
  • 网络Original singing method;primitive singing technique
  1. 寻找美丽文化留住天籁之音&由原生态唱法引发的思考

    Seeking Beautiful Cultures and Keeping Beautiful Sounds & Thoughts From Original Singing Method

  2. 第三部分:原生态唱法与民族唱法的未来展望。

    The third part : the developing road of original singing and national singing .

  3. 第二部分:原生态唱法。

    The second part : original singing .

  4. 我们应该去认真的思考一下,认真的研究一下原生态唱法,学习原生态歌手演唱的优点。

    We should think and study seriously about original singing and learn advantages of the singers .

  5. 这一部分介绍了原生态唱法的概念、原生态唱法的现状、原因及两者的比较与关系。

    This part introduces the concept of original singing 、 actuality and reason of original singing and the comparison and the relationship between them .

  6. 原生态唱法是我国各族人民在生产生活实践中创造的、在民间广泛流传的原汁原味的民间歌唱音乐形式。

    Original singing is folk songs of authentic music form that Chinese people of all nationalities create in the production practice 、 Widely circulate in folk .

  7. 从原生态唱法提出的环境和所代表的歌唱形式来看,原生态唱法指在舞台和晚会上比赛、演出的原生态民歌。

    From the original ecology of proposed environmental and represented in the forms of singing , original ecology refers to the stage and party games , performances of the original ecological folk song .

  8. 从概念、咬字、声音、歌唱技巧等方面把民族唱法与原生态唱法做了比较,阐述了原生态唱法是民族唱法的源泉,是基础,是根。

    This part compare national singing and original singing from the concept , pronunciation , voice singing skills , etc , elaborating original singing is the source 、 basic and root of national singing .

  9. 第三部分阐述了原生态唱法的特点,主要论述原生态唱法的多样化特点以及增设原生态唱法的积极意义。

    The third section sets out the characteristics of the original ecological singing , singing focuses on the ecological diversity of the original and the expansion of the original ecological characteristics of the positive significance of singing .

  10. 首先要加大对原生态唱法的研究、整理、挖掘,其次保持原生态唱法演唱的风格和韵味,因为演唱的风格和韵味是原生态唱法发展的灵魂。

    Firstly , increase the research of original singing , sorting , mining , secondly , keep original singing style and flavor . Because singing style and lasting appeal is the soul of the development of the original singing .

  11. 原生态唱法和原生态民歌是相互依存的,随着现代社会经济的发展,生产生活方式的改变,原生态民歌逐渐失去了其赖以生存的土壤,正在面临消亡的境地。

    Original singing and the original folk song is interdependent . With the development of modern social economy and changes of production and lifestyle , the original folk song gradually lost its survival soil , and is facing declining position .

  12. 本文认为,原生态民歌和原生态唱法的存在都是客观的事实,但作为赛事的称谓,笔者建议叫传统民歌、民间唱法比赛,更为妥当。

    The author of this paper suggests that these two phenomena exist , but as formal appellation for the competitions ," traditional folk songs " and / or " folk singing " would appear proper .

  13. 从歌唱艺术的唱法、原生态歌手到歌唱的作品来看,失去了生态环境的民间音乐,经过改编的民间音乐作品,受过训练的演唱技术还像是原生态唱法吗?

    Viewing the way of singing , the singers and the songs they sing , can the folk music without the ecotypic environment , folk songs adapted and the trained singing technique still be called " Pro-ecotypic " Way of Singing ?