是当事人的自我救济途径,二是司法机关的监督制约途径。

    The criminal restriction mechanism of the criminal nonprosecution may be divided two kinds according to subject : one is the way of party 's self - relief , the other is the way of supervision , restriction , of the judicial authority .

  8. 监考人、总监考人对违纪行为的处理,应当接受司法行政机关的监督。

    The treatment as given by an invigilator or the chief invigilator for any disciplinary breach shall be subject to the supervision of the administrative judicial organ .

  9. 通过借鉴国外律师惩戒制度的经验,赋予律师协会统一行使惩戒权并由司法行政机关进行监督,以完善我国的律师惩戒制度。

    Started with these questions and with reference of the experience from abroad , this paper will discuss how to improve the institution of disciplinary punishment of our country .

  10. 市司法行政机关指导、监督市公证员协会的工作。

    The municipal judicial administrative organ guides and supervises the work of the notarial association .

  11. 对于舆论监督主体的多元化,应当更为广泛地授权司法机关对新闻媒体采取诉讼强制措施,同时,应当要求司法机关对公民监督以及学者监督采取必要的容忍态度。

    For the diversification of the main public opinion , the court should be more broadly authorized to take judicial action against the news media . At the same time , the judicial authority should take necessary tolerance to ordinary citizens and academics .

  12. 人大司法监督的渠道可考虑调整强化专门法律监督机关的职能,强化司法官员监察机制,注意对司法机关监督程序的监督和依法启动特定问题调查等措施得以实现。

    The People 's Congress realizes the judicial supervision in several channels : readjusting and strengthening the function of the judicial special supervisory organization , strengthening the supervisory over judicial officials mechanism , supervising the supervisory procedure of judicial organization and initiating the investigation about specified issue according to law .