
  • 网络engine principle;Engine Theory
  1. 提高发动机原理课教学效果探索

    Research on Improving the Teaching Efficiency on the Engine Principle Course

  2. 汽车发动机原理网络课程的研制与开发

    Research and development of automobile engine principle network course

  3. 混合式脉冲爆震发动机原理性试验系统设计、集成与调试

    Design , integration and debugging on principle test system of hybrid pulse detonation engine

  4. 双活塞液压自由活塞发动机原理样机的研制及其压缩比

    Development of a dual piston hydraulic free piston engine prototype and its compression ratio

  5. 物理声学发动机原理和应用

    The Principle and Application of Physical Sound Engine

  6. 我所需要的是一本通俗易懂地讲解汽车发动机原理的书。

    What I need is a book that will demystify the workings of a car engine for me .

  7. 吸气式脉冲爆震发动机原理性试验研究

    Elementary experimental investigation of air-breathing pulse detonation engines Experimental investigations of interaction of a pulse detonation combustor with a turbine

  8. 研究表明:本实验系统能够成功地进行煤油/氧气脉冲爆震火箭发动机原理试验,能产生频率可控的、充分发展的两相爆震波。

    The research demonstrates that the prototype operates well and can produce frequency-controllable , fully-developed , kerosene / oxygen detonation waves .

  9. 基于摩托车发动机原理的爬管机器人设计新型蠕动式微型管道机器人的牵引力及爬坡能力研究

    The Initialization of Pipeline Robot Based on Motor Engine Features Traction Force and Climbing Capacity of a Novel Creeping Micro In-pipe Robot

  10. 研究结果为优化设计强化燃烧装置,优化设计煤油/空气气动阀式脉冲爆震发动机原理样机提供了初步理论基础。

    This investigation is of importance to supply theory and practice for optimizing intensifying combustion setting and kerosene / air aero-valve pulse detonation engine .

  11. 游梁式抽油机运动和动力学仿真及优化设计基于摩托车发动机原理的仿生机械蝗虫作品设计

    The Simulation of Kinematics and Dynamics of Beam-Pumping Unit and Its Design of Optimization ; The Simulation of Locust Movement Based on Motor Engine Features

  12. 对汽运工程专业发动机原理课程内容的内在规律进行了剖析,总结出各部分内容的相互关系,提出改进本课程教学的具体措施。

    This paper analyses the inherent law of contents in Engine Principle course on auto application engineering speciality , summarizes the interrelation in various sections of contents , and puts forward specific measures for improving the course teaching .

  13. 本文在ZND爆震波理论基础上,结合脉冲爆震发动机工作原理,介绍了单次爆震火箭式脉冲爆震发动机推力,比冲性能参数的计算方法。

    Based on the theory of ZND detonation wave , the operating process of the pulse detonation engine ( PDRE ) is introduced .

  14. 发动机电控原理及维修注意事项

    The Principle and Proceedings in of Maintenance of Electronic Control Engine

  15. 单缸机械-液压约束活塞发动机工作原理与经济性

    Research into Principle and Economical Efficiency of Single Cylinder Mechanical-Hydraulic-Confined-Piston Engine

  16. 轴向液压约束活塞发动机工作原理与运转平稳性

    Working Principles and Running Stability of Axial Hydraulic Confined Piston Engine

  17. 脉冲爆震火箭发动机的原理性试验

    An experimental study for pulse detonation rocket engine

  18. 基于发动机控制原理,本文提出了发动机控制系统的基本控制方案和改进的双闭环控制方案。

    Based on engine control theories , the engine basis control scheme and improved double closed loop scheme are designed .

  19. 文章对装有电子控制燃油喷射系统的卡特彼勒推土机的发动机工作原理和结构特点作了介绍。

    The author described the work principle and structural features of engine on Cat bulldozer with electronic control fuel injection system .

  20. 根据发动机爆震原理,介绍了一种发动机爆震检测的方法,并给出了硬件设计框图。

    With a view to the theory of engine knock , this paper introduces a method of knock detection in detain .

  21. 阐述了脉冲爆震发动机工作原理,对脉冲爆震发动机热效率、循环过程及性能进行了初步分析。

    This paper describes the principles of pulsed detonation engines ( PDE ) A preliminary analysis on thermal efficiency , cycle process and Performance Of pulsed detonation engines has been made .

  22. 探讨了发动机建模原理及其实现方法,介绍机理建模和辨识建模的原理,给出了利用机理建模建立相应发动机的数学模型的方法。

    This article discusses the methods of engine modeling and the realization , introduces the theory of principle modeling and distinguishing modeling , builds an aeroengine math model with principle modeling method .

  23. 为了对脉冲爆震燃烧过程的燃烧效率有一个初步了解,在分析脉冲爆震发动机工作原理的基础上,设计了一套带有压力可调单向阀结构的取样系统,并进行了试验验证。

    A sampling system with a variable pressure check valve was designed to investigate the combustion efficiency of pulse detonation combustion process on the basis of the pulse detonation engine ( PDE ) operating principle analysis .

  24. 文章介绍了家用热电联产的概念、特点和优势,论述了斯特林发动机的原理和结构,分析了基于斯特林发动机的家用热电联产系统的关键技术、应用前景及主要障碍。

    This thesis introduces the concept , characteristic and advantage of Domestic-CHP , by discussing the principals and structure of Stirling engines , analysing the key technologies , applications and barriers of Domestic-CHP based on Stirling engines .

  25. 本文首先介绍了压缩空气发动机的原理、特点与国内外发展状况,然后详细叙述了合肥工业大学压缩空气发动机系统的设计及初步实验。

    After introducing the principle , characteristics , domestic and international development conditions of the compressed air engine , the thesis detailedly describes design and initial experiments of the compressed air engine system researched in Hefei University of Technology .

  26. 通过对多缸发动机工作原理的深刻理解,总结了确定扭矩法和升程法调整时机的简便实用程序和方法。

    On the basis of deep comprehension of the working principle of the multi-cylinder engine , the practical program and simple methods for determining the adjusting time of the torque method and the lift method are summarized in part 3 .

  27. 介绍了燃料电池发动机的工作原理,设计了一套以DSP为核心的风量控制硬件系统。

    The principle of fuel cell engine is introduced . A hardware system of airflow control is designed based on DSP .

  28. 结合质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)发动机的工作原理,建立电化学模型。

    With working principles of PEMFC engines , an electrochemistry model of PEMFC was established .

  29. 本文介绍发动机爆燃的原理,并详细阐述BX-1型爆震限制器的结构原理,及安装之后的功效、注意事项和调节。

    The author introduces the principle of engine detonation , describes the structural principle of BX-1 knock limitator and its function , regulation and points for attention in use .

  30. 《发动机构造与原理》多媒体课件的研制

    Development about MCAI Courseware for Structure & Principle of Engine