
juǎn fā qì
  • hair curler
  1. 义乌市双乔美容美发用具有限公司是专业生产指甲锉;卷发器;美容套装的企业。

    Is specializing in the production of appliances , nail file ; hair curler ; Cosmetology suite of enterprise .

  2. 这是电沙拉干燥器、电罐头起子、电皂液器、电空气清新器、电卷发器、炒蛋器、电拔毛器的国土。

    This is the land of the elec-tric salad dryer , the electric can opener , the electric soap dispenser , the electric air freshener , the electric hair curler , the in-the-shell egg scrambler , and the electric tweezers .

  3. 对不起,我把卷发器松一下。B:这样好多了。

    Im so sorry.I11 loosen this curler a little . B : ThatS better .

  4. 此人是来自朱利安·法莱尔康复沙龙与水疗(JulienFarelRestoreSalon&Spa)的杰克逊·西蒙德斯(JacksonSimmonds),他的珑骧(Longchamp)大包里装着电卷发器、吹风机和猪鬃发刷,用来给刚刚生产完的叶女士打理发型。

    Jackson Simmonds from the Julien Farel Restore Salon & Spa was also there , with a curling iron , hair dryer and boar bristle hairbrushes in his Longchamp tote . They were his tools to style Ms. Yip 's hair immediately after delivery .

  5. 干洗店和卷发器不会让我们没眼光。

    Dry cleaners and hair cutters don 't rob us blind .

  6. 那是我妈妈用卷发器烫的。

    My mom hit me with a curling iron .

  7. 我的卷发器烧了我的头发,所以我必须去美发店。

    My curlers burned my hair and I had to go to the hairdresser .

  8. 我需要借用你的卷发器。

    I need to borrow your curling iron .

  9. 她用卷发器卷头发。

    She curls her hair with rollers .

  10. 只要有卷发器,你就可以征服整个世界了。

    All you need is hot rollers and you are ready to conquer the world .

  11. 避免使用电吹风和卷发器等工具,否则会导致头发更加干燥,而且容易产生静电。

    Avoid using tools like blow-dryers and curling irons , which can dry winter hair and encourage static .

  12. 我们销售的直发器和卷发器就是可以让你们改变你们想要的发型

    We sell the straight hair device and hair curler that will allow you to change the hairstyle you like

  13. 我的意思是,让我们面对现实吧;最卷发器声称自己是最好的买进,但他们是真的吗?

    I mean , let 's face it ; most curling irons claim to be the best buy , but are they really ?

  14. 不经心地使用锐利的卷发器和发卡.过多地进行热定型,不经常修剪头发都会造成发梢开叉。

    Careless use of spiky rollers and hairpins , excessive heat styling and not having the hair trimmed regularly can also cause the problem .

  15. 我们主要生产直发器,卷发器,烫发机等不同型号的理发器,质优价廉。

    We mainly produce straight hair , and hair curler , perm machine different types of Barber , and high quality and low price .

  16. 人类不能通过改进护肤品和卷发器或通过降低健身机和电动除毛器的价格使自己更美起来。

    It is not by improving skin foods and point rollers , by cheapening health motors and electrical hair-removers , that the human race will be made beautiful ;

  17. 例如,如果你想要把头发吹成很紧的发卷,我建议你使用卷发器,虽然直发器或许也可以。

    for instance if you wanted a very tight curl in the hair I would advise you to use a toner , even if a straightener might do .

  18. 把头发梳成时髦的高高的马尾,然后用卷发器把马尾的部分卷成蓬松高雅的波浪。

    Tie the hair into a sleek and tidy high pony tail , then curl the ponytail in sections with a curling tong to create a loose elegant wave .

  19. 显然,爱心刘海并不是个日常发型,更大程度上是大家一时兴起拿卷发器找点乐趣,但是这些妹子们的新发型看起来确实不错。

    Apparently it 's not an ' everyday ' style , more a viral attempt to have some fun with curling tongs , but these women look great with their fringes styled .

  20. 看到收银员的表情有点怪,第一个修女说,“我们买啤酒是用来洗头的。”收银员,眼皮都没有眨一下,把手伸进柜台下面,拿出一包椒盐饼干放到装啤酒的袋子里面,说“嘿,卷发器可不能少!”

    The cashier had a surprised look and the first nun said , " The beer is used for washing our hair . " The cashier , without blinking an eye , reached under the counter and put a package of pretzels in the bag with the beer , saying ... " Here , don 't forget the curlers . "

  21. 你认为我们需要的卷发或直发器吗?

    Do you think we 'll need the curling iron or the flat iron ?