
shén qì
  • Artifact;throne;imperial power;magic weapon or implement
神器 [shén qì]
  • [emperorship; government] 帝王的印玺,借指帝位、国家权力

  • 窃弄神器

  • 人君当神器之重,居域中之大。--唐. 魏征《谏太宗十思疏》

  1. 全新的魔法元素包括招魂,幻象和强大的神器。

    All New Elements of Magic including Necromancy , Illusions and powerful Artifacts .

  2. 自拍杆位列《时代》杂志2014年度25大最佳发明榜单。自拍杆如今已成为众多旅行者的必备神器。

    The product was listed in Time magazine 's 25 best inventions of 2014 . The selfie stick is an essential carry-on item for many travellers .

  3. ForeoLuna男士振动洗脸神器145英镑

    Foreo Luna pre-shave vibrating cleanser £ 145

  4. 搓洗脸颊时,用ForeoLuna男士振动洗脸神器(剃须前使用,售价145英镑)。

    Rub cheeks with Foreo Luna 's pre-shave vibrating cleanser for men ( £ 145 ) .

  5. 考拉的自拍神器是索尼QX100相机,这部相机的镜头位于一个爪状的移动三脚架上面,通过Wi-Fi和手机连接。

    The koalas used the Sony QX100 , which has a lens on a movable tripod claw , which connects to your mobile phone via Wi-Fi .

  6. 介绍了新奥特神器800-DTV非线性编辑系统的配置及功能特点和使用方法。

    The paper introduces the disposition function and method of non-linear editing system of new auto to 800-DTV .

  7. 这款卡西欧自拍相机的官方名称是ExilimTR,它在中国被称为“自拍神器”,意思是神奇的自拍工具。

    The Casio 's official name is Exilim TR , but it 's mostly known as " zipai shenqi " in China , which means " Godly tool for selfies . "

  8. 不过重点在于:就像Facebook(它曾让人们更易于保持联系,不过如今显然变成了“约炮神器”)建立起自己自我陶醉的独特品牌一样,在线和移动服务导致人们的购物习惯比以往任何时候都更加“外貌协会”。

    But here 's the point : Just as Facebook ( which has made it easier for everyone to keep in touch and now , apparently , " bang " ) bred its own unique brand of narcissistic etiquette . Online and mobile services have given rise to a pick-and-choose shopping behavior that prioritizes looks more than ever before .

  9. 是啊,点50的神器什么都能穿透

    Yeah , a . 50-cal will put a hole through anything .

  10. 幸好有我妈特制的挠痒神器

    Good thing my mom made me this personal scratcher .

  11. 自拍神器一键解决,来,说“茄子”!

    The selfie stick will do all the work . Say cheese !

  12. 詹贝利并未因此沮丧,反而开始制造他的“神器”。

    Undeterred , Giambelli began building his masterpiece weapons .

  13. 国际足联希望“神器”能够减少口舌之争。

    FIFA hopes the spray will reduce arguments and complaints related to free kicks .

  14. 这款产品是该公司生产的一系列“贪睡神器”的最新设计。

    It is the latest in a line of so called ' snooze accessories ' .

  15. 社交类、游戏类软件也成为宅在家中的神器。

    And software for social network and games are very popular among this group of people 。

  16. 今年,世界杯裁判带来了新式“神器”,人们将其称之为“消散式喷雾剂”。

    World Cup referees are carrying around a new tool this year known as vanishing spray .

  17. 这一波惩罚神器的浪潮可能最终也会像健康追踪器一样以被丢在一边收场。

    This wave of punishing devices may end up with same high abandonment rates as fitness trackers .

  18. 日本的汽车制造商日产公司声称他们的神器将让疲劳的排队者免受双腿酸痛之苦。

    Japanese car-maker Nissan claims to have just the thing to relieve the sore legs of weary queuers .

  19. 下面这些长途旅行神器会帮助你在飞机上的时间好过一点。

    Check out these items that 'll help your plane ride be a little more smooth and enjoyable .

  20. 爱创造的人总是梦想着发明出能够让自己大赚一笔的必备神器。

    Creative types often dream of coming up with the next must-have gadget that will earn them a fortune .

  21. 这件神器,仿照沙漏的造型,可以将其朝圣之旅隐藏起来,不让敌人发现。

    This artifact , resembling an hourglass , was capable of masking their pilgrimage from the eyes of their enemies .

  22. 当受侵蚀的神器有四个侵蚀指示物时,其操控者牺牲之。

    When the artifact being Ablation have four or more ablation counter on it , its controller sacrifice this artifact .

  23. 这个时候,伊利丹已经得到了一个强大的神器:萨格拉斯之眼。

    By the time they confronted illidan , however , he had already retrieved a magical artifact : the eye of sargeras .

  24. 尽管高跟鞋是每个潮女的必备神器,这点毋庸置疑,但你仍需先掌握穿高跟鞋走路的技巧。

    While heels are undoubtedly a must-have for every fashionista , you need to first master the skills to walk in them .

  25. 最后,非常稀有而强大的灵能物品自成一类:神器。

    Finally , psionic items exist of such rarity and power as to belong to a category of their own : artifacts .

  26. 对那些爱吃醋的“连体婴”来说,这款应用可谓是终极神器了——它能让你对恋人手机上的任何操作一清二楚。

    For jealous partners it could be the ultimate app - allowing you to see everything your partner does on their phone .

  27. 有好几百个频道,在信号接收上也无可挑剔,而且没有商业广告,是居家旅行、长距离通勤的必备神器。

    Several hundred channels , impeccable reception , and no commercials . A must for long commutes and road trips . your day .

  28. 尽管大数据已被奉为能提高商业利润、能造福全人类的神器,但它也是个很让人头痛的东西。

    Big data , for all its hype about its ability to lift business profits and help humanity , is a big headache .

  29. 买点新的跑步神器犒劳一下自己一件新运动衫或一双运动袜作为你努力的奖赏。

    Treat yourself to some new running gear , such as a new shirt or running socks , as a reward for your hard work .

  30. 不幸的是,这件神器有一个瑕疵,一群来自七城联邦的贪婪法师听闻了他们朝圣之旅的信息,并发现了他们的踪迹。

    Sadly , the artifact had a flaw , and greedy wizards from the Seven Cities got wind of their pilgrimage and found their tracks .