
On Objectives and Rulers of Productivity Location in Regional Development
The Establishment of Regional Productivity Promotion Center System
Finally , the authors put forward some plans to promote establishment of regional productivity promotion center system .
Generally speaking , individual 's education demand has five levels adapt to the local production purse employment opportunity ;
The industrial structure level is relatively low , and the functional division of cities and towns and the regional productive forces are not rationally distributed ;
The study of agro climatic potential productivity and its corresponding demands for nutrients is always a focus that is very important to make sure of the climatic resource status and to direct the agriculture product in an area .
Two third of the areas of Guangdong Province are hilly land . The development of those agro-forestry models would be helpful to adjustment of agricultural structure , making full use of local natural resources , increase of productivity , improvement of regional environment , and then to sustainable development .
Calculation and Division of Regional Forestry Land Productivity Based on GIS
Elevated CO_2 concentration and temperature rise will affect the growth and development , yield and quality of wheat , and the regional crop productivity .
Contributions of Technological Innovation to Land Productivity in the Coastal Regions of Eastern China : A Case of Yantai City , Shandong Province
With the development of the productivity of regional , spatial economic structure evolves , as well as influences the development of regional economy .
Social productivity development level of each area , as well as the level of economic development is at odds , thus also the nature , manifestations and causes of poverty there is a big difference .
The land ultimate production potentiality and carrying capacity were estimated ;
Impacts of Land Use and Climate Change on Regional Net Primary Productivity
A new method of judging regional agricultural comprehensive productivity was suggested in this paper .
Simulation of Influence of Indian Ocean Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly on the Net Primary Production in South Asia
A model was established and used to forecast the regional annual natural yield capacity and for different climatic years .
I believe the government and the regional trade productivity promotion centers are going to gain useful enlighten from this article .
The emergy evaluation results show that ( 1 ) The primary system productivity have risen greatly since 1990 in this region .
Yearly average NPP ranged from 700 to 2 000 ? gC / ( m ~ 2 · a ) in the rainforests in Burma , Thailand and Vietnam where the vegetation productivity was the largest in the study area .
To enhance the system productivity , the following two conditions must be satisfied : one was the sufficient condition , i.e. , adjusting and rebuilding the agricultural production structure , and the other was the necessary condition , i.e. , system opening operation .
In developed countries , the application research on region vegetation NPP monitoring and predicting by remote sensing technique has been an important aspect of remote sensing information use .
Regional economic growth is the reflected of the productivity in particular way and structure in spatial heterogeneous .
Since the foundation of PRC , our country has experienced the strategic transformation process from the balanced development to the imbalanced development then to the well-balanced development in regional economy development and productive force distribution .
Objective Study on regional characteristics of soil organic carbon ( SOC ) density in farmland will not only greatly contribute to technique researches for soil productivity improvement , but also give evidences of technique selection and policy making for carbon sequestration in soils .
We will promote balanced economic development among regions , reduce the gap in their development and improve distribution of the production forces among them .
Thus , the research on the agglomeration mechanisms and modes of the regional tourism industry is significant , which plan the distribution of productive forces the regional tourism industry scientific , promote the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure of regional tourism .
Regional economy cooperation is request of socialist market economy development , and it is efficiency route of enhance resource collocate efficiency , buildup regional productivity , exert region economical superiority , boost region economical quality .
The main objectives of local public investment are to provide local public goods efficiently , to steer private enterprises ' investment , to optimize regional productivity layout , and to provide the public service , infrastructure , and institution sustain in order to foster regional development .
Under the condition of economic globalization , adapting the requirement of region growing up , it is of great significance to construct and propel regional science-tech innovation system which aims at further developing regional social productivity , improving regional science-tech innovative abilities and economic competitive abilities .