
  • 网络post-marxism;post-marxitisch
  1. 后马克思主义视野中的意识形态问题研究

    The Disquisition on the Ideological Problems of the Post-Marxism

  2. 托尼·贝内特:从美学批判到后马克思主义

    Tony Bennett : From Aesthetics Critic to Post-Marxism

  3. 后马克思主义思潮的批判性探讨

    A Critique Investigation of Post - Marxist Trend of Thought

  4. 法国实际上是后马克思主义生成的大本营。

    France is actually the origin of post Marxism .

  5. 马克思主义和后马克思主义在阶级理论上的分歧点

    Differences of Class Theory between Marxism and post-Marxism

  6. 走出历史哲学的幻象&阿格尼丝·赫勒后马克思主义思想评析

    Out of Illusion on the Philosophy of History-Comments on Agnes Heller 's Thought of Post-Marxism

  7. 正是在此意义上,后马克思主义的激进政治构成了对传统激进主义的一种全面修改。

    In this sense , post-Marxist radical politics makes up overall revising of traditional radicalism .

  8. 詹姆逊的后马克思主义身份问题

    Jameson 's Issue of Post-Marxist Identity

  9. 后马克思主义与马克思主义

    Post - Marxism and Marxism

  10. 后马克思主义的三个命题解读&拉克劳与墨菲超越马克思主义的理论路径剖析

    On Three Propositions of Post-Marxism

  11. 现代马克思主义美学必须对后马克思主义美学进行彻底批判,以便建立中国化的、系统的现代马克思主义美学。

    To establish Chinese and systematic Modern Marxist Esthetics , Modern Marxist Esthetics must criticize the Post Marxist Esthetics completely .

  12. 70年代初期,贝尔在其后工业社会的理论背景下对后马克思主义概念进行了初步的描述。

    In the early 1970s , Bell preliminarily described the concept of post-Marxism on the theoretical background of post-industrial society .

  13. 后马克思主义作为一种国外理论思潮,在其产生之初就受到了人们的追捧。

    As one kind of foreign theoretical trends , Post-Marxism is followed by people at the beginning of it produced .

  14. 于是,本内特建构了独具特色的后马克思主义文学理论,这构成了他对马克思主义文学批评贡献的第二个方面。

    So , Bennett constructs a unique post-Marxism literary theory , which makes up the second contribution to the literary criticism .

  15. 后马克思主义这一术语早在20世纪50年代末就已出现于波兰尼的后批判哲学语境中。

    The term of post - Marxism had emerged in Polanyi 's post - critical philosophical contex in the late 1950s .

  16. 后马克思主义是当代西方新出现的理论思潮,是后现代主义理论中一种批判资本主义的新思潮。

    Post Marxism , a new school of theory in the west , is a branch of post modernism that criticizes capitalism .

  17. 从宏观政治到微观政治的转变,其内在根源在于后马克思主义者对马克思主义阶级分析范式的质疑、修正与抛弃。

    The drive for substituting micro-politics for macro-politics is that post-Marxist inquires , revises , and abandons Marxist paradigm of class analysis .

  18. 他们的宣传介绍虽然尚不成熟,但为十月革命后马克思主义在中国的广泛传播打下了基础。

    Although what they did was rather superficial , their act did lay a foundation in spreading Marxism in China after the October Revolution in Russia .

  19. 80年代初,阿兰·图雷纳从社会运动和行为理论的视域着力构筑一种后马克思主义的分析方式,而琼·柯亨则通过对马克思的市民社会概念的批判性解读提出了后马克思主义分层理论构想。

    In the early 1980s , Alain Touraine strive to construct the analytical mode of post - Marxism on the perspective of social movement and action theory ;

  20. 但是后马克思主义美学在批判德国古典美学的唯心论同时,连同经典马克思主义美学的根本宗旨一同抛弃了,并对经典马克思主义美学作了歪曲,使之面目皆非。

    Humanist Esthetics of Human Ontology . But the Post Marxist Esthetics discarded the basic principle of Classic Marxist Esthetics and totally distorted Classic Marxist Esthetics while criticizing the idealism of Classic German Esthetics .

  21. 其次研究了十月革命后马克思主义及文论的传播,及其对中国文学的影响、对知识分子的诸种影响以及对早期党的知识分子政策和对知识分子关系的影响。

    Then the thesis researches the spread of the Classical Marxism Works after October Revolution , and describes its various influence on the Chinese literature , the Intellectual , the Intellectual-policy as well as the relation .

  22. 马克思以后的马克思主义,包括西方马克思主义、后马克思主义都有从马克思消费思想中吸取养分,集中关注消费领域出现的新情况和新问题,并不断延伸和拓展消费理论。

    Marx after Marxism , including Marxism , post-Marxism has to draw from Marxist ideology nutrient consumption , focusing on areas of consumption of the new situation and new problems , and continue to extend and expand consumer theory .

  23. 进入20世纪后,马克思主义经历了深刻的分化。

    Marxism has experienced profound differentiation after entering the 20th century .

  24. 二战后美国马克思主义史学及其特点

    A Revision on Post-War American Marxist Historiography and Its Features

  25. 后现代马克思主义的真实意义与未来走势

    The Core Nature and Modern Trend of Past-Modern Marxism

  26. 十月革命胜利后,马克思主义在中国开始大量传播。

    After the victory of the October Revolution , Marxism began to spread a lot in China .

  27. 詹姆逊的后现代马克思主义意识形态理论的归宿是历史阐释的意识形态。

    The result of the ideologies theory of Jameson 's Postmodern-Marxism is the ideologies theory of historical interpretation .

  28. 通过分析文化的性质与内容,启明了马克思主义作为一种文化现象所蕴含的文化精神,肯定了后现代马克思主义的文化批判功能。

    It open out Marxism containing culture spirit as a kind of cultural phenomena . Gives credit for postmodern Marxist culture critical function .

  29. 俄国十月革命后,马克思主义学说大规模传人中国,影响了中国的新闻学术研究,建立了中国的马克思主义新闻学术范式。

    This trend influenced the academic research of news in China a lot and gave birth to the Marxism academic canonical form of news .

  30. 加入WTO后,以马克思主义为指导的我国主流意识形态也会遇到不同程度的冲击。

    After joining in WTO , our country 's major ideology with Marxism as guideline will suffer impact to some degree . Part three ?