
chū fǎng
  • visit a foreign country
出访 [chū fǎng]
  • [visit a foreign country] 外出访问;到外国访问

  • 出访日本

出访[chū fǎng]
  1. 他们在爱丁堡国际艺术节上的表演季一结束,紧接着又要出访。

    The visit follows hot on the heels of their season at the Edinburgh International Festival .

  2. 国王以私人身份出访,以便能够祭拜先祖陵墓。

    The King was on a private visit to enable him to pray at the tombs of his ancestors

  3. 他竭力筹备好各项事宜以便这次出行看上去像联合国代表团出访一样。

    He tried to organise things so that the trip would be dressed up as a UN mission .

  4. 总理在出访西欧归途中顺访了意大利。

    On the journey back from his official visits to Western europe , the premier visited Italy in transit .

  5. 曾经数年乘坐空军一号(AirForceOne)出访世界各地的戈尔,会剥夺普通人选择低成本航空公司的自由吗?

    Would Gore , who spent years travelling the world in Air Force One , deny ordinary people the freedom that low-cost airlines have offered ?

  6. 当奥巴马(Obama)出访亚洲时,他的身份是一个遍体鳞伤的超级大国的首脑。

    When Mr Obama visits Asia , he does so as head of state of a battered superpower .

  7. 过去一年中,伦敦证交所(LondonStockExchange)官员已至少6次出访美国旧金山的海湾地区,召开研讨会,提高另类市场的知名度。

    London Stock Exchange officials have made at least six visits to the Bay Area in the past year to hold seminars and raise awareness .

  8. 最近,我与北京家具行业协会(BeijingFurnitureManufacturersAssociation)进行了对话。今年3月,该协会会长曾身披黑色长袍出访沙特阿拉伯。

    I recently spoke to the Beijing Furniture Manufacturers Association , whose female president donned a black abaya to visit Saudi Arabia in March .

  9. 当美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)出访亚洲时,他将看到一个躁动不安、不断变化的地区。

    As US President Barack Obama makes his way through Asia he will find a dynamic region in ferment .

  10. 该报道发布之际,恰逢德国总理安吉拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)出访中国。

    The reports coincided with the visit to China of Angela Merkel , the German chancellor .

  11. 中国首都一些人对金正日的可能出访表示欢迎,例如这位28岁的银行雇员TaoYe。

    Some people in the Chinese capital , like 28-year-old bank employee Tao Ye , welcomed the possibility of the visit .

  12. 作为帮助海地筹集善款活动的一部分,美国前总统乔治·W·布什和比尔·克林顿共同出访海地。

    Former US Presidents George W Bush and Bill Clinton have been visiting Haiti as part of their fund-raising efforts to aid the earthquake-stricken nation .

  13. 当希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)把东京作为她出任国务卿后首次外交出访的第一站时,传达出同样的公开慰藉之意。

    Hillary Clinton offered the same public reassurance when she made Tokyo the first stop on her inaugural trip as secretary of state .

  14. 那么,当美国现任财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)下周出访北京时,情况会有什么不同吗?投资者认为有这种可能。

    So will it be any different for Tim Geithner when he heads to Beijing next week ? Investors think it might be .

  15. 辛格并未提及自己是否受到伊拉克记者蒙塔兹•扎伊迪的启发。在美国前总统乔治•W•布什最后一次出访巴格达期间,发生了扎伊迪向布什砸鞋的事件。

    Singh did not say whether he was inspired by Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zeidi , who threw his shoes at former US president George W.Bush during his last visit to Baghdad .

  16. ClintonNotStoppinginNorthKorea克林顿不出访朝鲜白宫新闻秘书JakeSiewert今天宣布,美国总统克林顿在即将进行的亚洲之行中将不访问朝鲜。

    President Clinton will not be stopping in North Korea at the end of his upcoming trip to Asia , a White House spokesman said today .

