
  • 网络The Public Interest;common good;the public good
  1. 他的前任华盛顿(washington)和亚当斯都致力于成为品行高尚的治理官员,为了公众利益动用权力。

    His predecessors Washington and Adams aspired to be virtuous magistrates , wielding power in the public interest .

  2. 企业社会责任(CorporateSocialResponsibility,简称CSR)是指企业在追求合法经济利益的同时,还须承担保护和改善公众利益的义务。

    Corporate Social Responsibility is refers to the enterprise in the pursuit of the legitimate economic interests at the same time , must undertake the protection and improvement of the public interest obligations .

  3. 私人利益不得置于公众利益之上。

    Private interest was not allowed to predominate over the public good .

  4. 他被控妨害公众利益。

    He was charged with committing public nuisance .

  5. 如果人们坚持要摆脱独立的负担、卸下对公众利益的责任,他们也就没法追求自由了。

    If men insisted on being free from the burden of self-dependence and responsibility for the common good , they would cease to be free .

  6. 比较新潮的公司社会责任(corporatesocialresponsibility,csr)又太过强调商业利益与公众利益之间存在的紧张对立。

    Newfangled corporate social responsibility ( CSR ) types are bewitched by the idea that there is a tension between business and society .

  7. 反对BST的大多数公众利益组织,在全国范围内掀起了抵制这种重组荷尔蒙投入市场的运动

    Opponents of BST mostly members of public interest groups , have undertaken a nationwide campaign to prevent marketing of the recombinant hormone

  8. 英国天空广播公司(bskyb)运营的天空新闻电视台(skynews)承认曾侵入犯罪嫌疑人的电子邮件,但表示此举是出于公众利益。

    Sky News , the British news channel run by BSkyB , has admitted hacking emails of individuals suspected of criminal activity but said that it did so in the public interest .

  9. AhmedRifaat法官称,他的决定符合公众利益,但是他没有详细说明。

    Judge Ahmed Rifaat said his decision was made in the public interest , but he didn 't elaborate .

  10. 对高盛一查到底,至少更尽力一些,本会向金融界和普通民众发出一个明确信号:SEC更在乎保护公众利益,而不是投行的健康。

    Chasing Goldman to ground , or at least trying harder to do so , would have sent a strong signal both to the financial community and the general public that the commission cared more about protecting the public interest than the health of investment banks .

  11. 我们坚持认为这些行动是正当的,从内容角度看是有理由并符合公众利益的。天空新闻台负责人约翰赖利(JohnRyley)在一份声明中表示,我们并非轻率或经常做出这样的决定。

    We stand by these actions as editorially justified and in the public interest , John Ryley , the head of Sky News said in a statement . We do not take such decisions lightly or frequently .

  12. 其他公众利益冲突的仲裁人员。

    The arbitrator who deal with the dispute in the public .

  13. 行为反常或妨害公众利益的公民。

    Citizens who are behaving abnormally or causing a public nuisance .

  14. 保护公众利益和公民权利委员会

    Commission for the Protection of Public Interests and Citizens ' Rights

  15. 私人利益不得置于公众利益之上。

    Private interst was not allowed to preddominate over the public good .

  16. 妨害公众利益的违法行为。

    Illegal act that is harmful to people in general .

  17. 受责难的违背公众利益的行为;她那受责难的行为。

    The censured conflict of interest ; her condemned behavior .

  18. 在宽松的披露政策里,公众利益的位置极为重要。

    The public interest in a liberal disclosure policy is generally strong .

  19. 这是一件与公众利益密切相关的事情。

    This is a matter of acute public interest .

  20. 法律是维护公众利益的理性条令。

    17 , Law is an ordinance of reason for the common good .

  21. 公众利益理论等构成了保险费率监管的理论基础。

    The Public Interest Theory constitutes the theoretical foundation of premium rate regulation .

  22. 他被控妨害公众利益。

    He was charged with committing a public nuisance .

  23. 土地利用规划中公众利益的价值取向

    Oriented Value of Public Interests in Land Use Planning

  24. 以最符合公众利益的方式来组织这次调查。

    To organise the enquiry in a way to best serve the public interest .

  25. 他们全部都狂热的投入到维持这个世界的公众利益之中。

    They are all fanatically devoted to making sure the common good is maintained .

  26. 进步派为进一步保护公众利益而提倡罢免权。

    As a further safeguard of the popular interest , progressives championed the recall .

  27. 即公众利益高于私人利益

    that public good prevails over private interest ,

  28. 如不能的话,能否在不损害社会公众利益的情况下拿出对非政府投资者有足够吸引力的商业运作计划,保障工程的财务效益以吸引非政府投资者的踊跃参与?

    If not , is there any commercial operation plan to attract non-government investor ?

  29. 资产涉及社会公众利益的集体企业的财务收支;

    Financial income and expense of collectivity enterprises whose assets concern the social public benefits ;

  30. 只有这样,才能实现媒体的自身利益和公众利益的双赢。

    Only in this way can achieve the mutual benefit between media and the public .