
biàn tài
  • metamorphosis;perversion;pathology;modification;abnormal state;transfiguration
变态 [biàn tài]
  • (1) [metamorphosis]∶胚胎发育期内动物外形、内部结构和生长习性上的一系列变化(如昆虫的幼虫变成蛹或蝌蚪变成青蛙)

  • (2) [abnormal state]∶指人的生理、心理的不正常状态

  • 这种双重人是一种变态

变态[biàn tài]
  1. 她在《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》中也犯了其他错误。

    She made other mistakes in Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium as well .

  2. 上个月,《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》再版了。

    And last month , Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium was republished .

  3. 人们认为我养只耗子当宠物是变态。

    People think I 'm sick for having a rat as a pet .

  4. 这次谋杀是精神变态者所为。

    The murder was the act of a psychopath .

  5. 那封信非常清楚地表明了一个变态者的思维方式。

    The letter showed horribly clearly the workings of a twisted mind .

  6. 他一直在进行一些变态的性活动。

    He had been engaging in some kind of kinky sexual activity .

  7. 他是个精神变态杀人者。

    He 's a psychopath , a killer .

  8. 成果是她的名作《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》。

    The result was her masterpiece , Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium .

  9. 在撰写《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》之前,梅里安花费了数十年时间记录她发表在系列丛书中的欧洲植物和昆虫。

    Before writing Metamorphosis , Merian spent decades documenting European plants and insects that she published in a series of books .

  10. 关于变态贝塞尔函数In(X)和Kn(X)的计算及FORTRAN程序

    Numerical Computation and FORTRAN Program on the Modified Bessel Functions I and K

  11. 总免疫球蛋白E和特异性免疫球蛋白E在儿童呼吸道变态反应性疾病中的分布

    Distribution of Specific Immunoglobulin E and Total Immunoglobulin E in Children with Respiratory Allergic Disease

  12. FEM变态单元体素拼合原理及在农机设计中的应用

    The principle of FEM deformable element joint block and application in agricultural machine design

  13. 提示特异性IgG亚类在Ⅰ型变态反应性疾病的诊断中,具有明显的特异性及敏感性。

    We conclude that specific IgG subclass has obviously etiologic specificity and sensitivity .

  14. 雷公藤内酯醇对Wistar大鼠实验性变态反应性脑脊髓炎的治疗作用

    Effect of Triptolide in Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis in Wistar Rats

  15. 实验性变态反应性脑脊髓炎IL-2与IL-8的检测

    Assay of IL-2 and IL-8 in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis model

  16. 结论R2具有止痒、抗炎、抑制Ⅰ、Ⅳ型变态反应作用,其机制与抗组胺、稳定肥大细胞膜及抑制肥大细胞脱颗粒等有关。

    One of its mechanisms may be related to the actions of antihistamine , stabilizing mastocyte membrane and inhibiting degranulation of mastocyte .

  17. 实验性变态反应性神经炎周围神经浸润CD4(+)T细胞的凋亡

    Apoptosis of CD4 ( + ) T cells during experimental autoimmune neuritis in Wistar rats

  18. 本文利用绝对重力测量、重力场、形变和GPS测量资料浅析该地区水平和垂直形变态势。

    The paper analyses the vertical and horizontal deformations in San Jiang region by means of absolute gravity , deformation and GPS data .

  19. 变态反应性皮肤病患者血清过敏原及IgE检测分析

    Analysis of Serum Specific IgE and Total IgE of Patients with Allergic Dermatosis

  20. 突然之间,传统的企业软件,比如Excel上那些变态的电子表格相比之下显得那样原始。

    Suddenly , traditional enterprise software , like those monster spreadsheets on Excel , seems positively archaic by comparison .

  21. 不良反应发生率,变态反应与其他器官和系统的比较,均具有非常显著性差异(P0.01);

    There were significant differences between the allergic reactions and other organs or systems ( P 0.01 ) .

  22. 变态反应性皮炎患者血清真菌特异性IgE的检测及其临床意义

    Detection of serum fungus specific IgE in patients with allergic dermatitis and its clinical significance

  23. 目的研究昆虫变态激素蜕皮甾酮(EDS)是否能抑制内皮细胞的凋亡。

    Objective To study whether ecdysterone ( EDS ) inhibits apoptosis of endothelial cells .

  24. 结论1.益生菌DNA滴鼻干预通过降低动物模型IgE水平,缓解Ⅰ型变态反应性。

    Conclusions : 1 . probiotics DNA therapeutic intervention by reducing animal model IgE levels , remission of type I allergy . 2 .

  25. 结果表明:1)4个组合间受精率、孵化率和变态率存在显著的差异(P0.05);

    The results showed : 1 ) Fertilization rate , hatching rate and metamorphosis rate of the four groups were significant ( P0.05 ) .

  26. PHI测查剖析在变态人格犯罪研究中的应用

    Application of PHI Test in the Criminal Study of Aberrant Personality

  27. 应用IRMA检测鼻变态反应疾病患者血清IgE

    The use of IRMA in the determination of serum IgE in nasal allergy patients

  28. 牙鲆变态早期cDNA文库的构建和parvalbumin基因的克隆

    Construction of cDNA library and analysis of parvalbumin gene sequence in metamorphosing flounder Paralichthys olivaceus

  29. 提示,IgE及其介导的Ⅰ型变态反应可能参与急性乙型肝炎的发病过程。

    These results demonstrate that IgE antibody and IgE-mediated immunoreaction could involve in pathogenesis of acute type B hepatitis .

  30. 过敏性紫癜(HSP)是以无菌性小血管炎为主要病变的全身性血管变态反应性出血性疾病。

    HSP is a systematic small vasculitis which takes the small vasculitis as the main pathological change .