
  1. 我可六个月没见过姑娘啦。

    I haven 't seen a girl in six months .

  2. 可六52因为他们不领悟分饼的事,心里还是顽固。

    52 for they did not understand concerning the loaves , but rather their heart was hardened .

  3. 盛赞投书之人如此不世豪杰,则其师又不知是何超越之人物,竟可六省一呼即应。

    Praise the messenger for being a heroic man , whose teacher must also be endowed with extraordinary powers , since athis call the people of six provinces will all arise .

  4. 她在《南国野兽》(BeastsoftheSouthernWild)中亮相时便显示出这些特质,当时她可只有六岁。

    She showed as much in " Beasts of the Southern Wild , " filmed when she was just 6 .

  5. (HPT的一个现代演化可参看六盒模式)。

    ( an modern evolution of HPT can be seen at The Six Boxes Model ) .

  6. 六氟异丙醇是一种重要的含氟精细化学品,可通过六氟丙酮催化还原或者MPV反应制备。

    Hexafluoroisopropanol ( HFIP ) is an important fluorinated fine chemical made by reduction of hexafluoroacetone with catalyzer or by MPV reaction .

  7. 随后制定的指导方针很宽松,可长达六个月。

    The resulting guidance is loose up to six months .

  8. 下层舱可为六位乘客提供卧铺。

    Six passengers can be berthed on the lower deck .

  9. 可收受六个月内的银行承兑汇票。

    Can be received within six months of bank acceptance bills of exchange .

  10. 每个手腕上可检查六种脉搏。

    The six pulses are checked on each wrist .

  11. 这寝室可睡六名学生。

    This bed room sleeps six students .

  12. 一幢可供六个人留宿的度假别墅。

    A holiday cottage that sleeps six .

  13. 你看,我们银行大体上可分成六个业务部门。

    Basically , as you can see , we 're split into six line divisions .

  14. 多目标模拟器最多可模拟六个不同运动形式目标的回波信号,能产生逼真的实时回波信号。设计结果满足了雷达系统实际测量的要求。

    The simulator can imitate six different kinds of real-time echo-wave signals at the same time .

  15. 它可用于六足步行机运动学分析和步行机构的运动设计。

    It can be used to analyze kinematics of six-leg walking vehicle and walk - ing mechanism .

  16. 为何有些胺基酸可由六种密码子指定,有些只由一种或两种密码子指定?

    Why are some amino acids assigned six codons , whereas others have just one or two ?

  17. 三寸舌可砍倒六尺高的男人。人言非利剑却能伤人。

    The tongue is only inches long but it can cut down a man 6 feet tall .

  18. 以往的工业化模式可从六个方面进行归纳,反映出发展过程的特殊性。

    The Industrialization Model can be concluded in six different aspects , which indicate the specialization of the development process .

  19. 该服务的收费是每月10美元,如果每月付15美元,则最多可有六位家人同时使用该服务。

    The service will cost $ 10 a month or $ 15 a month for up to six family members .

  20. 通过优化策略,迭代求解出馈源舱支撑结构的静平衡位置,可使六根悬索的受力尽可能均匀一致。

    The static equilibrium equation for the Cabin Supporting Structure is solved by iteration , which could make the six cables loaded very closely .

  21. 在此期间未提出申请,可给六个月宽展期,如仍未提出申请,注销其注册商标。

    During this period did not apply width can be extended to six months , if not yet apply , cancellation of its registered trademark .

  22. 此外,端点刚度的分析还可为六杆机构的虚拟轴加工中心的整体构形、腿长及其分布的合理设计提供重要依据。

    In addition , the end effector stiffness analysis can also provide very important information for whole machine configuration design , leg length and distribution determination .

  23. 一项新的研究显示,用电流速脉冲刺激大脑可以提高你的心算能力,效果可长达六个月。

    Stimulating the brain with rapid pulses of electricity can improve your ability to perform mental arithmetic for up to six months , a new study has shown .

  24. 在屋子正中堆满书籍的桌子和钢琴之间分明有可容六个人并行的空间,可他走过时却仍提心吊胆。

    Between a grand piano and a centre-table piled high with books was space for a half a dozen to walk abreast , yet he essayed it with trepidation .

  25. 流场显示实验结果表明,在有强制扰动时,集中涡显示出两种不同形式的破裂,可分成六种不同的破裂形态。

    The flow visualizations of water channel experiments reveal that , under forced disturbances , there are two types of concentrated vortex-breakdowns , which in turn can be divided further into six patterns .

  26. 在加载试验台上可对六维传感器的各维分别进行标定力的加载,并进行数据采集,将腕力传感器输出的模拟信号进行采样并将采样数据保存到数据文件。

    On the experiment bench , the six-dimension wrist force sensor can be loaded in each dimension respectively . Data acquisition system samples the analog signals of six-dimension wrist force sensor and saves the sampling data in a file .

  27. 使用媒介染料和马来酸与三价铬离子形成的络合物对羊毛进行染色可降低六价铬离子对环境的污染而得色率高于重铬酸盐媒染法染色。

    The environmental pollution caused by dyeing wool with Cr (ⅵ) has been decreased by use of a complex of mordant dyes and maleic acid with Cr (ⅲ), resulting in a color yield higher than that of dichromate dyeing processes .

  28. 对五坐标加工机器人作了结构分析,定义了这种机器人的工作空间并提出相应解法,用五坐标联动便可实现六坐标联动的加工功能。

    The construction of machining robot with five coordinate is analyzed in this paper , working space of the robot is defined and relevant solution is presented , the machining function can be realized when replace six coordinate combined motion by five coordinate combined motion .

  29. 手势可分为六大类。

    Gestures fall into six main categories .

  30. 聚类分析表明,在遗传距离GD值0.32水平上38个小麦品种可聚成六大类。

    At the level of GD 0.32 , cluster analysis showed that 38 wheat lines could be classified into 6 groups .