
  • 网络recyclable
  1. 然后一种特殊的设备将不可回收物分解。

    And a particular piece of equipment breaks up the nonrecyclables .

  2. 从箱子到可回收物到……哦,反正就是各种东西!

    From boxes to recyclables to just ... well , stuff !

  3. 从箱子到可回收物到哦,反正就是各种东西!

    From boxes to recyclables to just well , stuff !

  4. 在2008年北京奥运会期间,这些人大多被赶出了城(这给城市垃圾处理造成了灾难性后果,不少可回收物堆积在人行道上)。

    During the 2008 Beijing Olympics they were largely run out of town ( with disastrous consequences for city waste , as recyclables piled up on pavements ) .

  5. 本项研究表明,将其醇不溶物转化后,可回收醇溶物占醇不溶物的59.11%。

    This paper mainly introduce a method of transforming 59.11 % of the undissolved matter into the alcohol solution , reusing over 90 % of the dissolved matter of valonea extractive .