
fā jiào fěn
  • baking powder;yeast power
  1. 将面粉和发酵粉筛入中等大小的搅拌碗中。

    Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl .

  2. 向搅拌钵中倒入半杯发酵粉。

    Pour a half of a cup of baking soda into your mixing bowl .

  3. 这座纪念碑的出资者是19世纪经营发酵粉的一位企业家埃比尼泽·霍斯福特(EbenezerNortonHorsford),他热衷于那种最富有诗意的业余考古。

    Ebenezer Norton Horsford , a19th-century baking-powder entrepreneur with a passion for amateur archaeology of the most poetic sort , is responsible for the marker .

  4. 利用A¨KTAUPC-900快速蛋白液相色谱系统(FPLC)从黑曲霉发酵粉中分离纯化出内切β-葡聚糖苷酶。

    An endo - β - glucanase was isolated and purified from a commercial preparation of Aspergillus niger by means of FPLC ( KTA UPC-900 ) .

  5. 结果表明,子囊菌SD-9701菌株产红色素的最佳无盐培养基配方为:大米粉20g/L,发酵粉5g/L,H2O1000mL。

    The results indicated that the optimal components of free medium for Ascomycetes SD-9701 producing red pigment was rice flour 20 g , yeast power 5 g and water 1 000 mL.

  6. 它们含有面粉,鸡蛋,牛奶和发酵粉。

    They contain flour , eggs , milk and baking powder .

  7. 你把面粉、发酵粉和水和在一起就能做面包。

    You mix flour , yeast and water to make bread .

  8. 不添加糖,淀粉,发酵粉或者防腐剂。

    No added suger , starch , yeast gluten , flavour or preservatives .

  9. 冷凝过的白醋,发酵粉,香草精,塑料喷洒瓶

    Distilled White Vinegar , Baking Soda , Vanilla Extract , Plastic Spray Bottle

  10. 用少量含有发酵粉的面团发酵的。

    Leavened with a small amount of fermented dough .

  11. 搅拌钵,大汤匙,薄荷油,发酵粉,双氧水

    Mixing bowl , Tablespoon , Oil of peppermint , Baking soda , Hydrogen peroxide

  12. 薄饼制作者将面粉、发酵粉、食盐及清水混合制成油酥皮。

    Pizza makers mix flour , yeast , salt and water for the crust .

  13. 一种盐,尤其用于发酵粉中。

    A salt used especially in baking powder .

  14. 正统派的面包是小麦磨成的粉加水,和少量盐及发酵粉制成的。

    True bread is flour and water with a pinch of salt and yeast .

  15. 我曾经“读阅”英国皇家发酵粉出版的一本书。

    I used to " read " a book published by Royal Baking Powder .

  16. 小贴士:向牙膏中加入发酵粉。

    Tip Add baking soda to your toothpaste .

  17. 然后加入面粉,巧克力粉,发酵粉和食盐。

    After that , add the flour , chocolate , baking powder , and salt .

  18. 向喷洒瓶中加入2杯发酵粉,装满水。

    Pour 1 cup of baking soda into a spray bottle and fill with water .

  19. 之后,先将面粉、发酵粉和盐筛一遍,再放入之前做好的奶油混合物中,进行进一步的混合。

    Sift together flour , baking powder , and salt , then blend into creamed mixture .

  20. 发酵粉是天然的中和剂,可以吸收异味,而不是掩盖。

    Baking soda is a natural neutralizer and will absorb odors rather than covering them up .

  21. 最后,将柠檬汁倒入发酵粉中,直到嘶嘶冒泡。

    Lemon juice is poured over the baking soda , causing it to bubble and fizz .

  22. 我在想用发酵粉。

    I 'm thinking baking soda .

  23. 用醋和发酵粉就好啦

    with vinegar and baking soda .

  24. 将面粉、砂糖、发酵粉和盐放入盆中搅匀,放至一旁。

    Whisk flour , sugar , baking powder and salt together in a bowl and set aside .

  25. 发酵粉具有自然的清洁能力,甚至一些商业牙膏中也含有这种成分。

    Baking soda has a natural cleansing ability and can even be found in some commercial toothpaste .

  26. 发酵粉使面发起来。

    Yeast makes dough rise .

  27. 许多水果中发现的一种酸,用于软性饮料、糖果和发酵粉。

    An acid found in many fruits ; used in soft drinks and confectionery and baking powder .

  28. 混匀面粉、糖、甜菊、发酵粉和南瓜派香料。

    Mix dry ingredients together , flour , sugar , Stevia , baking powder and pumpkin pie spice .

  29. 除了水和发酵粉外,还要分别根据酿造工艺加入其它配料。

    Depending on the brewing process involved , other ingredients besides water and yeast are involved as well .

  30. 铵的碳酸盐,用于制造嗅盐、发酵粉和铵的化合物。

    A carbonate of ammonium ; used in the manufacture of smelling salts and baking powder and ammonium compounds .