
juàn zōng
  • file;dossier;archive;folder
卷宗 [juàn zōng]
  • (1) [folder]∶机关里分类保存的文件

  • (2) [file]∶即案卷。经过整理和排列的文件或卡片,它反映一项工作、一个问题或一个案件等的情况和处理过程

卷宗[juàn zōng]
  1. 逢观景窗全部卷宗。

    It closes all folder viewing windows .

  2. 从标有苏格兰警力卷宗中找。

    Look in the file marked " scottish police forces " .

  3. 蓝色卷宗是用来存放旧发票的。

    The blue files are used for storing old invoices .

  4. 由于案件卷宗全部丢失致使进一步的调查受阻。

    Further investigation was hindered by the loss of all documentation on the case .

  5. 他仔细翻遍了所有卷宗找那份文件。

    He combed all the files for that document .

  6. 因此,这位当选总统应如何对待美国国家情报委员会(USNationalIntelligenceCouncil)最聪明的头脑放在他案头的厚厚卷宗呢?

    So what should the president-elect make of the hefty tome that has landed on his desk courtesy of the cleverest minds at the US National Intelligence Council ?

  7. 法院卷宗中称:(Facebook的)登记声明和招股说明书中包含对重要事实的虚假陈述。

    The [ Facebook ] registration statement and prospectus contained untrue statements of material facts , the court filing claims .

  8. BillPanagopoulos是发现这份卷宗的美国收藏家,他说:“Morell就是个庸医和骗人的商人。”

    Bill Panagopoulos , an American collector who discovered the dossier , said : ' Morell was a quack and a fraud and a snakeoil salesman . '

  9. 在土耳其要求美国立即把葛兰引渡回国之后,土耳其表示,已向美国寄送了4份有关法士拉•葛兰(FethullahGulen)涉嫌从事种种活动的卷宗。此事有可能破坏这两个北约(Nato)盟国之间的关系。

    Turkey said it had sent the US four dossiers on the alleged activities of Fethullah Gulen , following up on a demand for his immediate return that threatens to derail relations between the Nato allies .

  10. 他腋下挟着一些卷宗。

    He was carrying a number of files under his arm .

  11. 我们并不用“卷宗”这个词

    We don 't use the word " dossier . "

  12. 他面前的桌子上,摆着成堆不祥的卷宗

    with a foot-high stack of papers ominously sitting on the table .

  13. 这份卷宗有许多控制这部机器的指令。

    The file contains a number of directives that control the machine .

  14. 记录上写内务处拿走了卷宗。

    Now the records say that internal affairs pulled the murder book .

  15. 教学卷宗与新教学评价观

    Files on Teaching and Perspective on the New Teaching Evaluation

  16. 警方有关这一案件的卷宗现已封存。

    The police file on this particular case has now been closed .

  17. 克拉姆荷恩故意把一份卷宗放错地方以阻挠谈判的进行。

    Crumhorn had deliberately mislaid a file in order to sabotage the negotiations .

  18. 他阅读了有关这个案件的全部卷宗。

    He read all the files on the case .

  19. 那些信被人从约翰d阿奇博尔德的私人卷宗里偷走了。

    The letters had been filched from the private files of John d.archbold .

  20. 卷宗锁起来了,我无法取出。

    The files are locked up and I can 't get at them .

  21. 马勒面前放着从卷宗里抽出来的一张纸。

    Muller had a sheet detached from the file in front of him .

  22. 这封卷宗涉及到新办公桌系列的所有细节情况。

    The file 's got all the details of the new desk range .

  23. 他随身携带一卷宗文件以便证实索赔要求。

    He drought along a file of document to back up his claim .

  24. 该组织收到的卷宗增加了35%。

    He has seen referrals rise 35 per cent .

  25. 让他们把卷宗调出来。

    Had them pull out the old lab work .

  26. 这是一份上面标有“机密”并且只限少数人参阅的卷宗。

    It 's marked " confidential " and it has a limited circulation .

  27. 我们近期的信件卷宗在哪里?

    Where 's the file of our recent correspondence ?

  28. 相对合理的卷宗中心主义改革

    A Reform of Comparatively Rational File - centralism

  29. 所有的会议记录、卷宗和档案都必须销毁。

    All records of all meetings , files , and dossiers must be destroyed .

  30. 关于刑事案件卷宗改革的法律思考

    Legal thoughts on reform of criminal case files