  17. 具有讽刺意味的是,最早让人们感受到这种新现实的,是2月首次以国务卿身份出访的希拉里克林顿(HillaryClinton)。

    It was Hillary Clinton , ironically , who gave the first whiff of this new reality on her first trip abroad as secretary of state in February .

  18. 然而,该地区整体安全形势仍然非常脆弱。尼日利亚总统亚加杜瓦告诉出访该国的OPEC代表团,尼日利亚现在已达到每天出产180万桶石油的份额。

    Nigeria 's president , Umaru Yar'Adua , told a visiting OPEC delegation that Nigeria can now meet its current production quota of 1.8 million barrels per day .

  19. 委内瑞拉总统查韦斯(HugoChavez)上周五出访哈瓦那,与古巴总统劳尔•卡斯特罗(RaulCastro)及其患病的哥哥菲德尔•卡斯特罗(FidelCastro)协调峰会前的战略。

    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stopped in Havana on Friday to coordinate pre-summit strategy with Cuban President Raul Castro and his ailing bother Fidel .

  20. 克里在未来几天访问首尔、北京和雅加达期间,将多次听到这层意思。4月份还有一次更重要的访问&美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)将亲自出访亚洲。

    Mr Kerry is likely to hear that message a lot as he travels from Seoul to Beijing and Jakarta in coming days ahead of an even more important visit by President Barack Obama to Asia in April .

  21. 奥巴马证实,美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)下周会出访首尔,7月还将与双方外交及国防部长展开进一步会谈。

    The US President confirmed that Hillary Clinton , US Secretary of state , would visit Seoul next week , with a further meeting between both sets of foreign and defence ministers planned for July .

  22. 印度总理曼莫汉•辛格(MAnmohanSingh)周二出访日本前夕表示,印度政府能够为IMF的紧急贷款计划提供帮助。

    On the eve of a visit to Tokyo , Manmohan Singh , India 's prime minister , yesterday said Delhi was in a position to help the IMF 's emergency lending scheme .

  23. 奥巴马和国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)多次出访亚洲,煞费苦心地表明立场:在被阿富汗和伊拉克牵扯了多年精力后,美国目前的关注焦点是东亚地区。

    Mr Obama and Hillary Clinton , his secretary of state , in repeated trips have been at pains to declare that America is now focusing on East Asia , after the distractions of Afghanistan and Iraq .

  24. 保尔森向印度当地记者表示,美国政府认为上述核协定是一项非常重要的交易。保尔森是自2006年3月美国总统乔治•布什(GeorgeW.Bush)访印以来,出访印度的最高级别美国官员。

    Mr Paulson – the most senior American official to visit India since George W. Bush , the US president , in March 2006 – told local reporters that Washington believed the nuclear pact was a very important deal .

  25. 但尽管巴西对中国表示了不满,美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(TimGeithner)上周也出访了巴西,美国却迄今尚未与其它新兴市场国家结成牢固的同盟。

    But despite complaints directed by Brasil í a to Beijing , and a visit to Brazil last week by Tim Geithner , US Treasury secretary , Washington has yet to assemble a firm alliance with other emerging market capitals .

  26. 预计美国国务院主管经济、能源和农业问题的副国务卿鲁本•杰弗瑞(ReubenJeffery)将于今日向俄罗斯政府官员和石油业高管提出这一问题。这是杰弗瑞自上周就任该职务以来首次出访海外。

    Reuben Jeffery , the under - secretary at the state department for economic , energy and agricultural affairs , is expected to raise the issue with Russian government officials and oil industry executives today in his first overseas trip since assuming the position last week .

  27. 阿根廷海军拒绝载她出访。

    The Argentine navy denied her a ship for the voyage .

  28. 组织者熟悉国王出访的礼仪。

    The organizer was familiar with the protocol of royal visits .

  29. 和国务卿出访往往如沐春风。

    Traveling with the Secretary of state is often a breeze .

  30. 他即将到达、离去、退休、出访等。

    His impending arrival , departure , retirement , visit , etc.