
  • 网络find love;Discover Love;we found love
  1. 但当你发现爱时,我猜那真的是很美丽的。

    But when you find love , I guess it 's really beautiful .

  2. 当我与现实交错,才发现爱变空了!

    When I staggered with reality , only to find love becomes empty !

  3. 却发现爱一定要有回音。

    But now I find I and my love need the reminiscence .

  4. 我发现爱并不是我的朋友

    I found out that love was no friend of mine

  5. 我发现爱不仅仅是一个游戏

    I found that love was more than just a game

  6. 生活在接纳中的孩子学会发现爱;

    If children live with acceptance , they learn to find love in the world .

  7. 因此,肯定就是去发现爱的意向或外在行为背后的善良心地。

    To approve is to find the loving intention or the goodness behind the outside behavior .

  8. 当朋友们试图帮助裘德时,他们开始发现爱也是有界限的。

    When Jude 's friends try to help him , they start to realize limits of love .

  9. 然后你会发现爱无关乎感觉,不是满足的手段。

    Then you will find that love has nothing to do with the feeling that means not meet .

  10. 一个战士不会放弃他所爱的东西,他在他所做的事情当中发现爱。

    A warrior does not give up what he loves , he finds the love in what he does .

  11. 当一切都已逝去只剩下爱的时候,也正是你发现爱就是你所需要的全部的时候。

    When there is nothing left but love , that is when you find out that love Is all you need .

  12. 他们发现爱的感觉会抑制大脑控制批判性思维区域的活跃性。

    They have found that feelings of love lead to a suppression of activity in the areas of the brain controlling critical thought .

  13. 如果你倾向于统治,你会发现爱那位真正的人而不是一面”自己的镜子“会是一件多么有趣的事。

    If you tend to dominate , you 'll find out how interesting it is to love an actual person rather than a human mirror .

  14. 给自己一个爱别人的机会,也给别人一个爱你的机会,也许你会发现爱就在不远处。

    To give yourself a chance to love somebody , to give somebody a chance to love you , Maybe your true love is there .

  15. 情感的氛围变得更浓烈,因为我们以更深层次来评判需要和要求,同时对伴侣的评价也更苛刻,或者是我们发现爱的井水开始干涸。

    The emotional atmosphere is bound to thicken as needs and desires are examined more deeply and the commitment level goes up with partners or we recognize that the well is running dry .

  16. 研究发现爱笑的人看起来更容易接近,另外当你笑的时候,你的血液供给会增加,从而让你脸上泛红,会让你看起来更年轻、更吸引人。

    The study found that smiley people seem more approachable , plus when you laugh , your blood supply increases , causing a rosy glow to the skin , making it appear more youthful and appealing to look at .

  17. 从杜拉斯和虹影自传体小说中发现爱缺失的根源,进一步研究影响在作品跨国情人中的表现方式,分析特殊身份主人公孤独灵魂产生的原因。

    It is necessary to find the root of love lacking in the autobiographical novel of Duras and Hong Ying , make further study of its influence to the work and analyze the cause of lonely soul of special hero .

  18. 当他发现她爱别人的时候,他吃醋了。

    He was jealous when he discovered that she loved someone else .

  19. 我发现我爱你就在这一瞬间。

    I found I love you just in this moment .

  20. 你已发现那爱的印记?

    Have you found the mark of love yet ?

  21. 他从中学到的是发现世间爱无处不在。

    He learns to find love in the world .

  22. 就是探求、发现和爱的责任。

    For seeking , finding , and loving .

  23. 科学家近日发现,爱做家务活的男性寿命更长。

    Scientists discovered recently that men could live longer if they did more chores .

  24. adj.妒忌的;唯恐失去的当他发现她爱别人时非常嫉妒。

    jealous He was very jealous when he discovered that she loved someone else .

  25. 我好运-年轻时就发现自己爱做什么事。

    I was lucky - I found what I loved to do early in life .

  26. 我曾试着去爱别人,但我最终发现自己爱的还是你。

    I have tried to love others , but I eventually found himself still love you .

  27. 我试着在里面加入泰勒·斯威夫特的歌,结果发现我爱死她了。

    Uh , I tried including Taylor Swift in the mix , but turns out I love her .

  28. 第三次研究发现,爱看浪漫爱情喜剧的人对于缘份的信奉远超过其他人。

    A third study found that fans of romantic comedies had far stronger beliefs in predestined love . Vocabulary :

  29. 我发现被爱是世界上最快乐的因为他已经爱我几年了。我很高兴他让我知道他的感觉。

    I find that beloved is happiest in the world because he has been loving me for many years .

  30. 当我们开始爱自己,就会发现这份爱正在为我们自己搭建一个安全舒服的家。

    As we begin to love ourselves , we find ourselves providing a safe and comfortable home for ourselves .