
  1. 你是为了无家可者吗?

    Are you doing this for the homeless ?

  2. Java基于可观察者技术的MVC编程的实现方式

    Java according to can technical MVC in observer plait the distance realizes way

  3. 随着对微小器件需求的增加及MEMS技术的发展,对微细电火花加工也提出了更高的要求,提高微细电火花加工的微细化能力成为不可研究者追求的一个目标。

    As the tiny devices in an increased demand for MEMS technology and the development of micro-EDM also a higher demand and improve the micro-EDM capabilities become a goal for researchers to pursue .

  4. 结果术后1月眼压控制≤21mmHg者35眼(81.40%,)局部用药方可控制者6眼(13.95%);

    Results After one month of operation , the IOP of 35 eyes was less than 21 mmHg ( 81.40 % );

  5. 结果表明:治疗3个月后在53例可评价者中,按照MDS国际工作组疗效标准判定,完全缓解1例(1.9%),部分缓解2例(3.8%);

    The results showed that according to MDS international working group response criteria , at the end of three months , complete remission ( CR ) was seen in 1 patient , partial remission ( PR ) was found in 2 patients .

  6. 山是地面向那可望而不可即者所表现的绝望姿态。

    Hills are the earth 's gesture of despair for the unreachable .

  7. 空气,食物,水皆为生命不可缺者。

    Air , food and water are indispensable to life .

  8. 不可分者乃无在不在的存在和你自己的形体。

    Inseparate are omnipresent being and your own form .

  9. 书有可浅尝者,

    Some books are to be tasted ,

  10. 质疑不可质疑者&对以事实为根据原则的否定性讨论

    To Challenge the Unchallengable & Negative Discussion on the Principle of Taking Facts as the Basis

  11. 退而不可追者,速而不可及也。

    You may retire and be safe from pursuit if your movements are more rapid than those of the enemy .

  12. 向处长发出书面通知,声称该船只或该车辆乃不可没收者。

    Give notice in writing to the director that he claims that the ship or vehicle is not liable to forfeiture .

  13. 俄罗斯是应该成为更具代表性的世界体系的有机组成部分,还是应该继续被视为无药可救的不可信赖者?

    Should Russia have an organic place in a more representative world system or should it continue to be regarded as incurably untrustworthy ?

  14. 弹射座舱透过有附加的降落伞的开启可劫持者安全地释放地球上安全的地方。

    The capsule is releasable through opened bomb bay doors having attached thereto a parachute for safely returning the hijacker within the capsule to earth .

  15. 或属于真正美术馆或博物馆展览品之一部分,而只于美术馆或博物馆内方可看到者。

    Or included in the display of an article in a bona fide art gallery or museum and visible only from within that gallery or museum .

  16. 而所谓不可分辨者同一原则和同一关系的传递性遭到破坏,乃是因为不区分本质属性和非本质属性。

    And the so-called violation of the principle of identicals of indiscernibility and transitivity of identity is because essential attributes and non-essential attributes are not differentiated .

  17. 书有可浅尝者,有可尽食者,少数则需咀嚼消化。

    Some books are to be tasted , others ( are ) to be swallowed , and some few ( are ) to be chewed and digested .

  18. 第二个是一句警句:,不要在猪的面前乱扔你的珍珠,不要对那些失聪者,和不可感化者布道。

    Another is the admonition not to throw your pearls before swine , not to preach to those who can 't hear , or won 't be perceptive .

  19. 两千多年前,中国伟大先哲孔子说过,可久者圣人之德,可大者圣人之业。

    Over 2,000 years ago , Chinas great philosopher Confucius said , the virtue of the sage will last long and the cause of the sage will thrive .

  20. 杜甫夔州诗反映,唐代夔州农业整体水平滞后,手工业稍有可称者,然一枝独秀的则是商业,这也正好反映了唐代整个重庆地区经济开发的实况。

    Dufu s Kuizhou poems reflect that the whole agriculture of Kuizhou during the Tang Dynasty was backward , handicraft industry was a little developed , and the most developed one was commerce .

  21. 但如支付的款额有超过为上述湾仔堂的目的而提供或可动用者,则不得当作委员会的成员须对超额的款项负上个人法律责任。

    Provided however that the members of the committee shall not be deemed personally liable for any payments of money in excess of that provided or available for the purposes of the said Wanchai church .

  22. 但是,只有宽恕不可宽恕者,宽恕才存在。所以中国文化传统中的宽恕不是宽恕,慈悲不是慈悲。

    However , only by forgiving the unforgivable , can forgiveness exist so " forgiveness " in Chinese culture is not the real " forgiveness " and nor the " mercy " is the real " mercy " .

  23. 如果卖方不能按合同规定及时交货,除因不可抗力者外,若卖方同意支付延期罚款,买方应同意延期交货。

    In case that Seller fails to deliver the products to Buyer in accordance with this contract , except for forec majeure , buyer should agree to seller 's late delivery on the condition that Seller agrees to pay delay penalty .

  24. 判处长期徒刑可对违法者起到强有力的威慑作用。

    Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders .

  25. 宴会设有歌唱舞台,可让出席者大演唱功

    Karaoke was set up to allowed presenters to sing on the stage .

  26. 这种新型泳衣穿起来就像紧身胸衣,可使穿着者身形光滑,更具流线型。

    As tight as a corset , the new speed suits make the wearer sleeker and more streamlined .

  27. 通过该问题的JAVA实现,可使学习者清晰地观测到解决该问题的全过程。

    Realizing this issue through Java , can make learners observe clearly the whole course which solves this issue .

  28. HP可使感染者的血清胃泌素水平升高。

    HP can increase the serum gastrin level .

  29. 但他说这可激励研究者用基因治疗作为阻断或抑制HIV的方法。

    But he said it could inspire researchers to pursue gene therapy as a means to block or suppress HIV .

  30. 结论石油沥青可引起接触者DNA、染色体和大、小气道的损伤以及细胞免疫、体液免疫水平降低。

    Conclusion It is suggested that petroleum asphalt may cause damage in DNA , chromosome , large and small airways , and decrease of cellular and humoral immunity functions in exposed workers .