
sī fǎ dú lì
  • judicial independence;independence of judicature;independence of jurisdiction
  1. 关于司法独立与新闻监督问题的几点思考

    On the Independence of Judicature and the Supervision of the Press

  2. 论司法独立与舆论监督

    On Independence of Judicature and Supervision of Public Opinion

  3. 由于WTO协议强调司法独立原则,所以关于民事行政检察监督与司法独立的关系将会引起进一步的讨论。

    So there would be more arguments about the relationship between judicial independence and procuratorial work on civil procedure .

  4. 笔者认为WTO司法独立的原则的内涵主要是指审判机关与行政机关的独立。

    The article says that the connotation of the principle of judicial independence in WTO IP court not being governed by administration department .

  5. WTO规则对行政司法独立性和公正性的要求,推动着我国行政复议制度的观念变革和制度创新。

    The demand of judicial independence and impartiality by WTO rules pushes forward the concept reformation of administrative reconsideration and system creation in China .

  6. 浅析pv操作在实际生活中的若干应用但是在实际生活中,如何才能做到司法独立呢?

    Brief Analysis of Application of PV Operation in Practice ; But in the practical life , how can achieve the jurisdiction independence ?

  7. 司法独立与我国法治国家建设

    Judicial Independence and the Construction of Our Country Ruled by Law

  8. 建立法治国家,司法独立是前提。因此加强司法独立方面的研究是十分必要的。

    It is necessary to strengthen the investigation on judicial independence .

  9. 试析我国司法独立理论与实践的偏差

    On Deviation of Our Country 's Judicature Independence Theory and Practice

  10. 一种新型司法独立体制模式探析

    Analysis on a Kind of New Model Independency of Judiciary System

  11. 治下的司法独立前景并不看好。

    Prospects for judicial independence under Hu do not look good .

  12. 法官独立是司法独立的应有之义。

    The meaning of judge independence is contained in judicial independence .

  13. 司法独立是现代法治的一项重要原则。

    An independent judiciary is an important principle of modern law .

  14. 媒体监督对于司法独立而言,是一把双刃剑。

    Media supervision is a double edged sword to justice independence .

  15. 司法独立是司法公正的体制保障。

    Judicial independence is the guarantee of a just judicial system .

  16. 再次是司法独立原则。

    The last is principle of the independence of the judiciary .

  17. 第三章是司法独立原则的比较研究。

    Chapter 3 is the Comparative Study of the Judicial Independence Principle .

  18. 媒体监督与司法独立的法理分析试论司法独立与新闻监督

    The Theoretical Analysis on the Conflict of Medium Inspection and Judicatory Independence

  19. 执法大检查与司法独立和公正

    " General Inspection of Law Enforcement " and Judicial Independence and Justice

  20. 法乌司密斯文化期工艺现代法治社会的真谛是司法独立。

    The true meaning of the modern law society is judiciary independence .

  21. 司法独立的目的是为了追求司法公正。

    The purpose of judicial independence is for judicial justice .

  22. 媒体监督与司法独立各有其正当性基础。

    Media supervision and judiciary independence are both derived of the constitution .

  23. 英国司法独立发展历程的启示

    The Illumination from the Development of Judicial Independence in England

  24. 第二部分:媒体监督与司法独立的应然关系。

    First introduces the harmonious relation of media supervision and judicial independence .

  25. 第二章:新闻舆论监督与司法独立的关系。第一节中介绍了两者的统一性;

    Chapter 1 : The comprehensive introduction of media supervision and judicial independence .

  26. 论司法独立和舆论监督的统一

    Integration of Judicial Independence and Supervision by Public Opinion

  27. 2规定完善的制度,确保司法独立和司法权威。

    Make a perfect system make the law independent .

  28. 司法独立应当以公正作为其价值取向。

    Justice should be the value of judicial independence .

  29. 传媒监督与司法独立的冲突与契合

    The Supervision of the Public Media and Conflict and Agreement of Judicial Independence

  30. 中国司法独立的制度建设研究

    The System Construction Research of Judicature Independence of China