
biàn xì fǎ
  • conjure;juggle;perform conjuring tricks
变戏法 [biàn xì fǎ]
  • [perform conjuring tricks;juggle] 表演障眼术的花招;表演身手灵巧的绝技

变戏法[biàn xì fǎ]
  1. 苏珊能在半小时内变戏法似的做出一顿美味的饭菜。

    Susan can conjure up a good deal in half hour .

  2. 她妻子能在半小时内变戏法似地做出一顿美餐。

    His wife can conjure up a good meal in half an hour .

  3. 他私底下有变戏法的嗜好。

    His secret hobby : performing magic tricks .

  4. 保罗很会变戏法。

    Paul 's very good at conjuring .

  5. 能够感应手部运动的LeapMotion可以让你体会变戏法的感受。

    The Leap Motion , which tracks the movement of hands , lets you do cool tricks .

  6. Alfred在年轻的时候就学会了很多吟游歌手的叙事诗歌,并能耍杂技把戏和简单的变戏法使他的节目多样化。

    Alfred had learned many of their ballads in his youth , and could vary his programme with acrobatic tricks and simple conjuring .

  7. 尽管库克也推出了许多优秀产品,但他却不具备前任乔布斯那样的“现实扭曲力场”,除非他也能变戏法般地弄出个AppleCar或是一体化自能家居什么的来。

    And for all of Tim Cook 's many fine qualities , he can 't generate a reality distortion field the way his predecessor could . Until Cook manages to pull another rabbit out of his iHat - an Apple Car ? a fully integrated smart home ? -

  8. 根据这一定义,读者就不难猜测出prestidigitator的词义。能从帽子里拉出兔子、吞火和玩其他类似的把戏的人不就是变戏法的人吗?

    He was a prestidigitator who entertained the children by pulling rabbits out of hats , swallowing fire , and other similar tricks .

  9. (如变戏法般)使某事物突然地或意外地出现

    Make sth appear suddenly or unexpectedly , as if by magic

  10. 魔术,戏法魔术师或变戏法的人用的戏法;

    A trick performed by a magician or juggler ; sleight-of-hand .

  11. 这位魔术师经常在他太太的协助下变戏法。

    The magician often conjures with the aid of his wife .

  12. 那变戏法的人用魔法从帽子中变出五只兔子。

    The conjuror used magic to produce five rabbits from his hat .

  13. 你在变戏法,你把变量定义的东一个西一个。

    You 're a magician , creating variables out of thin air .

  14. 我很会变戏法的杰米尼

    I 'm pretty good at sleight of hand Jiminy .

  15. 魔术家用变戏法从帽子里变出一只鸽子。

    The conjurer used magic to produce a dove from his hat .

  16. 我可不行,甜心,我只是个变戏法的。

    Not me , honey . I 'm a prestidigitator .

  17. 这就涵盖了玩喷火把戏者、变戏法者、说书人、哑剧艺术者和舞者的各类人群。

    This includes fire-breathers , jugglers , storytellers , mime artists and dancers .

  18. 变戏法的人把一块手帕变成了一只鸟。

    The juggler juggled a handkerchief into a bird .

  19. 有时候,他把他自己变成魔术师,对我变戏法。

    Sometimes , he made himself an illusionist and played tricks on me .

  20. 联邦理事会正在变戏法行为的有得到难的。

    The Fed 's juggling act has gotten harder .

  21. 我可不会像变戏法般地解决这个问题,你知道的。

    I can 't conjure up a solution just like that , you know .

  22. 只在一个变戏法的人接不到球的时候,他才能吸引我。

    Only when a juggler misses catching his ball does he appeal to me .

  23. 他变戏法逗得孩子们直乐。

    He amused the kids with conjuring tricks .

  24. 变戏法而已,不是真正的魔术。’

    Conjuring tricks , not real magic . '

  25. 他们顿时使我回想起那三个变戏法的。

    They brought back to my mind , in a flash , the three juggles .

  26. 变戏法的人讨厌推搡。

    Or a juggler hates a shove .

  27. 像变戏法一样

    Just like one of your tricks ,

  28. 并给这种构思与表现的方法命名为平凡生活变戏法。

    And names for this kind of idea and the performance method forthe ordinary life conjures .

  29. 这个变戏法的人作了一番表演。

    The juggler performed her tricks .

  30. 他们看着我,就想看着魔术师变戏法一样。

    They were watching me as they would watch a conjurer about to perform a trick .