
In the very first chapter of the first book of the Bible we are told categorically that there is a right time to pause and to reflect .
The main body separately explicates how Marx formed and developed his theory of ideology in The German Ideology and in one section of Capital of the first volume Commodity Fetishism and Its Secret .
Volume 3 , Chapter 7 : Record and classification about Sira ;
Twenty chapters comprise Book One .
She could not enter the house again , could not be in the same room to which she had with such vain artifice retreated three months ago , to lace up her boot , without recollecting .
Dostoyevsky , Crime and Punishment , Part VI , Epilogue .
It 's not really that surprising - each chapter of a book in the series is told from the perspective of a different character , and Tyrion has the most chapters to his name across the whole saga .