
  • 网络Ahmed;ahmad;Ahmet;Liaquat Ahamed
  1. 萨拉•戈登(SarahGordon),商业编辑:《金融之王》(LordsofFinance),亚卡特•艾哈迈德(LiaquatAhamed)著

    SarahGordon , business editor : Lords of Finance , by Liaquat Ahmed

  2. 年,被当今的苏丹家族艾哈迈德(AhmedibnSaid)被赶了出去。

    These were driven out in1741 , when the present line of sultans was formed by Ahmed ibn Said .

  3. 有时候,我们觉得这很有趣,公司的运营经理艾哈迈德•法鲁克(AhmedFarouk)说。

    Sometimes we find it funny , said Ahmed Farouk , the company 's manager of operations .

  4. 其中的一个叫做艾哈迈德•哈伦(AhmedHaroun),他是政府负责人道主义问题的部长。

    One of them , Ahmed Haroun , is the government 's minister for humanitarian affairs .

  5. 阿卜杜拉29岁的哥哥艾哈迈德(Ahmad)说,阿卜杜拉从约两个月前做完手术以来减了近50磅。

    Abdullah has lost close to 50 pounds since his surgery about two months ago , according to his 29-year-old brother , Ahmad .

  6. 又高又白的艾哈迈德(Achmed)和又矮又黑、还留着小胡子的穆斯塔法(Mustafa)半路走进了我从马拉喀什(Marrakech)到非斯(Fez)的车厢。

    Tall , fair-skinned Achmed and short , swarthy , moustachioed Mustafa entered my cabin midway between Marrakech and Fez .

  7. 马来西亚警方已在检查两名飞行员家中物品,其中包括MH370机长扎哈里•艾哈迈德•沙阿(ZaharieAhmadShah)家中的一套飞行模拟设备。

    Police have been examining contents from the homes of both men , including a flight simulator from the home of Zaharie Ahmad Shah , the flight 's captain .

  8. 据前销售代理艾哈迈德(Ahmed)说他要求记者不给出他的姓这对夫妇为在法庭上帮助自己辩护,请求该大学提供认证证书。

    The couple requested an accreditation certificate from the university to help defend themselves , said Ahmed , a former sales agent who asked that his last name not be used .

  9. 咨询公司NikoPartners的丹尼尔?艾哈迈德(DanielAhmad)表示,其他含糊要求拖长了审批流程(可能超过6个月),使一些公司打消了尝试在中国发布游戏的念头。

    Other vague requirements have lengthened approval processes , which can extend for more than six months , deterring some companies from trying to launch their titles , according to Daniel Ahmad of Niko Partners , a consultancy .

  10. 这段由埃及媒体ElWady播出的视频采访中,这个预科学校一年级男孩阿里-艾哈迈德发表了惊人见解,对穆斯林兄弟会的谴责声讨令人无言以对。

    In a video interview with Egyptian news outlet El Wady , first grader Ali Ahmed delivers an incredibly precocious condemnation of the Muslim Brotherhood that will leave you speechless .

  11. 由于面临美国特种部队发动突袭将本拉登击毙的尖锐问题,巴基斯坦三军情报局局长艾哈迈德•舒亚•帕夏(AhmedShujaPasha)有意辞职。

    Pakistan 's intelligence chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha has offered to resign after facing tough questioning about the US Special Forces raid that killed the al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden .

  12. 在向议会发表的讲话中,吉拉尼表示,他已要求三军情报局(isi)局长艾哈迈德舒亚帕夏(ahmedshujapasha)将军和其它军方领导人向议会上下两院简要汇报情况。

    In an address to parliament , Mr Gilani said he had ordered general Ahmed Shuja Pasha , head of the inter services intelligence agency , and other military leaders to brief both houses of Parliament .

  13. 拉达瓦拉医生在孟买同BBC通话时谈到,艾哈迈德女士的家人称,刚出生时,她的体重为五公斤,并且被诊断出象皮病--这是一种肢体或者身体其他部分由于寄生虫感染而肿胀的病。

    Ms Ahmed 's family says she weighed 5kg at birth and was diagnosed with elephantiasis , a condition in which a limb or other body parts swell due to a parasitic infection , Dr Lakdawala told the BBC in a phone call from Mumbai .

  14. 天气太热了,大家都不愿意走路,也没人愿意开车遇到拥堵,然后还要找停车位,在扎马利克为Costa咖啡送货的沙迪•艾哈迈德(ShadyAhmed)说,扎马利克是开罗一个繁华的地带。

    It is too hot for anyone to walk , and no one wants to drive through a traffic jam and then have to look for a parking spot , said Shady Ahmed , who delivers for Costa Coffee in Zamalek , an affluent Cairo neighborhood .

  15. 8月10日,当多次被监视软件跟踪的阿拉伯联合酋长国著名人权活动人士艾哈迈德•曼苏尔(AhmedMansoor)开始收到可疑短信时,更清晰的画面开始浮现。

    A clearer picture began to emerge on Aug. 10 , when Ahmed Mansoor , a prominent human rights activist in the United Arab Emirates , who has been tracked by surveillance software several times , began receiving suspicious text messages .

  16. 另一位留学生艾哈迈德•阿齐兹是约旦人。

    Ahmed Aziz , another international student , was from Jordan .

  17. 艾哈迈德:这可不是那么容易解决的。

    Ahmed : It 's not going to be that easy .

  18. 副秘书长艾哈迈德本哈利发表了一个声明。

    The Deputy Secretary General Ahmed Bin Helli issued a statement .

  19. 听着,我给艾哈迈德回电。

    Look , I 'm going to call Ahmed back .

  20. 杰出的博客主艾哈迈德•曼苏尔被判刑最长&三年。

    Prominent blogger Ahmed Mansour received the longest sentence-three years .

  21. 而艾哈迈德•阿齐兹却只是朝女孩们点了点头。

    Ahmed Aziz , on the contrary , simply nodded at the girls .

  22. 这个团体的总部设在伦敦,它的领导人是艾哈迈德?沙拉比。

    That group , based in london , is led by Ahmad chalabi .

  23. 艾哈迈德:这就意味着难民们可以返还家园了。

    Ahmed : This means that refugees will be able to return home .

  24. 艾哈迈德:我从没想过这一天会到来。

    Ahmed : I never thought I 'd live to see this day .

  25. 艾哈迈德从副驾驶位置下车并打开了后排车门。

    Achmed jumped out of the passenger side and opened the back door .

  26. 艾哈迈德-内贾德对着几乎空荡荡的房间发表讲话。

    Mohammud Ahmadinejad spoke to a near empty room .

  27. 艾哈迈德:你听到那则消息了吗?

    Ahmed : Have you heard the news ?

  28. 退役中将纳迪姆.艾哈迈德是巴基斯坦国家灾难管理局负责人。

    Retired Lieutenant-General Nadeem Ahmad is the chairman for Pakistan 's National Disaster Management Authority .

  29. 我记得有个叫艾哈迈德的家伙,住的地方跟我家隔街相望。

    I remember one kid , Ahmad , who lived across the street from us .

  30. 艾哈迈德说,Axact的一名经理曾指示下属屏蔽这对夫妇打来的电话。

    An Axact manager instructed subordinates to block the couple 's calls , he said .