
  • 网络Abnormal psychology;Psychose
变态心理 [biàn tài xīn lǐ]
  • [abnormal pshychology] 心理与行为的机能性紊乱(如在精神病中)

  1. 论变态心理犯罪的特点及其预防

    On the Characteristic and Precaution of Abnormal Psychology Crime

  2. 变态心理是指离开了正常范围的不健康的心理活动。

    Abnormal psychology has referred to the unhealthy psychological activity of deviating from the normal range .

  3. 这信很明显是变态心理的表露。

    The letter was clearly the product of a twisted mind .

  4. 变态心理有多种形式。

    Anormal Psychology has different patterns .

  5. 特殊的鞋杯令,则反映出当时文人的变态心理。

    The special shoe and cup game is a witness to the perversity of the literati .

  6. 也有社会性的:如哥们义气、盲目性爱情、报复和变态心理;

    Sexual and material desires are physiological , and blind love and abnormal psychology are social .

  7. 她便这样又丧失了一次得到治疗的机会,在随后的数月里她的变态心理益发深重。

    Another chance to treat her was lost , and over the following months the psychosis deepened .

  8. 国民性的独特探讨&试论鲁迅小说人物的变态心理

    The Unique Research on National Habits ── On the Characters ' Abnormal Psychology in Luxun 's Novels

  9. 他摒弃传统小说全知式细节描写,把注意力集中在具有变态心理的人物阴暗混乱的“意识流”上。

    Faulkner presents his characters and plot of the novel by his ingenious skill of stream of consciousness .

  10. 变态心理犯罪的根源是犯罪行为人的精神异常。

    The origin of the abnormal psychology crime is that the crime ac to r 's spirit is unusual .

  11. 对变态心理做人文基准的界定,是全面客观认识心理异化现象的重要方面。

    The definition of abnormal psychology by the humanity of criterion is an important aspect in getting an overall and objective understanding of psychological alienation .

  12. 狭义的变态心理主要是指整个精神基本处于不正常状态的人,他的精神已经完全扭曲了。

    Narrowly-defined abnormal psychology refers to the person of the whole spirit basically in abnormal state mainly and his spirit has already been totally twisted .

  13. 事实上,在艺术创造过程中,常态心理和变态心理是相互交织、相互渗透、相互转化,二者相辅相成,不可或缺。

    In fact , in the process of artistic creation , the two needful psychologies supplement each other with interlacing , mutual penetration and reciprocal transformation .

  14. 后人称他为西方颓废文学鼻祖,唯美主义文学的先驱,美国侦探小说的开拓者及变态心理的探索家。

    He is regarded as a progenitor of Western Decadent Literature , the Aesthetic Movement and American detective stories , and also an explorer of human abnormal psychology .

  15. 广义的变态心理主要是指基本正常的人,在一定条件下偶尔产生的超常的心理;

    Broadly-defined abnormal psychology refers to the basically normal person mainly who produces the psychology of going beyond the normal condition once in a while under certain condition .

  16. 他们发现在面对道德两难(将胖子推下去)时回答体现功利主义的参加者和冷血变态心理,厚黑主义以及觉得生活没意义的想法有很强的关联。

    They found a strong link between utilitarian answers to moral dilemmas ( push the fat guy off the bridge ) and personalities that were psychopathic , Machiavellian or tended to view life as meaningless .

  17. 在坡的犯罪、复仇等恐怖小说中,坡深入到人的变态心理和下意识的领域里,为读者展示了一个丧失正常理智和意识的畸形人的画廊。

    In his thrillers concerning crimes and revenge , he went deep into the field of abnormal psychology and subconsciousness , displaying in front of readers a gallery of psychologically abnormal people suffered from the loss of common sense and consciousness .

  18. 分析8年内在本院心理咨询门诊观察到的4173例心理咨询病例,发现在综合医院心理咨询门诊中,有变态心理或精神疾病的病例占87.54%,而有心理问题的健康人仅为12.46%;

    The 4173 cases of psychological counseling in specified room of general hospital were observed and analysed . The results revealed that 87.54 % of clients suffered from psychopathy or mental diseases , only 12.46 % was healthy people with psychological problems .

  19. 本文主要从历史、社会、心理三方面,分析了焦氏的变态心理和命运悲剧的复杂原因,并对中国的封建宗法社会的心理进行了深入的解剖和痛彻的反思。

    This paper has historically , sociologically and psychologically analysed the complicated causes of the aberrant personality and the fatal tragedy of the figure of Jiao , and has also examined the Chinese psychology in the feudal-religious society , accompanying with hard thinking .

  20. 变态心理艺术化的过程,怎样加强审美趋动、深化审美语境、锻炼审美感悟,均为审美心理学和艺术学已经忽略而又不该忽略的课题。

    The ratifying process of abnormal psychology , the strengthening of the aesthetical motivation , the deepening of the aesthetical language situation , the cultivation of the aesthetical inspiration - all these are the subjects that have been neglected but should not be neglected .

  21. 他那扭曲变态的心理。

    His warped , perverted mind .

  22. 异常石墨的形态表现出相互联结的立体网络状。性变态是心理变态的一种表现形式。

    The morphology of abnormal graphites has the three-dimensional interconnection netlike structure . Sexual perversion is one kind of psychological perversion .

  23. 第三,从封建伦理道德禁锢下女性扭曲变态的性心理揭露人性的弱点。

    Disclose human 's weaknesses from women 's distorted and abnormal sexual psychology confined by feudal ethics ( d ) .